Ignore the baby voice (I know as equestrians we're all guilty but no one likes hearing themselves haha)
Arthur is roughly 6 months old now and such a character. He'll literally storm over with his ears flat to his head, looking like a demon, all for some loving which I'm always happy to give
Can make getting the yard done a mission though 🤣💕
If I sit down on the yard with them once I've finished Mica will stand directly over me - does this mean I'm part of the herd? 😂💖
Guy being the best helper whilst I was skipping out
Horsey kisses and a sunny day.. what else could you ask for ☀️🐴
Sunny worked so well for me in our lesson today and he looks so pretty doing it 🥹 ✨
I didn't manage to take any photos today - it's been one of those days where time just seemed to get away from me and I was up at 5:30am 🤣
But here's a video of a very happy Bruce waddling along on our walk this afternoon 🥰
A quick game of bitey face first thing yesterday morning 😂
He always looks so surprised that he can't get all the way over.
You're on a hill buddy 😂
When knocking it over just isn't satisfying your need to mess with something 😂
Thanks Ted
After a very stressful morning, I unfortunately had to cancel my riding lesson and was feeling quite low, but after sitting in Sunny's stable for almost an hour things are feeling a little less dire ..
His sleepy face is so cute and just being in his space is comforting. Horses really are the best 🥰
He's such a happy lil soul 🥰💖
Also, I am loving the second whim of summer we're having