Emersons Green Veterinary Referrals

Emersons Green Veterinary Referrals Bristols new venue for dental referrals, ultrasounds, physio and behaviour

🐱 Look at this handsome chap named Rocky! 🐱Rocky came to see us as he was suffering from juvenile gingivitis.Feline Juve...

🐱 Look at this handsome chap named Rocky! 🐱

Rocky came to see us as he was suffering from juvenile gingivitis.

Feline Juvenile Gingivitis is a generalized inflammation of the gums in young cats, often under 1 year old. Breeds like Maine C***s and Siamese are more prone to this condition. Unlike stomatitis, the inflammation in juvenile gingivitis does not spread to the mucosa or caudal oral tissues. Owners might notice a bad smell from the cat's mouth, or it may go completely unnoticed.

In many cases, if we control oral inflammation in the first 2 years of life with regular cleaning and homecare, we can decrease or even prevent recurrence of this condition altogether. However, if left unchecked, it can progress to severe periodontitis. This is why it's so important to check your young cat's mouth and ensure the vet includes a thorough oral examination at the time of first vaccination.

🚨 Remember to keep an eye on your furry friend's oral health! 🐾

🐾 Meet Oliver, a brave 18-year-old kitty! 🐾Oliver was referred to us for severe gingivitis and was diagnosed with Feline...

🐾 Meet Oliver, a brave 18-year-old kitty! 🐾

Oliver was referred to us for severe gingivitis and was diagnosed with Feline Chronic Stomatitis, a persistent inflammatory disease of the oral tissues. His mouth was very sore with ulcerative lesions. The exact cause of this condition is unclear but is believed to involve multiple factors such as viruses, bacteria, and an exaggerated immune response to plaque on the teeth.

To help Oliver, we took a full set of radiographs before Martin extracted all of his teeth. This procedure aims to eliminate any potential inflammatory stimulus from his oral cavity. We're hopeful this will bring him much-needed relief and improve his quality of life.

Send Oliver some love and well wishes for a speedy recovery! 💙🐱

This gorgeous little puppy Elmo came in for a dental procedure last week. He didn’t like waiting in a kennel so we had h...

This gorgeous little puppy Elmo came in for a dental procedure last week. He didn’t like waiting in a kennel so we had him on a bed in our procedures room where he could watch the world go by and get lots of fuss from passing staff. Whenever a patient is unhappy in a kennel we try and accommodate their needs as much as we can to make their time away from their owners less stressful. Sometimes they even join our office staff for company for the day! Elmo’s owners also brought along a blanket, toy and his own lunch for the day which helped him feel more at ease. So if your pet needs to spend time away from you feel free to send along with them anything that you think will make them feel more comfortable 💕

Barney is a 6 month old Shih-Tzu who came to see us last week for some extractions. His mandibular canines were causing ...

Barney is a 6 month old Shih-Tzu who came to see us last week for some extractions. His mandibular canines were causing trauma to the upper incisors. Whilst he was asleep, we noticed that the first premolars behind both lower canines were missing. After taking some radiographs we found a little surprise on each side! The teeth were present but they were still under the gumline and at an angle they could not errupt and potentially cause problems in the future so Martin extracted both teeth. It is so important to take radiographs of missing teeth 🙂

Luna is an 7 month old Staffie whom was spayed by us in March. During the anaesthesia, our nurse checked her teeth and n...

Luna is an 7 month old Staffie whom was spayed by us in March. During the anaesthesia, our nurse checked her teeth and noticed that she had 'base narrow (linguoverted) canines'. This means that one or two of her bottom canines are lingually displaced (towards the tongue) from their normal position in the dental arch. The displaced teeth can cause trauma to the hard palate (which is painful!) and may accelerate periodontal disease if impacting into the gingiva of the upper canine. In Luna's case she had both issues and so she visited Martin in our referral dentistry service.

Martin performed a procedure called 'Vital pulpotomy' on the canines. This involves surgical amputation of the crown and coronal pulp to shorten the tooth. The open surface is then treated with MTA (mineral trioxide aggregate) to stimulate the pulp lining to lay down reparative dentine. This procedure must be done as sterile as possible to be successful. Follow up radiographs must be taken to monitor maturation and vitality of the treated tooth.

We are looking forward to seeing Luna for her follow ups as all the staff fell in love with her!

Milo is a 7 year old Dachshund who comes to see us every year for a comprehensive oral health assessment (and cuddles!) ...

Milo is a 7 year old Dachshund who comes to see us every year for a comprehensive oral health assessment (and cuddles!) We take intraoral radiographs, chart the teeth and check for gingivitis, gingival recession and periodontal pockets. This year, the periodontal disease on his upper fourth premolars had progressed to the point that this would have been uncomfortable for him so Martin extracted these teeth. Milo is a very sweet and gentle boy and everybody in the practice loves making a fuss of him 🥰

Jet, a handsome German Wirehaired Pointer, came in to see us as he had fractured one of his canines a few days ago. Mart...

Jet, a handsome German Wirehaired Pointer, came in to see us as he had fractured one of his canines a few days ago. Martin performed a root canal procedure on the tooth which involves opening the tooth for good access, debriding, shaping and disinfecting the now empty pulp chamber and then filling it with an inert material. After that, he restored the access hole and the fracture site. Performing a root canal procedure means that strategically and functionally important teeth can be preserved.

Meet Nicolette Hayward BVM&S DVR DipECVDI FRCVSRCVS & European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging.Nic visits ou...

Meet Nicolette Hayward BVM&S DVR DipECVDI FRCVS
RCVS & European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging.
Nic visits our practice a couple of times a week (sometimes more) to ultrasound some tricky cases for us and other Bristol practices. Nic diagnoses a lot of cases for us and even helps with some FNA's and Cystos. We love Nic popping in as we learn a lot from from her. She has a world of expertise! We can see her in the pictures scanning some bladders, livers and stomachs and intestines. Nic is also a brilliant cardio ultrasonographer.

Namine is a 7 month old Pomeranian who came to see us as she had a persistent deciduous canine tooth. Persistent deciduo...

Namine is a 7 month old Pomeranian who came to see us as she had a persistent deciduous canine tooth. Persistent deciduous teeth are the baby teeth that remain after their permanent successor has erupted. Two teeth should never be in the same space as each tooth should be completely surrounded by gingiva for protection (like a shirt collar around your neck). In the case of two teeth taking up space where there should be one, the gingiva will naturally 'gap' where the two teeth meet, offering a perfect breeding ground for bacteria leading to inflammation and periodontal disease. Therefore these teeth should be extracted. Martin took radiographs of the tooth and then after numbing the area with a local anaesthetic agent, he extracted the tooth. Namine woke up quickly, enjoyed some food and then her mum came to pick her up shortly after 🙂

Albus is an 11yr old gent that came to see us for his annual oral health assessment and clean. He was not a fan of his k...

Albus is an 11yr old gent that came to see us for his annual oral health assessment and clean. He was not a fan of his kennel so he had cuddles with Mia, one of our Animal Care Assistants whilst she was doing paperwork! On examination under general anaesthetic, Martin noticed a small lump between two of Albus's premolars.
It is difficult to evaluate the seriousness of a lump in the oral cavity so best practice requires us to take radiographs and to take a biopsy to be sent away for histopathology to the lab. The most common causes of masses in the oral cavity are inflammation, gingival enlargement, abscesses, cysts and neoplasia. Luckily for Albus, his lump came back as an inflammatory response to the calculus.

Ash is a 3 month old Dachshund who came in to see us to have 2 deciduous teeth removed. His two bottom canines were misa...

Ash is a 3 month old Dachshund who came in to see us to have 2 deciduous teeth removed. His two bottom canines were misaligned (in his case too narrow) causing him discomfort as every time he closed his mouth the spikey tips of the canine teeth would poke into his upper palate, causing small holes in the process. This condition is quite common in Dachshunds and also in any poodle crosses as poodles have a narrow jaw. Martin took radiographs of the teeth, then injected a regional block with a local anaesthetic so Ash would not feel any pain and then extracted both mandibular canines. Ash woke up very quickly after his procedure and tucked into some food before going home only two hours after arriving at the practice!

If your puppy is a poodle cross or a Dachshund and you would like us to check the oral occlusion for free then please book in for one of our free dental checks during February.

February is Pet Dental Health Month

February is Pet Dental Health Month

Lovely Luna is a 5 year old Greyhound that came to see us for some tooth extractions. One of the teeth we extracted had ...

Lovely Luna is a 5 year old Greyhound that came to see us for some tooth extractions. One of the teeth we extracted had a Grade 3 furcation exposure. Furcation exposure is caused by the destruction of alveolar bone. In Luna’s case, the destruction had reached the furcational bone (the bone between the two roots of the tooth) creating a deep recess which is a perfect environment for pathogenic bacteria thus accelerating periodontitis. Luna received a regional block to numb the area and then Martin extracted the tooth. The regional block Martin did for Luna is called a ‘Infraorbital nerve block’. He injected an anaesthetic agent called Bupivacaine, which numbs the area within a few minutes and can keep the area numb for up to 10 hours. Using regional blocks means we can reduce other anaesthetic drugs to keep Luna asleep, facilitating a safer General Anaesthetic for the patient and making sure the recovery is smooth and pain free.
Luna soon recovered from her anaesthetic and tucked into some food 😀
(Close your eyes if your not a fan of injections)

Hey everyone, just wanted to share a little story from my work life about a brave little guy named Cooper. This 8-month-...

Hey everyone, just wanted to share a little story from my work life about a brave little guy named Cooper. This 8-month-old Bengal cat came to us right before Christmas, limping badly after taking a tumble. At first glance, his X-rays didn't show much, but things got worse even with some rest and meds. He even started limping on his other leg, which had us worried about a serious injury in his hip.
So, we sent him off to get a CT scan, and it turns out he has metaphyseal osteopathy in both hips - a rare condition for young cats that can lead to spontaneous hip fractures. Seems like his fall might have sped things up a bit. Thankfully, Richard stepped in and performed surgery to remove the affected parts of his hips.
I'm thrilled to report that Cooper's stitches came out a couple of days ago, and he's already feeling a lot better and moving around more. It's always a journey with these cases, but seeing them start to bounce back makes it all worth it. 🐱💪 Keep well Jim

Boris is a beautiful, 5 year old Siberian boy who came to see us after our nurse Zana noticed a TRL (Tooth Resorptive Le...

Boris is a beautiful, 5 year old Siberian boy who came to see us after our nurse Zana noticed a TRL (Tooth Resorptive Lesion) on one of his teeth. These lesions affect more than one third of adult domestic cats and they can be very painful. Your cat may not show you that their mouth is sore as they may simply not chew their food as well or chose to chew on the other side (as we would do!) Different types of resorptions need to be treated differently for extraction. So it is vital to take radiographs of the teeth before attempting extractions. Have a look at Boris' x-rays below.
If you would like your pet’s dental health checked for free during February then please book into one of our free nurse dental check appointments which we are running for Dental health month!

Buster is a 12 year old gent that came to see us. He had extensive periodontal disease (these little dogs are very stoic...

Buster is a 12 year old gent that came to see us. He had extensive periodontal disease (these little dogs are very stoic and don't let on that they have dental pain). After cleaning his mouth and taking dental radiographs, he had local blocks in his mouth (just like the human dentist does) followed by 12 tooth extractions. Dogs have 42 teeth so he still has plenty left! As soon as he woke, he had some food and went home an hour later 🥰

Coco is a gorgous two month old Labrador who came to see us for a deciduous tooth removal. On arrival, she was given her...

Coco is a gorgous two month old Labrador who came to see us for a deciduous tooth removal. On arrival, she was given her pre-medication and she had snuggles with the nurse and was kept tucked up and warm in a cosy blanket! Deciduous teeth are very pointy and sharp and will cause pain when closing the mouth if they are not in correct alignment. You can see in the pictures that Coco had a hole in the top of her palate. This is very uncomfortable for the puppy whenever they close their mouth. Coco had a consultation with our advanced dental practitioner Martin and he advised surgical removal of the tooth as soon as possible to allow maximum time for the correct eruption of the permanent canine tooth. Coco woke up quickly and pain free to have yet more cuddles and to fill her cute little belly with some food!
(Turn away if surgical pics are not your thing)

Yesterday we had a special boy Ned with us. He is a rescue Greyhound and was in for dental extractions. Greyhound's teet...

Yesterday we had a special boy Ned with us. He is a rescue Greyhound and was in for dental extractions. Greyhound's teeth are hard to extract, but with thanks to our new piezo scaler it made the work a little easier to complete! Ned had a grade 3 furcation exposure, so the bone and gum had recessed so much that the furcation was visible, see our pics to spot the problems. (close your eyes if your not a fan of blood) Hopefully Ned is feeling better this morning and will soon be back to his happy self!

This lovely teddy bear, Fergal was booked in for a routine comprehensive oral health assesment and treatment after his a...

This lovely teddy bear, Fergal was booked in for a routine comprehensive oral health assesment and treatment after his annual check up. Once he was examined Martin realised that there was something going on with the two mandibular premolars 305 & 405. X-rays were taken of his full mouth and he was found to have an unerrupted 405 and a dentigerous cyst under 305. The cyst was shelled and packed and sent for a histopathology. The prognosis would not have been good for his jaw if the cyst was not found as it could have led to a broken jaw in time. 405 was also removed. We are pleased to report that little Ferg is on his way back to full health and this case shows how important those annual check ups are.

Maisie came to see Martin as her owner noticed that she was sensitive to her teeth being brushed on her upper right side...

Maisie came to see Martin as her owner noticed that she was sensitive to her teeth being brushed on her upper right side of her mouth. Her gum showed the tiniest bit of excess gingiva over the area. After examination with a dental explorer and radiographs, Martin found a very small Tooth Resorptive Lesion which would have been very painful for Maisie. Martin extracted the tooth and roots and Maisie was tucking into food half an hour later!

Enzo is a beautiful 10 week old cockerpoo, he is feeling much better now that his sharp teeth are not impacting anymore!...

Enzo is a beautiful 10 week old cockerpoo, he is feeling much better now that his sharp teeth are not impacting anymore! He had base narrow canines where the bottom deciduous canines impacted on the upper palate.

Meet Bouncer, a lovely little lad with a very sore tooth! He had a complicated crown root fracture of 109 with sinus tra...

Meet Bouncer, a lovely little lad with a very sore tooth! He had a complicated crown root fracture of 109 with sinus tract. After the extraction his owner has said he is feeling much better!

Claire Lee BSc (Hons), FdSc, RVNClaire uses reward based training to teach animals desirable behaviours, with a kind and...

Claire Lee BSc (Hons), FdSc, RVN
Claire uses reward based training to teach animals desirable behaviours, with a kind and ethical approach to resolve behaviour and training issues. Claire Lee is a registered veterinary nurse with over 15 years' experience in a first opinion veterinary practice.
She is passionate about helping those that are fearful of the vets, groomers and handling. Teaching both owners and their pets the right skills to participate in handling with us for essential procedures such as ear and eye drops, nail clips, vaccinations and blood samples. She can also help with a wide range of behavioural issues such as:
Inappropriate toileting issues, Marking and spraying, Multi-pet household problems, Aggression
Stress and anxiety, Destructive behaviour, Fear and phobias, Separation related behaviour, Noise phobias, Cognitive dysfunction

Please get in touch if you would like to book an appointment to see Claire, Claire worked for EGVS for many years so we know how amazing she is!

Gorgeous little Sprout came in to see us due to retained deciduous teeth. Having both the deciduous tooth and  permanent...

Gorgeous little Sprout came in to see us due to retained deciduous teeth. Having both the deciduous tooth and permanent tooth competing for the same space leads to crowding and can prevent both teeth from having a complete collar of gingiva around the teeth. The crowding also encourages plaque and debris to accumulate, resulting in periodontal pockets and periodontal disease from an early age. Orthodontically, persistent deciduous teeth can contribute to the displacement of permanent teeth, resulting in them being incorrectly positioned. Little Sprout is feeling so much better already!

Meet Bob, the hansome Cocker Spaniel, he came in for an investigation into a facial swelling (potential for retrobulbar ...

Meet Bob, the hansome Cocker Spaniel, he came in for an investigation into a facial swelling (potential for retrobulbar abscess) The photos show him before his op chilling and one extraction site. After his surgery he joined our staff on their lunch break :)

Little Django came in last week as he had Periodontal disease, he went home with gleaming white teeth and a very happy b...

Little Django came in last week as he had Periodontal disease, he went home with gleaming white teeth and a very happy boy


118 Emerson Way


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