The GSD Hub with Jenny Gould

The GSD Hub with Jenny Gould I am Jenny Gould. I have owned GSDs for 40 years. Breeder, Trainer, Competitor… GSDs are my life!!


Looking for a puppy???? Check out my live from the whelping box discussing exactly this!


When to Watch...👀

You have brought your new puppy home. She has settled in and seems happy in her new to socialise right????🐕‍🦺

Here comes that thing again....pressure! The theory tells us that up to 12 weeks is the critical socialising period. We must get going now!!!!

So we start to take our puppy out and initially things go ok. Then wham!!! All of a sudden our puppy seems a little, dare I say, "reactive"! Quick we must do more socialising - we are running out of time before 12 weeks and the puppy obviously needs more socialising because of her reaction. Stop right there ⛔️

Your puppy needs time, she needs space and she needs to observe. She is in overwhelm. She has just had the biggest change in her life. She has just left her littermates and her mum. She has coped with settling into her new home and then things became just a little too much.

This exact thing happened with Tinsel from the Krakas group. In the litter she was confident and self assured. She was the last puppy to leave and settled into her new home immediately. Then she had a couple of sensitive days and luckily her owner Jade contacted me. I encouraged Jade NOT to socialise her.

This is where it gets difficult because OUR instinct is to keep socialising.....we are on a time limit remember? WE feel the need to be "doing". Well thankfully Jade was brilliant and controlled her own emotions, needs and wants and put the puppy first. She also put her trust in me. I have learned the hard way what to do in this situation. I have been here and I made the wrong decision for my puppy at the time. I know all about wanting to "do"!

So Jade took Tinsel out "watching" from the safety of her van and she very quickly returned to the self confident little Madam that she always was. The watching was safe for the puppy but perhaps even more importantly, it gave Jade the feeling that she was "doing"!

The theory is fabulous but with it comes pressure. There are ways of relieving the pressure whilst doing what is right for the puppy.

Remember, if in doubt, it is time to WATCH 👀👀👀👀

I'm buying this! Thoroughly recommend Carly from Whitethorn Herbals for any Zoocog help. Numerous GSD Club members and t...

I'm buying this! Thoroughly recommend Carly from Whitethorn Herbals for any Zoocog help. Numerous GSD Club members and their dogs have benefitted from consults with Carly. If you are struggling with your dog emotionally or physically do consider booking a zoom session.

WONDERFUL NEW BOOK out about animal self-selection written by Jaap de Roode! And feeling very honoured to have contributed to the chapter regarding our work with animals which also touches on our research project with Galway University.
How exciting to see more information and awareness coming into the human consciousness about the animals innate ability to keep themselves well. Hopefully this will result in a deeper understanding and empathy for animals everywhere.

Whitethorn Equine Health even gets a mention for our work in Chapter 11 along with our research project with Galway University!

Available pretty much everywhere - just Google it!

❤️ Love Your Breed ... Embrace Their Traits As a professional dog trainer the following is am example of a situation I s...

❤️ Love Your Breed ... Embrace Their Traits

As a professional dog trainer the following is am example of a situation I see time and time again.

🐕Owner has a young GSD.

Said GSD is a bit of a pain as a puppy...mouthing, witching hour and needing to learn about being left alone. Sorted ☑️

Said GSD is definitely a pain as an adolescent....over arousal, wanting to interact with EVERYONE, pulling like a steam train on lead. Sorted ☑️

Said GSD hits 2 years old. After the puppy and adolescent troubles life is now a breeze....❌

🤯 keeping the family together, chasing, fence running, barking at the door or at unfamiliar people in some situations, less tolerant of other dogs. These would be some of the behaviours you may experience from this age. Many of these behaviours will arrive out of the blue...seemingly.


Why are these problems suddenly happening at 2 years old?

Surely said GSD is past all the difficult phases?

I will tell you why....said GSD is still a GSD.

A GSD with the most fabulous temperament is still a GSD.

Your GSD will always be likely to exhibit GSD traits...traits the breed was developed for. These traits often arrive with the start of maturity.

Never forget the breed you own and never forget what the breed was originally designed for.

Breed traits = specific behaviours .... lifelong

Dreams, goals and aspirations are so totally personal to the individual.Any one individual's circumstances will dictate ...

Dreams, goals and aspirations are so totally personal to the individual.

Any one individual's circumstances will dictate the path their journey takes them. What is a huge achievement for one person may be small for another.

Tao has been my most successful dog to date. Winning 9 tickets, joint Top Dog 2022 (the first GSD to have won this award) and placed 4th in the 2024 Obedience Championships. He was the first GSD to be placed at the Obedience Championships in almost 20 years.

Having suffered a ruptured disc in his back in 2021 I never thought he would walk again, let alone be able to return to competing. For me, the wins and the accolades are the icing on the cake. To have achieved this post injury is simply amazing. You absolutely can achieve when it seems all odds are against you.

So many people have contacted me to say that they missed seeing my GSDs in the Championships this year. Hell I missed working my GSDs this year.

Tao's last 'ticket' round was Crufts 2024 and what a round it was!

For anyone with an itchy dog this could well be worth checking out!

For anyone with an itchy dog this could well be worth checking out!

Posted • Check out this new 12-chapter course on ‘What Makes Dogs Itch.’

Is your dog constantly scratching—or just in summer? All winter?

I know how frustrating it can be to rely on quick fixes that don’t last. Tired of endless visits with no real answers? Want to truly understand what’s bothering your dog’s skin?

I’m Dr Nick Thompson, an holistic vet with 30+ years of experience, and I’ve created ‘What Makes Dogs Itch’ for you!

In 12 concise chapters over 3.5 hours, I’ll uncover itch triggers, discuss vet treatments, and share the benefits of nutrition and holistic remedies.

Join me to help your dog find lasting comfort—let’s start this journey together!  

Link for all courses in Linktree in bio and here:

Are you coming to Crufts today???  Head to The Good Citizen Ring in Hall 3 to watch our Competition Obedience Demos at 1...

Are you coming to Crufts today??? Head to The Good Citizen Ring in Hall 3 to watch our Competition Obedience Demos at 11.05am and 4.10pm

🎉🎉🎉 Huge Congratulations to our Sports Edition & GSD Club member Rachel on qualifying to work ticket with her gorgeous g...

🎉🎉🎉 Huge Congratulations to our Sports Edition & GSD Club member Rachel on qualifying to work ticket with her gorgeous girl Hurry!!!

⭐️⭐️⭐️Qualifying for the Championship class is no mean feat. It takes dedication, blood, sweat and tears....and then some.

Be proud of what you have achieved so far Rachel and have the best time in those big rings...get out there and show her off!!!

We are all so proud of you ❤️


Remembering my Jimmy (Zakanja Amnesia CDex) and Ava (OB CH Zakanja Beewyched) today on their birthday.These two were my ...

Remembering my Jimmy (Zakanja Amnesia CDex) and Ava (OB CH Zakanja Beewyched) today on their birthday.

These two were my second pair of homebred littermates. Their Mother was my Chica (Obedience Champion Zakanja Little Creature) and their sire was the fabulous German DDR import Quiyk vom Grafental.

Both were phenomenal working dogs in their own right. Ava became an Obedience Champion and Jimmy was C only in obedience and also successful in working trials.

Each dog brings their own challenges and their own triumphs and Jimmy and Ava taught me so much in more ways than just sports training.

Ava was my Queenie's Grandmother and I so love to see familial traits coming down through to my 6th generation of homebred German Shepherds.

I hope you two are having a ball at the bridge with the rest of the family.

You are so very much missed.

❓Do you suffer with nerves when competing in dog sport?👋Sweaty palms?🤢Feeling sick?🦋Butterflies?🦵Wobbly legs?🧠Brain fog?...

❓Do you suffer with nerves when competing in dog sport?

👋Sweaty palms?
🤢Feeling sick?
🦵Wobbly legs?
🧠Brain fog?

There is one thing above all others that can help with these...

✅ that is competing with a well a trained dog!

Now nerves are an absolutely normal part of competing. Ask any highly successful sports competitor if they feel nervous before a competition and you will likely get a resounding yes.

Yet those same handlers who have succeeded time and time again with more than one dog in their sport will all have one thing in common.....a well trained dog.

Those top handlers will have cultivated a strong mental game but a strong mindset alone cannot hold up in dog sports WITHOUT a well trained dog.

If your dog is not reliable in their exercises how can you possibly feel confident?

If your dog does not thoroughly understand what is required of him how can he cope when you act and smell out of character?

If your dog is not well motivated to want to enjoy his sport how can you concentrate on your own handling?

❤️❤️❤️ Dog sports are a beautiful partnership between dog and handler. To help you reach that wondrous place....find yourself a coach who can teach both ends of the lead and the world is your oyster!

Yours truly is one of today's presenters....talking Competition Obedience!  This is a FREE summit and there is something...

Yours truly is one of today's presenters....talking Competition Obedience! This is a FREE summit and there is something for all breeds! Come take a look and join us in the facebook group at 4.30pm where I will be joining Sarah and other presenters for a live chat!

The Border Collie Summit is underway and there are 5 wonderful presentations today. Our speakers are explaining and inspiring 4 different sports or activities you could try with your Border Collie. You don't have to compete in sport to be able to enjoy training your Border Collie and giving them mental stimulation.

Our speakers are of the highest quality having competed internationally, produced multiple champions and are published authors.

My own presentation today is about voluntary handling for low stress vet visits and grooming.

There is a live Q&A in the FB group at 4.30pm where you can get all your questions answered from the speakers as well so make sure once you are signed up that you also join the FB group The BorderCollie Summit.

If you haven't yet signed up I will post in the comments and let's all celebrate our wonderful Border Collies

Relationship is key in any dog partnership so I thought I would pen some thoughts on relationship building....❌The singl...

Relationship is key in any dog partnership so I thought I would pen some thoughts on relationship building....

❌The single most detrimental thing you can do is!!!

💓💓💓Whilst it is natural to compare, projecting is dangerous! This puppy is not your last dog, your existing dog, your difficult dog, your current dog, your dog you lost recently or 20 years ago. This puppy is his own individual person and he deserves to be treated and loved as and for himself💓💓💓

💘Wipe the slate clean, put the ghosts in the past where they belong. This puppy comes with an open heart....and you should do too. This is the most wondrous of not spoil it by looking backwards. Do your puppy the honour of having an open mind as well as an open heart.

Some pointers...

🐕 It can take time!!!

🐕 It can be immediate or it can be slow burning

🐕 Sit back and observe your puppy - just let them be who they are for now. Do not try to "mould" them in your keeness to get it everything spot on

🐕 Do not try to right the wrongs from the past. Just because your last dog was reactive to other dogs/people/ or had separation problems or noise sensitivity it does not mean this puppy will. Do not overcompensate because of the past!

🐕 Take the pressure off. I have talked about this one before. Run your own race and do not compare your journey to others

🐕 Do not make assumptions. Watch your puppy and react accordingly. Every single day...let them dictate the pace

🐾 Enjoy them!!! That's right! Enjoy them!! This puppy phase does not last long. Do them the honour of enjoying every minute (yes even the shark teeth and the loud lungs) and live in the moment ...just as they do.

Do you own an adolescent? Do you feel that all the behaviours you did not particularly like such as biting, inability to...

Do you own an adolescent?

Do you feel that all the behaviours you did not particularly like such as biting, inability to sleep or settle have now disappeared? Do you feel it is all sorted and that life is now a breeze?

I hate to be the voice of doom but I say think again.

Behaviour is fluid and never more so than when you own an adolescent dog.

Until your dog has reached adulthood do not become complacent. They have so many different phases ahead of them whilst they pave their way through hormones and adolescence. All of these phases will bring their own complications and challenges.

Enjoy the temporary reprieve for it will be likely short lived. I am a naturally positive and optimistic person but still I say that, in this instance, forewarned is forearmed.

We do not quit teaching our children after junior school. We ensure they are educated right through adolescent and into adulthood.

Do your dog the same justice and they will be far more likely to reach adulthood without you having had a mental breakdown in the process.......or perhaps emptied the alcohol cabinet!

🎉🎉🎉So proud of my Sports Club member Mark Salter with his malinois Jackson!Mark and Jackson attended the first Para Obed...

🎉🎉🎉So proud of my Sports Club member Mark Salter with his malinois Jackson!

Mark and Jackson attended the first Para Obedience show in the Uk last weekend and just look at his haul🏆🏆🏵️🏵️More importantly what super teamwork and obvious relationship these two displayed together.

This team have trained with me from the beginning of their sports career and I have loved helping them overcome some slightly unusual challenges shall we say!

Apart from the obvious physical challenges Mark can suffer with a real lack of confidence in himself. Not really surprising when he is surrounded by able bodied teams and obedience is such a precision sport.

❤️However dog training really is just dog training and it is my job as his trainer to find solutions just as I would for any of my students.

⭐️Mark has always trained his boy absolutely beautifully. He never appreciates just how good a trainer he is or what a fabulous job he has done in raising and training Jackson. I simply helped him along the way with the sports details.

🙌Congratulations Mark and Jackson. Looking forward to watching where you two go from here!

Positive Play ....Such a beautiful picture!  Really.....some of you may ask??? Yes most definitely!This is Mum Queenie p...

Positive Play ....

Such a beautiful picture! Really.....some of you may ask??? Yes most definitely!

This is Mum Queenie playing with her 9 week old daughter Willow. Queenie was not a strict disciplinarian with her puppies. She shared all, toys, human attention, beds, stolen plants from the garden 🤦‍♀️ .

However, do not be fooled for Queenie has most definitely been teaching!

All of her lessons have been expressed through play of various different degrees. She has taught them bite inhibition. She has showed them how to run and chase and how to be chased. She has demonstrated how to stalk and how to tug.

There were times I would watch her interactions and wonder why she did the things she did. I would remind myself that she knew best. Queenie is balanced, she is instinctive and my job was simply to trust her.

I shall let you into a secret. Queenie not only taught her children life's most valuable lessons.....she also taught me. If only we would always have the time and inclination to sit back and listen, how much we would gain.







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