When to Watch...👀
You have brought your new puppy home. She has settled in and seems happy in her new environment.....now to socialise right????🐕🦺
Here comes that thing again....pressure! The theory tells us that up to 12 weeks is the critical socialising period. We must get going now!!!!
So we start to take our puppy out and initially things go ok. Then wham!!! All of a sudden our puppy seems a little, dare I say, "reactive"! Quick we must do more socialising - we are running out of time before 12 weeks and the puppy obviously needs more socialising because of her reaction. Stop right there ⛔️
Your puppy needs time, she needs space and she needs to observe. She is in overwhelm. She has just had the biggest change in her life. She has just left her littermates and her mum. She has coped with settling into her new home and then things became just a little too much.
This exact thing happened with Tinsel from the Krakas group. In the litter she was confident and self assured. She was the last puppy to leave and settled into her new home immediately. Then she had a couple of sensitive days and luckily her owner Jade contacted me. I encouraged Jade NOT to socialise her.
This is where it gets difficult because OUR instinct is to keep socialising.....we are on a time limit remember? WE feel the need to be "doing". Well thankfully Jade was brilliant and controlled her own emotions, needs and wants and put the puppy first. She also put her trust in me. I have learned the hard way what to do in this situation. I have been here and I made the wrong decision for my puppy at the time. I know all about wanting to "do"!
So Jade took Tinsel out "watching" from the safety of her van and she very quickly returned to the self confident little Madam that she always was. The watching was safe for the puppy but perhaps even more importantly, it gave Jade the feeling that she was "doing"!
The theory is fabulous but with it comes pressure.
Do you have a dog who fixates on distractions and you cannot get them focused back on you?
This is especially common with pastoral breeds who have a strong 'eye'.
They become rooted to the spot and no matter what you try to do they will not turn towards you. Even worse any pressure on the lead can often escalate them to the next level.
One awesome little skill that gives you an emergency get out in those situations is to teach an 'Instant Turn'.
It needs to be taught so that it is an instantaneous response as opposed to a conscious response.
Here is young Jesse just starting on this exercise. You can already see how quickly he turns on hearing the cue.
Want to know how?
Join The GSD Hub Club for full details...👇👇👇
#turnaround #changedirection #quickchange #dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #gsd #StrongEye #pastoralbreed #germanshepherd #thegsdhubclub
The Jenny Gould Dog Training Obedience Demo is back at Crufts 2025!!!
It was our last rehearsal today and all I can say is that these guys rock!
This video is just a small part of our display...this is the 'Super Six' doing what they do best......
#crufts2025 #obediencedemo #jennygouldsportsdogtraining #supersix
Pressure .......
It is a familiar scenario...you have a new puppy and from the second you bring him home you worry about getting it right. Am I moving too slowly? Am I rushing things? Should I be doing more or am I expecting too much? There is a natural inclination to feel that pressure right from the beginning of this new and wondrous journey.
To make things worse you are in touch with other owners from your puppy's litter or you are in a training group where other handlers have a puppy of a similar age.
To top it all off social media cruelly pops videos and posts daily into your news feed....videos and posts which taunt you into believing that you are somehow flailing behind because you see reels showing dogs of "only X months old" doing all sorts of advanced exercises.
Well here is the good news. Pressure is entirely self driven. This is YOUR puppy in your hands and the path your journey winds is entirely up to you. You are driving this wagon. Each puppy is different, each owner is different and each lifestyle is different. There is no perfect puppy!!!
Do not compare yourself or your puppy to others. Get to know each other and build your relationship for those are the foundations on which all journeys are built. Enjoy watching those videos and posts....by all means take ideas from them but do not allow them to pressurise you into guilt at feeling that you should be doing anything differently.
It is your race, run it at your own pace and stop and smell the roses along the way....your puppy will thank you for it!
#RunYourOwnRace #sportstraining #sportsdog #dogsports #dogsportslife #ownjourney #nofire
Why do the basics take so long??
They actually don't.....at least not compared to undoing poor basics, letting go of the wrong muscle memories and building the right habits.
Learning anything new is a process. During that process we will make errors. Not knowing what is required is the biggest stumbling block.
The more experienced we become, the more we understand the value of basic foundations.
Trust the process, trust your trainer and do not be in a hurry to get into that ring to compete.
Remember the right basics take time to teach but the poor basics take a hell of a lot longer to unpick.
Take your time and take the fastest route!
#basics #buildingblocks #takeyourtime #dogsports #dogsportslife #sportsdog #sportsdogs #competitionobedience #DogTraining #dogs
A training session is never just about what you think you are about to train.
There is so much information at your fingertips. Observing and learning what makes each puppy tick is the key to setting yourself up for success in future.
🐾My litters have at least one individual session every day. It helps them learn independence away from the litter but it also helps me learn about each puppy’s character and therefore is invaluable in helping me decide which home they will be best suited to.
🐕 This handling session helped me in preparation of vet visits and microchipping (capped needle practice). However It also helped me learn about this particular puppy’s penchant for human touch. He valued contact way above the food.
🐾 We even managed to sneak in some “collar grabs” into the session using his preferred reinforcer … firm
contact. Some puppies prefer softer contact Mr Drummer melted on firm contact❤️
Isn't Mr Drummer just so scrummy????
#puppytraining #puppies #learn #puppiesofinstafram #gsdpuppy #handling #learn #makingthemtick
My litters are always introduced to harnesses whilst still with me.
Why should your puppy accept a harness? Or a lead? Or a collar? Puppies come from puppy world....these things are from human world. Yet another example of how we expect our puppies to just fit in with what we want because it makes our lives easier...and, of course, safer.
All of my litters are taught positively about handling and 'equipment'. I owe it to them to explain it and allow them time to get used it the feel of these unfamiliar items.
Having said this, I personally raise my dogs to understand that that being handled is non negotiable. Vet visits, nail clipping, grooming, examining a sore foot, taking temperatures etc are all necessaries in a dog's life.
Whilst, long term, handling is non negotiable I feel strongly that we must first pair this handling with positive associations....
........it's called dog training
#handling #doghusbandry #equipment #proactive #dogtraining #puppyraising #puppiesofinstagram
👀Looking to improve a sports exercise?
🗃️Then take it out of it's box.....
All too often we attempt to fix an exercise whilst training the exercise itself. The risk here, of course, is that we could 'poison' that exercise whilst fiddling.
Whenever possible find an informal way. A fun game that does not involve clicking or marking.....it is simply set up in a way to help the dog begin to solve the puzzle. No criteria and no pressure.
⚽️This little session with Chitta today was merely her learning to place the ball in my open palms on my lap when thrown in any direction.
💚What better way to help with angled presents and she had a great time doing it!
#naturallearning #ThinkOutsideBox #dogsports #sportsdog #dogsportslife #dogsports #dogsport
Sports heelwork?
Starting point.....statics!
Training for an event such as the Crufts Obedience Championships means going back to basics...including at the beach!
#thegsdhubclub #atthebeach #heelworktraining #sportsdog #dogsports #gsdlifestyle #gsdofinstagram #gsdlove #crufts2024 #obediencechampion #obediencechampionships #foundations #basics
When you have to get creative because your owner has not given you a ball to carry🤦♀️. What's the strangest thing your dog has found and carried??? #creativity #gsd #anythingwilldo
Following on from yesterday's grooming post here is just a short little video of one of The Chistmas Krakas being 'groomed'. Isn't he just so damn cute???😍😍😍
✔️ Hopefully your breeder will already have introduced your puppy to being groomed and having their nails clipped...thereafter it is up to you to keep up the good work!
✅ All owners should be able to groom their dogs, examine them, clip nails etc. Start simply with the introductions when they are young and you will be rewarded with a dog who is easy to handle at the vets and groomers for years to come.
Our GSD Club members enjoy a whole section dedicated to husbandry and handling😄.
#handling #doggrooming #dogs #puppiesofinstagram #puppies #dogrearing #NailClipping #dogownership
🐾 Grooming Your German Shepherd: The Fluff Never Ends 🐕🦺✨
If you own a GSD, you already know… dog hair is a lifestyle, not just a phase 😂 But regular grooming isn’t just about keeping your home fur-free—it’s essential for your dog’s health and comfort.
🛁 Top GSD Grooming Tips:
✅ Brushing: At least 2-3 times a week** (daily during shedding season!) to control the fluff explosion.
✅ Nails: Keep them trimmed to prevent discomfort and joint issues.
✅ Deshedding Tools: Invest in a good undercoat rake —it’s your new best friend.
✅ Blaster: an absolute must have during shedding and to dry those pups after soggy walks and baths
✨ Fun Fact: No matter how much you brush, there will *always* be more fur. It’s a GSD magic trick. 🪄
Drop your best GSD grooming hacks below and let us know… how many lint rollers do *you* own? 🐕🦺😂 #GSDGrooming #GermanShepherdCare #FurEverywhere