Back to reality today after a weekend of crazy Carnival fun at the Glastonbury carnival. Spotted a few interesting equines, didn’t see any shoes 🧐 ! #westcountrylife #carnival #glastonbury #spottedbarefoot
Barefoot and booted fun Downlands at Equestrian with friends this weekend ! Stoney take off and landing not a problem for Oreo, but Arbie had his Flex Boots on in front this time as the shape of his feet means he feels the stones 👟 They didn’t budge! #flexboots #thehoofbootshop #goodgrip #barefoothorse #spottedbarefoot
Which boot is the best? We believe in test riding the boots we recommend. I’ve used Scoot boots for years (some of you may have met my trusty old 6 year old scoot boots on boot fittings😆) , we love the flex boots and have now had a little test ride with the Explora Magic boots (Flex boots on the front!) 😊 #Thehoofbootshop #exploramagic #flexboots #spottedbarefoot #hoofboots
☀️Sunshine and rain ☔️ = loads of grass ! They look like they’re on a bare paddock but the grass is growing as much as the knee high grass on the outside … they’re eating it! Lots of footy horses at the moment , keep an eye on them !