Find a worthy home for your Unwanted hoofboots…..please read!
The meaning of charity at Christmas.. this is a long post but please do take the time to read and share.
Recently, one of our wonderful customers, Hannah, sent us a pair of Cavallo Cute Little Boots that didn't suit her smallest equine. She asked us to find a new home for them as she had no use for them and wanted to donate them to someone in need.
Being based in the South West, we have several equine charities that are local to Hoof Bootique. However, due to the boots being so tiny (M1 Regular - 70cm maximum!) there was one charity that immediately came to mind. Everyone, please go and follow Munchkins Miniature Shetland Rescue.
Munchkins are currently caring for 62 of our smallest equine companions, many of whom have serious health conditions that mean they cannot be rehomed. We are sending Hannah's tiny hoof boots to them, so even if they do not fit any of their residents, they can auction them to raise much needed funds AND the hoof boots will find a new home.
On top of this, Cavallo themselves reached out to us asking if we had any stories we wished to share. We just had to tell them about Hannah's generosity! Cavallo have also offered to give Munchkins gift vouchers to auction off alongside the hoof boots, to try and raise as much money as possible this winter.
In the South West, we have recently suffered our first few winter storms and Munchkins were hit hard by Storm Bert. Their brand new track system, a lifeline for so many of their ponies, was all but destroyed! They have set up a Go Fund Me page, which we would appreciate being shared far and wide. If you can spare a few pounds this Christmas, please give these guys a chance to rebuild.
Photo Credit: Lucas Barribal (seriously talented equine photographer!)
If you have hoof boots that are in good condition and you wish to donate them, please send them through to us (with a note so we know your wishes) and we'll do the rest. You can find our postal address here: https://hoofbootique.co.uk/returns-policy/