Sims Hill Shared Harvest is a pioneering social enterprise growing food for the people of Bristol just four miles from the city centre. We are a community supported agriculture (CSA) cooperative project. We aim to:
Build community life through creating a relationship with food and its production.
What is a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project?
A CSA is a popular farming model where the members come together and invest in the running of the farm and receive a share of the Harvest, as opposed to being customers who pay for specific products. The budget for the farm and what members contribute is negotiated, seeking to establish a fair and transparent deal for all concerned. This may include subsidized membership for members on low incomes.
There are many CSAs now running in the USA and the UK which are based on the model of the grower owning and managing the land and business. We are hoping to be one of the first CSAs where the project will be owned and run by its members on an equal basis with the growers. We are exploring the potential legal and organisational methods to allow this to happen.
The site has been worked as pasture for the last 30 years, but before that was just one of the many thriving market gardens that supplied food for the city. Sims Hill Shared Harvest is determined to help bring this land back into active food production.
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