Showcasing some of the marine livestock we currently have in store π
Our Cherry shrimp enjoying some biofilm from sponge filter ππ¦
Zebra Acara (Ivanacara adoketa)π The Zebra Acara is known from shallow blackwater habitats where the water is dark and leaf litter and waterlogged wood abundant. In the home aquarium they will appreciate a densely planted set up with plenty of driftwood and small caves. A biotope tank furnished with dead leaves and wood will suit this species well. The most appropriate tankmates are other small, peaceful fish, particularly those who occupy higher levels in the tank and are too large to be eaten.
A Betta Macrostoma pair that we have special ordered for a customer. An uncommon fish within the trade but never fail to impress π
Our new additions to our shrimp tanks after Tuesdays delivery π¦πΏ #fishtank #aquarium #fish #plantedaquarium #aquariums #nature #aquascaping #freshwateraquarium #aquariumlife #fishkeeping #aquariumhobby #aquariumsofinstagram #freshwater #shrimp #shrimptank #caridina #caridinashrimp
Beautiful flame pipe fish in the macro algae display.
Regal tangs now back in stock donβt miss out ! π
Regal tang
Paracanthurus hepatus
Temperature: 23-27Β°C
Parameters: SG: 1.020-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4
Compatibility: reef with caution
Despite being quite readily available in the trade, the electric blue Regal Tang can be fairly challenging to keep in the home aquarium and its care requirements should not be taken lightly. This fish requires an XL mature system if it is to do well in captivity. Ideally the tank will be over 6ft in length, will have been set up for several months, and will include plenty of living rock. Filtration should be oversized, with highly efficient protein skimming and powerful circulation. In the wild, Regal Tangs are found in loose aggregations a metre or so above the substrate in current-swept terraces of the seaward reefs. When startled, they dive for cover amongst the branches of Pocillopora corals. The bulk of their diet is made up of zooplankton, but they do consume some algae. The tank should be aquascaped with a decent amount of living rock to provide welcome bolt holes, leaving an open swimming space along the front of the tank. Regal Tangs should not harm sessile invertebrates, provided that they are feeding well and consuming a balanced diet. This species is not overly aggressive and can be kept in groups if space permits (specimens should be of the same size and introduced simultaneously). Juvenile fish shoal together, but adults require much more territory and will squabble if there is not enough room.
Lots of coral frags now available π₯
#coral #reef #reeftank #coralreef #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefaquarium #saltwatertank #fish #reefaddict #fishtank #corals #reefers #coralreeftank #ocean #reeflife #reefbuilders #eatsleepreef #saltwater #sps #reefer #nanoreef #lps #underwater #instareef #marinetank #coraladdict
We have a beautiful pair of Harlequin Shrimp in store π
Hymenocera elegans
Size: Up to 5cm (2")
Temperature: 22-28Β°C
Parameters: SG: 1.023-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4
Compatibility: reef with caution
Harlequin Shrimps, whilst undoubtedly pleasing to the eye, are not suitable for most set-ups on account of their natural diet of echinoderms. In the wild, they live in shallow reefs and occur almost always in pairs.
They are surprisingly well camouflaged against a backdrop of coralline algae covered rubble.
Specimens from the Indian Ocean and West Pacific have brownish spots with blue edging and are known as Hymenocera elegans. The populations from the central and Eastern Pacific have deep purple-red spots encircled with yellow and are referred to as H. picta.
Many publications still use H. picta as a catch-all name for both types of Harlequin Shrimp; care requirements are largely the same. They are known to feed primarily on common starfish (Asterias rubens), Chocolate Chip starfish (Protoreaster nodosus), Linckia spp., and Fromia spp., and occasionally some sea urchin species.
Our Neolamprologus multifasciatus have babies again π #tropicalfish #aquarium #aquascaping #aquariumhobby #fishtank #aquascape #fish #fishkeeping #freshwateraquarium #aquascaper #freshwater #nature #natureaquarium #aquariums #aquariumlife
The marine room is looking full from todays delivery π
New fish arriving tomorrow for the marine room ππ
Keep an eye out for the new arrivals π
#marinefish #reef #reeftank #saltwateraquarium #reefaquarium #saltwatertank #coral #aquarium #marinetank #fishtank #corals #fish #coralreef #marineaquarium #saltwaterfish #coralreeftank #saltwater #clownfish #reefer #reefers