Small Animal Referral Hospital Langford Vets University of Bristol

Small Animal Referral Hospital Langford Vets University of Bristol Contemporary Small Animal Referral Hospital offers comprehensive multi-disciplinary referral service

Our state of the art referral hospital offers a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary referral service to veterinary surgeons across the UK. We have the largest team of American and European Specialists in the South West. Our disciplines include: Behaviour, Cardiorespiratory, Emergency and Critical Care, Feline Centre, Hydrotherapy, Imaging, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Oncology, Orthopaedics, Pain M

anagement & Anaesthesia, Radioactive Iodine, Physiotherapy, Pain Clinics, Screening Unit and Soft Tissue Surgery. We have permanent MRI & CT with onsite interpretation, a Feline Centre with separate ICU and staff, a Rehabilitation Centre offering physio, acupuncture and more, a full Diagnostic Lab on-site providing same day results and hospitalisation facilities for over 70 dogs and cats.

We hope you have enjoyed reading all about what our surgery service have been up to over the last month. As well as bein...

We hope you have enjoyed reading all about what our surgery service have been up to over the last month. As well as being busy in theatre and teaching, many of our surgeons also contribute to clinical research to ensure the field of veterinary surgery is always advancing forwards.

Over the last two years, the Surgery teams have been involved with over 30 studies which have been published in 8 different journals, covering a range of research topics. We collaborate with different disciplines within the hospital to ensure we provide robust research material. We also contribute to collaborations between different hospitals for multicentre studies, with the aim to increase patient numbers to provide more accurate clinical data.

In addition to publishing our research our clinicians have presented their research at conference across the UK and Europe.

At Langford Vets we are proud to foster an environment of continuous improvement. One area we have been improving recent...

At Langford Vets we are proud to foster an environment of continuous improvement. One area we have been improving recently is how quickly we can accept emergency referrals. We know emergency cases can be challenging and we want to support our referring vets and owners as much as we can with getting these patients accepted and on their way to us when you consider referral to be the best course of action.

We have worked with our front of house team to support them directly accepting emergencies without speaking to our clinical teams (unless advice is sought). Sometimes our capacity requires reallocation of resources rather than immediate acceptance. To assist with this we have created a new position of an emergency flow coordinator.

Following implementation of these changes, we are pleased that for the surgical emergency referrals received during the last three weeks, we were able to accept all cases with an average response time of just one minute! Well done to our front of house team!

Mrs Peel (affectionately known as Emma) is a gorgeous and affectionate lilac British Shorthair who was referred to us as...

Mrs Peel (affectionately known as Emma) is a gorgeous and affectionate lilac British Shorthair who was referred to us as a tertiary referral with a diagnosis of bilateral femoral capital physeal fractures (slipped capital femoral epiphyses) at the age of 19 months.

Her owners had noticed that she was reluctant to jump up and she cried when picked up. Slipped capital femoral epiphyses is a pathological condition that we recognise in young large breed cats such as British shorthairs and Maine c***s. However Emma was very unusual as the problem is usually seen in castrated male cats. The problem is also seen in humans – usually adolescent inactive teenage boys.

The options for treatment was discussed and they included femoral head and neck excision and total hip replacement. To give Emma the best long term outcome it was decided to perform bilateral hip replacements, staged six weeks apart. The surgery was performed by Sorrel Langley-Hobbs, Professor of Feline Orthopaedics and all went very well. She was strictly managed at home after surgery ensuring that her activity was restricted to minimise the risk of complications.

Emma is now over one year post surgery and is doing very well!


We tackle creatures great and small at Langford Vets. Patients presenting with cruciate ligament injuries are very common but our tiny patients and giant breeds often present their own unique challenges.

Parker is a 4kg Chihuahua with suffering from a severe bilateral hind limb lameness caused by grade III/IV medial patella luxation with concurrent cranial cruciate rupture. Investigations included radiographs and CT examination to assess for angular deformities. Staged procedures were performed by our senior surgeon Alex Belch with Junior Orthopaedic Clinician Alex Chan. A 2mm TPLO and patellar groove replacement was performed on each stifle six weeks apart. Parker has recovered brilliantly from the procedures and is back to running around!

At the other end of the spectrum, Ria a 70kg Leonburger presented with bilateral cruciate rupture last year. In this instance the surgery was performed by our senior orthopaedic surgeon Nicolas assisted by our surgical resident Dan Lomas. In this instance a TPLO was performed using a 4.5mm locking plate and screws. We have the cutting edge facilities to allow us to safely move patients of this size through from anaesthesia to radiography to surgery. This is not only important for the patient, but also for the health and safety of our team. Having many specialist surgical nurses and animal care assistants allowed Ria to stay comfortably overnight before being discharged the following day.

Case Study: Free skin graft for an extensive distal limb wound Nellie is a young Border Collie, full of excitement. She ...

Case Study: Free skin graft for an extensive distal limb wound

Nellie is a young Border Collie, full of excitement. She presented to Langford Vets after an unknown injury to her foot resulting in the loss of a significant part of the skin on her foot. To avoid her requiring limb amputation Tom Hernon, one of our soft tissue surgery specialists, used negative pressure wound therapy prior to performing a free skin graft. This procedure involves taking some healthy skin from her abdomen and transplanting it onto the foot. After two weeks post-operatively, the skin graft had healed, and Nellie went on to use the foot well with no lameness.

At Langford Vets we have access to multiple treatment modalities to maximise wound healing and experience in an extensive range of reconstruction techniques. We also have an experienced nursing team to help patients with all kinds of wounds and their management.


Breagha was treated at Langford Vets for minimally invasive coil embolisation of an intrahepatic shunt. Here is her story in her owner’s words

Ginger is a Vizla puppy who was referred to the orthopaedic service at Langford Vets last week when she was just 17 week...

Ginger is a Vizla puppy who was referred to the orthopaedic service at Langford Vets last week when she was just 17 weeks old. She was out walking with her owner on Sunday and was chased by two dogs and sadly ran into the road and was hit by a car. She received emergency treatment at her local vet practice and was then referred to us over the weekend for further stabilisation and investigations. Langford Vets are open 24/7 for these types of emergency referrals.

Due to the high-speed trauma many injuries were identified including facial and skull fractures, severe pulmonary contusions, fracture of the left humerus and incomplete fractures of the right scapula and left femur. Ginger required lots of different infusions for pain relief tailored for her by our RCVS specialist led anaesthesia team and remained hospitalised in our state of the art Intensive Care Unit. We have the only small animal intensive care unit in the south west that is led by an RCVS specialist in emergency and critical care. The unit is staffed 24 hours a day by our ICU nurses and vets, many of which have achieved further qualifications in Emergency and critical care. Four days after the accident her condition was stable enough to undergo general anaesthetic for surgical repair of her humeral fracture. The other injuries fortunately did not require surgery. The fracture was successfully repaired by surgery resident Francesco Piana and our orthopaedic surgeon Kevin Parsons with an Arthrex Ortholine medial plates. Postoperatively physiotherapy was promptly started to regain function and range of motion of her elbow.

Ginger made a speedy recovery from surgery and started immediately weight bearing and was discharged 48 hours postoperatively. Ginger is now recuperating at home and coming to Langford for weekly physiotherapy sessions with our rehabilitation team.


We are thrilled to share the successful recovery story of Rinty, a brave dog who recently underwent complex surgery for a peripheral nerve sheath tumour. 🐾

Rinty was internally referred to our soft tissue surgery team due to progressive lameness caused by a left sciatic nerve tumour.

Key clinical findings included: ·
Significant muscle wastage in the hamstring and gastrocnemius muscles
· Reduced withdrawal reflex in the left hind limb
· Partial use of the left hind limb with occasional hopping

An MRI demonstrated thickening of the sciatic nerve to the level of the cranial acetabulum. Upon further consultations involving our orthopaedic, neurology, imaging, soft tissue, and anaesthesia teams, we opted for a left hind limb amputation and central hemipelvectomy to try to ensure the nerve could be transected high enough to get clean margins. Soft tissue surgeon, Alastair Mather was the lead surgeon for this complex case with assistance from one of our surgical residents Daniel Lomas.

Despite the complexity of the surgery, Rinty has shown remarkable resilience. The histopathology confirmed a peripheral nerve sheath tumour with complete excision, which carries a good prognosis. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of our dedicated team and Rinty's determined spirit, he has made a wonderful recovery and is back to his usual self, running in the garden. 🌟🐶

Check out the video of Rinty enjoying his newfound mobility!

The multidisciplinary nature of the team of specialists at Langford Vets allows us to tackle some highly complex surgica...

The multidisciplinary nature of the team of specialists at Langford Vets allows us to tackle some highly complex surgical cases such as Belle.

Belle is a nine-year-old Pointer Cross who initially presented to the internal medicine service at Langford. Belle had intermittent episodes of panting, lethargy and possible abdominal pain. She was diagnosed with a functional adrenal mass (phaeochromocytoma) which was intermittently secreting adrenaline causing spikes in blood pressure leading to the strange episodes.

Belle was internally referred to Lee Meakin, one of our soft tissue surgery specialists. Belle’s tumour was particularly challenging as she had a large left-sided adrenal mass with an extensive tumour thrombus inside the vena cava, which is the main blood vessel taking blood back to the heart. The thrombus was extending all the way through her liver and into her chest. Surgery was likely to be very challenging and there was significant risk Belle might not survive.

For difficult cases like Belle, the surgery service aims to have a case planning discussion with representation from various services including the anaesthesia, ICU, medicine, theatre and nursing teams. This ensures we are as prepared as possible for the majority of eventualities and allows us to provide the best care we can.

After a period of medical stabilisation, Belle’s surgery was scheduled with a surgical team consisting of Lee Meakin, Tom Hernon, Francesco Piana and Lydia Jarvis. The surgery was challenging, as expected, and took 1h 50 minutes to complete in total. The tumour was completely removed including the tumour thrombus which was extracted from the vena cava. Moderate bleeding was encountered, as expected for this type of procedure, with Belle losing 40% of her circulating blood volume. A blood transfusion was required to replace some of the blood she had lost. Once surgery was completed, the ICU team took over her care and she made a remarkable recovery and was discharged from the hospital two days later.

Belle’s owner was overjoyed with her recovery. The strange episodes she had been doing stopped completely after her surgery and she was back to acting like her usual self. Six months after her surgery Belle’s owner had this to say: “Belle is doing really well. We think you gave her go go juice as an infusion 🤣 she is like a new puppy 🐶.” The whole team at Langford Vets wishes Belle all the best for her new life!

Here at Langford Vets, we have a dedicated nursing and ACA team based in our surgical theatres and also within our surgi...

Here at Langford Vets, we have a dedicated nursing and ACA team based in our surgical theatres and also within our surgical wards.

We have a total of five surgical theatres, with the added ability of performing x-ray and fluoroscopy during surgery for more advanced procedures. The theatre nursing and ACA team ensure that the surgeons are supported and that the theatres are running smoothly. Commonly, both a scrub nurse and ACA would circulate each surgical case. Our theatre nurses undertake regular suturing training, which allows them to utilise their skills to suture at the end of procedures.

Our surgical ward is equipped with all the facilities needed to aid your pet’s recovery. We have the option of large glass fronted kennels, orthopaedic mattresses and our patients get to enjoy our beautiful walled garden for their walks. Each patient has an individual care plan designed for them, which is adjusted throughout their stay to ensure that we are always meeting their specific needs. Plus, all our surgical ward team are now trained in dog friendly handling techniques, to cater for even the most nervous patients.

To further support our soft tissue and orthopaedic team, we have specialised soft tissue and orthopaedic specific nurses.

Our soft tissue nurses Ashleigh and Jordan help to obtain advanced imaging, carry out wound management, support students on rotations and are involved with a range of clinics (which include the BOAS clinic and a urethral cuff inflation clinic for patients with urinary incontinence).

We are very proud to announce that Juliet Morrison attended her pinning ceremony for her Veterinary Technician Specialis...

We are very proud to announce that Juliet Morrison attended her pinning ceremony for her Veterinary Technician Specialist award in Small Animal Internal Medicine. Whilst in America she also presented a case she had helped nurse whilst at Langford Vets. Her presentation was awarded "Puzzle Master". Well done Juliet we are very proud of your hard work with this case report being internationally recognised. Juliet's travel to present her case report was sponsored using the Langford Vets Training and Scholarship fund - something we are very committed to investing in.

At Langford Vets, we currently employ six residents who are undergoing advanced surgical training over a three to four y...

At Langford Vets, we currently employ six residents who are undergoing advanced surgical training over a three to four year period to prepare for their specialist qualifying exams. As a large teaching hospital, our residency program is regarded as one of the best in the country. Over the past 10 years:
· 13 residents have completed their training
· 10 residents have passed their specialist exams
· 3 residents are due to sit their exams next year

Our former residents work in world-class referral hospitals around the globe, from the USA to Australia. Many remain in the UK, making significant contributions to veterinary surgery. We are so proud of their achievements, and even more thrilled when some return to Langford Vets to train the next generation of specialists!


This June, we're excited to have our soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery teams take over our social media channels! At Langford Vets, our dedicated surgery team consists of:
· 8 Specialist Veterinary Surgeons
· 2 Senior Surgeons
· 6 Residents
· 1 Junior Clinician

Our surgeons are supported by an exceptional team of nurses, animal care assistants, rotating interns and our front of house team, ensuring that every pet receives the highest level of care from the time they arrive in the hospital until they leave. In addition, our team of surgeons collaborate closely with a wide range of specialists in other disciplines, enhancing our ability to manage a variety of cases more effectively. In fact, we have the largest multidisciplinary team in the South West and one of the largest teams in the country.

With our highly experienced team and state-of-the-art facilities, including an intensive care unit, you can rest assured that your pet is in safe hands. We are equipped to handle a wide variety of cases, providing outstanding surgical care tailored to each pet's (and owner’s) unique needs.

Throughout the month, we'll be introducing you to our surgery team, sharing their expertise, and showcasing some of the incredible work they do. Your pet's health and quality of life are our top priority, and we are excited to share our passion for soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery with you!

Here at Langford Vets, we have a team of 56 nurses who are all RCVS registered and all have their individual specialisms...

Here at Langford Vets, we have a team of 56 nurses who are all RCVS registered and all have their individual specialisms and interests. Many of our nurses either have a vocational background or have completed advanced qualifications, which means we can ensure we are delivering a diverse and experienced nursing approach to every patient.

Langford Vets are excited to offer the opportunity to undertake an ACVIM residency in Cardiology. This 4-year role will ...

Langford Vets are excited to offer the opportunity to undertake an ACVIM residency in Cardiology. This 4-year role will involve training in veterinary cardiology while working in a truly multi-disciplinary hospital.
Closing date 16th June 2024

Our Animal Care Assistant (ACA) positions are perfect to gain foundation skills which can lead on to other roles or to p...

Our Animal Care Assistant (ACA) positions are perfect to gain foundation skills which can lead on to other roles or to progress into other divisions, here are a few of our ACAs who have used their valuable skills gained here at Langford Vets, to go on to Masters courses, Vet courses and hydrotherapy.

Pudding was referred to Langford Vets Small Animal Hospital with a swelling under her chin. She went for imaging followe...

Pudding was referred to Langford Vets Small Animal Hospital with a swelling under her chin. She went for imaging followed by surgery to explore the abscess. A wound drain was placed and emptied at regular intervals post operatively for two days. The vet decided to remove the drain once it was minimally productive, this was carried out by the nurses as demonstrated in the photographs.

Pudding’s swelling was monitored closely during her hospitalisation, she started to eat well the following day after surgery. Pudding continued to do well and soon went home on some oral medication. She was a pleasure to care for and is getting lots of TLC at home.

We have animal care assistants, vet and nursing students regularly rotate through the hospital therefore this was a great case for teaching and learning how wound drains are managed and how to perform gold standard care for these patients.

Not just an ACA. Our Animal Care Assistants (ACAs) assist with patient care, maintain the hospital environment, run diag...

Not just an ACA. Our Animal Care Assistants (ACAs) assist with patient care, maintain the hospital environment, run diagnostics and ensure stock is available. When not busy with these, our ACAs give the patients extra TLC. We currently have 37 ACAs working in our Small Animal Referral Hospital.

Our dedicated feline team all work closely to ensure our feline friends have as stress free a visit as possible. We are ...

Our dedicated feline team all work closely to ensure our feline friends have as stress free a visit as possible. We are proud to be a gold standard cat friendly clinic where compassionate cat care is core to how we work.

A few quotes from our feline friendly team:

Lily: I enjoy working at LV because I get to meet and nurse cats from all backgrounds, whether it be medicine, surgery, neurology or orthopaedics. I have always liked animals growing up, hence the reason why I became a nurse, and cats have always fascinated me with their quirky personalities. I decided to work solely with cats because I wanted to increase my knowledge about cat friendly practice, and as LV has been awarded the Gold certification from ISFM, this was the perfect place for me.

Zoe: 'I love working within a team that is so passionate about caring for felines. Many of our team have undergone additional training in cat friendly nursing, behaviour and practice, meaning our team can ensure each cats' individual needs are quickly understood and care plans tailored, helping fuel our feline-friendly ethos.'


Yesterday we celebrated our 50th year anniversary of our outstanding feline centre with lectures led by our amazing multidisciplinary team!

Thank you to all those who attended and celebrated with us, we had a great day networking with you all and raising a toast to 50 fantastic years! A huge thank you also to our sponsors, particularly to our main sponsors Hill’s Pet Nutrition who helped make this day such a great success. Here's to another 50 years!

The Langford Trust for Animal Health & Welfare IMV imaging GB & Ireland Boehringer Ingelheim

A treat for a Spring day - today one of our interns, Ruby, spotted a fledgling great tit in our gardens and took these l...

A treat for a Spring day - today one of our interns, Ruby, spotted a fledgling great tit in our gardens and took these lovely photos. All of our canine in-patients benefit from walking in our beautiful walled gardens during their stay, a few were inquisitive (from a distance!).

In the last 10 years the use of loco-regional analgesia has expanded massively in veterinary (and human) anaesthesia. We...

In the last 10 years the use of loco-regional analgesia has expanded massively in veterinary (and human) anaesthesia. We use a wide range of local blocks to limit the amount of pain our patients experience, and minimise the systemic side effects of analgesia like nausea. This sometimes means your dog or cat will have an extra clip patch – well worth it for resultant improvement in patient safety and comfort.


Langford House, Langford

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 6pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6pm
Thursday 8:30am - 6pm
Friday 8:30am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm
Sunday 9am - 4pm




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Our Story

Our state of the art referral hospital offers a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary referral service to veterinary surgeons across the UK. We have the largest team of American and European Specialists in the South West. Our disciplines include: Behaviour, Cardiorespiratory, Dermatology, Emergency and Critical Care, Feline Centre, Imaging, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Pain Management & Anaesthesia, Radioactive Iodine, Physiotherapy, Pain Clinics, Screening Unit and Soft Tissue Surgery. We have permanent MRI & CT with onsite interpretation, a Feline Centre with separate ICU and staff, a Rehabilitation Centre offering hydro, physio, acupuncture and more, a full Diagnostic Lab on-site providing same day results and hospitalisation facilities for over 70 dogs and cats.

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