Honestly Canine

Honestly Canine Holistic canine behaviourist and training. We support and rehabilitate a full spectrum of behavioural needs and owner concerns.

Our dedicated team have over 30 years of dog handling experience and education between them.

Dogs and gardens? Diggers and plant wreckers.....My dogs come with me when I'm working on a horticultural project. They ...

Dogs and gardens? Diggers and plant wreckers.....

My dogs come with me when I'm working on a horticultural project. They have free run in some spaces and are tethered in others.

Dogs who are on daycare, board and train come most places with me. Having them hang around with me, they learn how to become sociable companions.

I was sitting at a bar in a small French town watching people and their dogs. They weren't talking to the dogs, or yanking their leads, or correcting them. The dogs were just there, hanging out in a busy town square.

One Husky was wandering around by a restaurant, trying his luck with with tables he thought he might get scraps from (he didn't come over to us....he chose people who looked slightly nervous around him).

He stood across the entrance and took the place as his own, barked at the chef who shooed him away (he didn't go).

His owner walked from the bar next door where she worked. She put her hand out behind her back and he followed, she did not speak to him.

This, is a language dogs understand. Calm, physical and social language is their currency.

The four dogs I had around me when planting this bed were goofing around to the point of distraction.....I did not command them to place or talk to them: I calmly walked to where I wanted them to hang out and they settled. No shouting, no conversation...apart from one they understood.


99 percent of dogs on my exercise programme face inwards, they follow the rules of the group and don't roam....there is a huge variety of breeds and needs.

On the odd occasion one has taken himself for a walk or gone off in a scent trance I follow these rules:

Hang around in the place we last saw each other


Go back to the car - if it is in a car park away from the road. Hover near the park entrance on the way to car is a good alternative.

When the dog shows up, I don't speak or make a fuss. They rejoin our group and I pay them with food once they have settled back in. I don't add hyperactive energy to the situation.

The dog is usually hyperaroused and scared about losing its group.

Out of the 20 odd dogs I walk each week only two have wandering behavioural patterns.

Ond is a Harrier. I have to manage our locations, avoiding deep woodland as he goes off in a fox trance. He recalls well but it has to be continuously rewarded - he doesn't learn like most other dogs.

The other is an old street dog who has a wide circle of independence, he doesn't follow the rules like the others but I've worked out his patterns and have to keep a close eye on him.

Every other dog, including adolescents, responds to my group walking methods. If you need help with 'recall' drop me a line.

I can help teach your dog to hang around with you....no military recall drills required.


This video is a perfect example of how we are trying to influence - in canine appropriate body, energetic and verbal language - good decision making.

This dog clearly has a strong connection with his owner, there is an invisible leash between them but he isn't entirely clear about what a good decision is at first.

The trainer () coaches her through a series of clear instructions to help shape the dog's decision making.

When we guide decision making it really sticks! Timing is everything too.....

I climbed on a large felled tree and watched this group of young dogs for a few minutes. The area was quiet and we rambl...

I climbed on a large felled tree and watched this group of young dogs for a few minutes. The area was quiet and we rambled off path, under trees and had a free ranging walk.

I know these dogs well, two my own and the others have been walking with me for at least six months (except the Rottie, she's well trained and my friend's dog).

If I see someone come along I call them in and move into the bushes, or run them past - I don't want a group of big dogs troubling anyone. I train my own dogs to be good citizens: thorough basics can prevent many behavioural problems from developing. I train as I go, nothing too formal - continuum behaviour coaching

This old Staffy boy is an outstanding mentor dog (especially to my adolescent female). He was rescued from dire circumst...

This old Staffy boy is an outstanding mentor dog (especially to my adolescent female). He was rescued from dire circumstances at 5 weeks of age and nurtured through maternal deprivation with close contact and lifelong enrichment-based training.

At 11, he still walks for hours every day in mixed aged groups.

It helps that he loves food.......and I don't mind the odd Staffy kiss.

Three hours with me....Train, exercise and lots of dog-dog socialisation plus free play.30kg + of Boxer flat out, caregi...

Three hours with me....

Train, exercise and lots of dog-dog socialisation plus free play.

30kg + of Boxer flat out, caregivers will have a quiet evening.


Supplement city......humans love them to patch up their terrible diets. I'm no stranger to this!

But dogs....why would a dog lack collagen in their diet?

My girls eat meat, raw meat with necks, backs, wings, intercostals - collagen at source.

There is no legal requirement to detail the output of what is in your dog's food. For top of the range scientific information about pet health I recommend following Rawpetmedics

If you're concerned about the cost of raw meat, I have many tips to keep the bill down and quality high.

Different breeds: different needs.How do I keep these two (plus four to six others) checking in regularly on long walks?...

Different breeds: different needs.

How do I keep these two (plus four to six others) checking in regularly on long walks?

I like dogs to have freedom to be themselves, fulfil their breed traits and learn how to make good choices....within my parameters of safety.

Location is important, as is temperament testing and working out how they prioritise their motivations.

The Harrier needs a group walk far away from roads where he can snake around in big circles to track foxes. He checks in regularly, I pay him with a high value treat and put him on leash when we leave woodland for field (the van).

The Irish Setter is my own dog, I moulded and shaped her motivations from puphood. She returns for tidbits, reduced frequency feeding over the past two years. She loves to point and gently stalk, I call her off half the time then send her off.

I love the quirks every dog brings to my group walks and I work wisely to form a bond quickly with them. Simple, mostly non-verbal, trust based work....I love the simplicity of dogs.


I'm often asked by people when I'm out dog walking whether I take on Staffies, Rotties, Shepherds etc...

The answer is yes! I'm more than happy to walk any of the guardian and bully breeds....gun dogs, terriers and hounds too - Beagles, Setters, Lab Retrievers etc.

1-2-1 services are available for dogs who need closer attention, females in season, fearful etc....walks can be with mentor dogs.

From puppies to adolescents, I offer leash and off-leash sessions with your dog as part of a walking service.

Bromley Common, BR2
DBS clear
Licensed with Bromley Council
Large van for transportation
Fully insured

I have a portable shower too......especially for the labs.

Know thy growl......And keep checking in with the emotional, judgemental grips that dog ownership brings to us. Dogs don...

Know thy growl......

And keep checking in with the emotional, judgemental grips that dog ownership brings to us. Dogs don't have the same blame and complex emotional judgement systems we do.

The sort of dog who ranks itself highly either by mechanism of fear, territory, not knowing what it is doing....the sort of dog who ritualistically growls at puppies.

These memes are too emotionally loaded to help make well-informed decisions about dogs.

Some growls won't serve the dog long-term: they need a human to take charge and say, 'hey, we don't need to bully puppies or guard so heavily - I have this covered.'

The key is to do all the rehabilitation work in space, teach 'gentle' behaviour after the initial problem has been distanced.

We have to get the distance right to start working on rewiring fear and stress.

The dog needs clarity, which in turn helps her make better decisions and become a socially adaptable creature. Raising a dog is a continuum process; we are trying to cultivate good canine citizens in as many situations as possible.

I listened to the recording of Rawpetmedics with Dr. Judy Morgan as a guest speaker last night. They touched on many per...

I listened to the recording of Rawpetmedics with Dr. Judy Morgan as a guest speaker last night.

They touched on many pertinent issues in the veterinary science world - vaccination, flea treatments, nutrition and spaying.

I opt for a naturalistic way of bringing up my dogs, I raise females and keep them entire. Instinctively, I want their being to flow.

Everything from behaviour, to the endocrine: neural to digestive.....auric to psychological.

We have many holistic vets within an hours drive from us and there is a wealth of critically evaluated scientific information available from professionals online.

I walk many dogs in our groups each week, I see the quality of their p**p, notice how their coat feels as I give TTouch or share Reiki - I observe their behaviour closely and give them as much freedom as is safely allowed.....muddy woodlands, social play, games, limits, boundaries.....all the things dogs need to be happy.

My work in behaviour doesn't stop at.....behaviour. Whole dog health is important, this is why I don't accept what comes on the tin from food manufacturers or traditional veterinarian schedules.

Happy Christmas to each and every one of you wonderful doggy people....thank you for entrusting to train, walk and care ...

Happy Christmas to each and every one of you wonderful doggy people....thank you for entrusting to train, walk and care for your pups.

It is joyful work.....here's to many more dogs in my books for 2023.

Honestly Canine shared a post on Instagram: "Thank you to all my wonderful customers.....it has been joyful work being around your dogs.....and training them on my invisible leash. "....

Staffy proof gate anyone?

Staffy proof gate anyone?


Legally, pet food companies are required to publish what they *think* goes into the product. They do not test output - what your dog actually eats.

The vets presenting this live stream are long-time advocates for raw feeding and seek to challenge all pet food companies to give clear representation of what the dog actually eats.

I adopt a scientific way of thinking when selecting my dogs food. My girls eat around four different meats each month, some with offal and crushed bone. I fast them at least once a week, vary feeding times, hand feed, train and feed.....I don't follow human rules. I'm consistent but not routine bound.

They also consume supplemental items such as necks, wings, marrow bones etc.

As was said early in this video, nutritional deficiencies take months to show up in a dog.

If food be thy medicine, why do we feed ourselves and our dogs so poorly at times?

I have a caveat to this post.....despite being a huge advocate for close care and co-sleeping with humans and dogs!If a ...

I have a caveat to this post.....despite being a huge advocate for close care and co-sleeping with humans and dogs!

If a dog has a high work drive, they may have a propensity towards switching on in the middle of the night. As many houses are well secure, night time 'protection' against foxes or cars driving past is not always needed!.....Well understood and trained guarding is another story....

My Staffy sometimes startles and kicks off at a fox rummaging through the recycling at 3am. As much as I love to find the flow between what I need them to be as pets and what they need to fulfil as dogs.....I also need to sleep through the night.

Staffy girl settles herself for sofa cuddles at 21:00 and goes to her crate around midnight....although not every night. She is showing a natural work drive, her world is sniffing and ball retrieval. My Irish girl is a stereotypical, Disney pet, easy going and thrives on being by my side - no matter what we are doing.

I've had a few Collies for boarding and training....those with the strongest 'work' drive wake up and bark frequently in the night.....we cuddle - then crate - then cuddle (if they want it). Rotties are different, I train them to check things out on command.

Don't feel bad if you need to contain space for your dog so you get a good night's sleep - they won't be offended if you don't co-sleep....unlike a 3 year old child. 😁

**The emotional aspect of dog feeding**I'm a canine anthropologist at heart, I love watching  dogs - and working out wha...

**The emotional aspect of dog feeding**

I'm a canine anthropologist at heart, I love watching dogs - and working out what humans need to help connect with them in rhythm and flow.

I have always been a nutrition and supplement geek but not so with my four legged friends.....this article by Dr. Conor Brady at Dogs First gives an insight why.

Unlike us, dogs don't experience intellectual interference when it comes to food! As pets, they rely on us to feed them - here's where it gets complicated. Humans love to buy things for their dogs...and obsess over their food.

This shared article speaks of zinc supplementation and how it is becoming popular with raw feeders. Essentially the mechanism of mineral absorption is misunderstood and the human defers to label dosage without wider research.

One thing we can be sure of is that dogs - like humans - do not need large amounts of crispy, processed, dehydrated foodstuffs.

Gut health and behavioural/emotional/psychological health are connected - the growing bodies of work in human science demonstrates this. We may not be as blessed in the canine world with the quantity of academic papers but there are many ethical, educated practitioners in this field.

Emotional recommendations from humans who worry about food may be worth a second thought.....the same goes for a sparkly advertising campaign.

Do your own research and check in with someone who can critically evaluate information if needed.

Zinc is a crucial micronutrient in the diet. It’s important for pretty much everything but no time for that now.

The point is, AAFCO, the sort-of regulatory body made up of candy company execs that oversee the quality of dry pet food in the US (FEDIAF over here but it's based largely on AAFCO guidelines too), say you need LOTS AND LOTS of zinc in the diet.

In fact, the MINIMUM amount of zinc AAFCO say you can include in pet food (dry or raw) is 120mg/kg of dry matter. This is a problem as studies show no prey animal contains anywhere near that amount of zinc. In fact, most (bar oysters, hardly common prey of the dog, but are unbelievably high in zinc for some reason!) contain less than half that amount. Even most plant ingredients fail to get close.

So it seems, once again, the dog's natural diet is potentially deficient in something and the candy companies, thankfully, have improved on silly mother nature...once again.

But, as with most things pet food, all is not what it seems.

AAFCOs' minimum estimates (we say estimates as the science backing most of their decisions is truly woeful and of course they are only minimums, not Recommended Daily Amounts, we still today don't know ANY of those. Not one, Honestly!) are based on studies of dry-fed dogs fed ultra-processed pet foods that use artificial, conical flask versions of nutrients, such as zinc oxide instead of naturally occurring zinc.

The body does not like minerals. They are inorganic, i.e. not from the land of the living. The gut only permits them entry if they are chelated to a carbon molecule. These the body trusts. Carbon molecules ARE invited to the party and minerals simply tag along with it (even though the mineral is the one with the tunes!!).

The problem is, at least for our pets consuming these very poor foodstuffs, chelated minerals are pricier to make. So your pets tend to get things like zinc and iron oxide (aka rust!). We know dogs only absorb around 10% of the zinc oxide fed to them. Compare this to 20-40% of the natural zinc fed to them (zinc from meat is better absorbed than zinc from plants…).

This means raw-fed dogs get FOUR TIMES the zinc from their diet compared to their dry-fed counterparts eating dry pet food with Goerge Jetson-esque mineral pill additions. So what some view as a diet deficient in zinc is actually a diet that contains plenty of zinc just in its more bioavailable form.

Red meat and poultry are the best sources of zinc so a raw dog food diet made up on meat, bone, organ and a bit of veg, contains more than enough zinc for the average healthy dog, I assure you (though do check out Note 3 below re Northern Breeds).

Of late, there has been a surge of folk to real feeding. It's great news. But unfortunately, many seem to come with large, NASA-like Excel spreadsheets of exact vitamin and mineral demands of their dog (there is no formulator on the planet that can tell you the nutrient content of your food, particularly US ones....eg comparing CAFO beef to my grass fed stuff? A crappy greenhouse blueberry grown in dirt poor soils versus these wild ones I feed?! And this iswe before you discuss storage, age at consumption, preparation etc etc).

I worry this needlessly detailed / scientific approach to dinner time has fuelled the development of Pet Food PTSD in owners.

The AAFCO guidelines are for dry food manufacturers, nobody else. They do not apply to folk feeing real food. In fact, if anything they are misleading. Folk are now driving themselves mad trying to find enough zinc or vitamin E (another one where the natural form is significantly better absorbed...) to keep the AAFCO minimum protocol happy when they are comparing apples and oranges.

If you only knew the slap-dash, mish-mash info the guidelines are based on, from an insane focus on MINIMUM protein (who would want to feed their kids the minimum amount of this nutrient), to maximums based on pigs and virtually zero info on the micro minerals, it's all nutritional gobbledy g**k that would never be permitted in human nutrition. It was invented to get pet food quality off the floor in the 70's (when tens of thousands of cats and dogs were dying for want of taurine...) but has evolved little from that point.

[For anyone still confused over the AAFCO requirements, or believing they have some relevance, please check out my new course on "AAFCO and the "complete" myth". Proving popular!

As you walk into the light you need to leave all that sort of stuff behind.

Folk naturally say "but what else do we have to direct us"... and the answer is, very little!

Not very assuring Conor! We were looking for a little more!

I don't have it. All I can say is - don't worry. We don't know the vitamin and mineral requirements of the kids let alone where to source those nutrients or how much is in their food at the time of feeding....and yet they're doing fine (albeit we all wish they ate more veg...!).

We tend to work more with food pyramids and the dog's pyramid happens has meat at the bottom.

That will have to do for now.

Note 1: For an exact understanding of what exactly a dog might eat, I have a course for that too...it comes with the entire first section of my book!!

Note 2: An understanding of vitamin and mineral needs does become important during sickness, for sure, some diseases drain this or that. We then turn on to it. But in your average healthy dog, we go for balance over time by varying the bits fed.

Note 3: ZRD is an issue in Northern breeds (huskies and Malanutes) where intestinal absorption is affected and zinc, for whatever reason, is poorly absorbed. Digging into this now - I want to see if zinc deficiency is common in raw-fed dogs...(Edit: seems like it does occur in raw-fed dogs....next up...is it as common and why?!)


I've talked before about why we shouldn't throw a ball repetitively for our dog to chase

Men and dogs......so many dogs - especially the bully breeds - are fearful and aggressive towards (many) men.The route f...

Men and dogs......so many dogs - especially the bully breeds - are fearful and aggressive towards (many) men.

The route for change is via the human.

We don't need to dominate a dog or use fear and anger to control.

A well timed correction goes a very long way.....kind, firm intentions trump needing to be right and 'win.'

In our behavioural assessments we check dogs with men in different environments and help owners understand the dynamics involved in helping an anxious dog.

Jason is our natural dog whisperer, they love being handled by him....(even this entire, adolescent Cane Corso who is experiencing PTSD).....

Staffies are so responsive to their primary human caregivers that the instinct to boss other dogs can be overridden. The...

Staffies are so responsive to their primary human caregivers that the instinct to boss other dogs can be overridden.

Their desire to please can be worked into socialisation so that not only do they adore humans: they can be well balanced with dogs too.

This puppy is being respectful to the child's space. She sat next to him for a while and went to her bed without verbal instruction - fully supervised.

Socialisation, socialisation, socialisation



Chatterton Road


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