I really do have the best job ❤️ Some lovely post treatment yawn releases were reward enough, not to mention the ‘massages’ I also received 😂
What a difference a pelvic adjustment makes!
Just thought I’d share a video I took yesterday. I was on my own with the phone propped up against the stable wall, so forgive me as it’s not the best!
I had already assessed pelvic symmetry and found the horse to have a near side ventral rotation. You can see how incredibly uncomfortable she is on palpation, most notably her medial gluteal muscle. This is the strongest muscle of the gluteal group and it’s main function is extending and abducting the hip joint.
After performing an adjustment to realign the pelvis, I then rechecked for symmetry and again palpated the horse. What a difference!
This is just a small part of what I do. The whole treatment takes around 45-60 minutes including chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue work, myofascial and craniosacral release techniques.
What a way to earn a living!
Best. Job. Ever.
Just caught the end of this lovely release from super gorgeous, super chilled stallion Tobias today 🥰
Fenton is starting to get a bit big to comfortably lift in and out of my car. He comes to the yard and to work with me, so he often gets in and out up to 10 times a day. I am very mindful of how damaging letting him jump in and out would be to his young bones now and of course being a Labrador, when he is a mature dog.
With that in mind he now has a ramp. I thought it would take a while to teach him what to do but he’s such a bright little thing, he got it straight away! I’m hoping teaching him while he’s young will stop the desire to jump in and out of the car altogether 🤞
Gorgeous new client Charlie was intent on making sure I worked on his hamstrings today, in particular the gracilis which he thought I needed a bit of help getting to!!! 🤣
He also spent the rest of the treatment pointing me in the right direction with his nose!! 🤦🏻♀️Absolutely lovely horse with such a big, big character!!!
So, this morning I woke up to my old lab Bruno unable to stand. I helped him up and stopped him falling over to get him outside for a wee.... It appeared to be a neurological issue with his hind legs. He has a lot of other things going on with his breathing and I couldn’t bear to see him suffer like this. I made the horrible call to the vet and spent the morning crying my eyes out and berating myself for not being able to help him. Normally I would never touch a dog presenting with these symptoms without vets permission, but as he is my own and I’d sealed his fate, I thought what harm could it do? I treated him before I went to work ......
I got back home to find him almost completely better!!!! The second part of the video is him right now!!! I don’t know how much extra time I’ve bought him but I am grateful for every single extra second I have got 🥰🥰🥰
....I have obviously cancelled the vet!! 😬😬
Meet Toto. A four year old rescued Romanian street dog who was referred to me by Southill Vets in Gillingham. As you can see he was struggling to walk, wobbling and his hind legs kept giving way underneath him.
He needed a multitude of adjustments along his spine from his cervicals through his thoracics and into his lumbar vertebrae. His pelvis was also extremely rotated and tilted. All in all he was in a pretty bad way....
I returned for my second visit this evening. The owner had messaged me the day after his first treatment and told me he’d greatly improved but even I hadn’t expected this result after only one treatment!
To say that I am thrilled would be an understatement!! Best. Job. Ever.
I am treating a lot of horses/ponies at the moment that have pelvic rotations/tilts and/or are misaligned in their necks/shoulders.
I can only assume this current trend is from the ground conditions. Older horses are also struggling in this cold spell which is likely due to arthritic changes ... I can help with all of the above!
I am finding most of these issues in routine check ups and the horses are yet to display problems in their ridden work as they are mostly very stoic! If your horse/pony is due a check up or if you think they may be struggling please get in touch before the issues manifest themselves and require more work to fix.
(My own horse very much enjoying me working on his shoulder to release muscle tension)
I received this lovely review after treating this gorgeous yellow lab. I found that she had a rotated and twisted pelvis aswell as several misalignments in her thoracolumbar spine.
She was a joy to treat and although clearly uncomfortable didn’t really stop grinning (yes she actually smiles!!) or wagging her tail bless her! Video not great quality but shows before and then the morning after..
‘Laura was amazing with my dog when she suddenly went lame and the vet didn't know why.
she immediately got to the problem and spent ages going all over her which my dog loved!
the next morning she was totally back to normal.
I can't thank Laura enough!!’
This one made my brain ache this week! 🤯
This lovely chap had a significant left pelvic rotation, adjustments needed to his Atlas and TMJ and also 3 cervical vertebrae in his neck. On palpation he was also so very sore in his lumbosacral region possibly due to the pelvic rotation. He was pretty stoic to begin with but he began to make it clear that I was not going to be able to do the adjustments needed in that area!
Sadly, you cannot explain to a horse that if they just stand still for a few minutes you can release all the tension and relieve pain!
So instead of adjusting the spine and TS (which was what he really needed) I decided to use the ultrasound and red light therapy tool. This was recommended to me by a friend that’s a Vet Physio. It basically utilises ultrasound waves through muscle, nerves and connective tissue and it has been well documented as effective in reducing pain, muscle spasms and joint contractures. This one also has the red light therapy option which I have already been using with great results.
This was used for 3 consecutive days and today he was comfortable enough that I was able to complete the adjustments and perform the accompanying soft tissue work to allow him to be a much happier more relaxed horse 😊 The yawns he did after the TS adjustment (showing massive tension release) were so rewarding and confirmed to me that I was correct to persevere until I was able to safely adjust this lovely boy.