⚠️⚠️ SCAM ALERT ⚠️⚠️
Pet scams are big business for fraudsters who know how much we love our pets, set up to pull on your heart strings. Here we list a few, but please be scam aware and contact Action Fraud if you think you have been a victim of a pet scam.
We have received a copy email from one of our clients claiming that their pets microchip registration will expire if a payment is not made. Microchip companies may charge an administration fee if you should wish to change any details or add additional benefits, but otherwise the cost of your microchip remains for the lifetime of your pet.
Telephone calls advising that you are breaking the law if your pets vaccinations are not up to date. Although recommended they are not a legal requirement.
Posts, generally shared many hundreds of times, of a picture of a sick and/or injured pet looking for their owner. No telephone number is included (an immediate indication of a scam post) and scammers use the opportunity to further scam and hack via the sharing of the post.
Missing Pet Posters - scammers contact desperate owners who are looking for their pet advising their pet has been found, but needed veterinary treatment. People are quick to hand over money as they believe their pet has been found! This scam is particularly worrying as it gives false hope their pet has been located whilst stealing what could be large amounts of money.
Should you ever receive a call that worries you pertaining to be from our practice, please end the call and telephone us directly, we will always be happy to help and reassure you.
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