⭐️ Before & After photos ⭐️
3 years ago, I took the plunge and decided to go self-employed. My mum, who passed away 4 months after setting up the Dog Barber, was the one who convinced me to take the plunge. She was my biggest fan and sadly never got to see the salon.
It took another 2 years of patiently waiting, and
With the help of my incredibly supportive wife, dad, step-dad, step mum, and my close friends, my dream salon is now a reality!!
I would also like to thank my client, sarah, who led me to Anthony & Frances and Chris & Julia at Bridgers Farm. I couldn't ask for better landlords, and who now, I consider friends.
And lastly, who, without you all, the Dog Barber wouldn't exist. My loyal customers who have followed me on this journey I love you all!! And, I promise you, I won't be moving again. 😆💙