K9 Calma

K9 Calma Canine behaviour and communication therapy and coaching. I believe all behaviours* can be remedied no matter how hopeless it may seem.

When all the tried and tested methods have failed let me think outside of the box and show you how to achieve balance in the simplest of ways. Providing affordable help, training and guidance to owners and dogs who are not living the harmonious balanced life they deserve. There's always a solution, always something different to try. (*provided there is no physiological reason, which most often there is not.)

*Relaunch!!* After taking a little over a year out I will be returning to the work that is my passion and dream as of ne...

*Relaunch!!* After taking a little over a year out I will be returning to the work that is my passion and dream as of next week. πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰

I have so missed helping owners and their dogs to find their balance and start to live the cooperative life we all strive for.

I'm now based in Burgess Hill but I am willing to travel for those who need me.

My training is based on communication, cooperation and canine psychology and as such is effective and, both dog and owner friendly.
Also it is not based on food rewards, although I am more than happy to give my furry friends a yummy treat when they get it right. So those owners struggling with dogs who aren't interested in food reward can rest assured there are other ways.

My ability to think outside the box has enabled me to address some unusual issues, and I have helped many households who had tried and failed to remedy problems on many occasions and to much expense.

I specialise in Reactivity, and Anxiety (both dog and owner) but my main aim is to help anyone who is not truly enjoying life with their dog.
If you or anyone you know struggles with their dog's behaviour please check out my page and reviews and get in touch to see how I can help. πŸΎπŸ˜„

I don't often post on my page about client's stories because they don't want their dogs aggression or other undesirable ...

I don't often post on my page about client's stories because they don't want their dogs aggression or other undesirable behaviours advertised and discretion is important to me. I rely instead on my customers passing on stories of my good work and recommending me where needed.
I believe in order for a dog to let go of their negative mindset it helps if those around them see them in a positive light so the last thing I want is to promote them in their worst moments. I do however feel that it is worth posting memories in hindsight.
For instance these 4 all mingling together happily on one of our regular walks shortly before the first lock down. All from separate households, 3 of these gorgeous dogs had extreme reactivity and aggression towards all other dogs before working with me. As you can see here they are all off lead...making me happy and proud as ever!

When I met Luna and her mom about a year ago Luna was very fearful and extremely reactive to people and dogs. I was unab...

When I met Luna and her mom about a year ago Luna was very fearful and extremely reactive to people and dogs. I was unable to get within 6ft of her despite all my best tactics. As such I had to recommend muzzle training before we could move forwards.
It became clear quickly that overcoming Luna's fears and her responses would not be a fast fix but thanks to her family's love, patience, faith in me, and determination, she has made steady progress and is now able to relax and enjoy a walk, even on the busy prom. She still has a way to go but as you can see from this picture taken in November we have been able to safely remove her muzzle from the equation and her mom is able to handle her now sporadic and short lived outbursts.
Keep up the good work Luna and family! Hopefully you will all be able to enjoy some much calmer trips out together this summer 😊🐾

I've met lots of new doggy friends the last few weeks ☺ A number of them have been struggling with their relationships w...

I've met lots of new doggy friends the last few weeks ☺
A number of them have been struggling with their relationships with the children in the household. Often showing signs of aggression as a result 😞
Many people will say that once a dog has bared their teeth or growled at a child that they must be gotten rid of. This is a mindset that makes me both sad and frustrated and often prevents owners from getting the help they need because it simply isn't an option to get rid of their fur baby, especially since a dog with this on it's record would find it very difficult to be rehomed.
In actual fact these dogs are on the whole not threatening to harm, they are simply trying to communicate their feelings. If we take the time to understand them and help them, step by step, these behaviours can absolutely be remedied in most cases.
Don't misunderstand me, this is not always the case and I would certainly never put a child in danger! There have been few occasions where I have had to tell owners that their beloved pooch cannot be kept around children however it is not the rule and we owe it to our canine friends to treat them all as individuals and to do what's best for them as well as the rest of the family.
If you are in any way perturbed by your dogs behaviour please please get in touch and allow me to translate and help you get on the path to peace, calm and harmony! I will teach your dog, you and your children where necessary, to communicate effectively and create balance 🐾✌

The sun has started making more regular visits and the days are getting longer 🌞Time to get outside and enjoy it while i...

The sun has started making more regular visits and the days are getting longer 🌞
Time to get outside and enjoy it while it lasts πŸ˜‰
But what if your dog makes enjoying time out difficult? Whether that's because they have anxiety about the outside world, reactivity problems, selective hearing or because they can't be left alone at home, I can and want to help! ☺
There is nothing that brings me more joy than thinking about all the people and their pooches whom I have helped live happier calmer lives and I am so blessed to be consistently adding names to the list!
If your dog causes you any stress or worry get in touch! We can have a quick chat about your struggles and how I work and I promise you will feel more positive even before we've met 🐢🐾

πŸ‘‹Just to let everyone know - After a short time in Oxford I have decided that I miss Sussex, my family, friends, clients...

πŸ‘‹Just to let everyone know - After a short time in Oxford I have decided that I miss Sussex, my family, friends, clients and the seaside so will be moving back next month!
If you or anyone you know needs help finding calm and balance with their beloved pet pooch get in touch! I work in my own way, focussing on communication and psychology so even if you have had help from professionals before I can help just as I have with hundreds of others over the last 10 years.
The joy of using communication over training is that improvements are seen almost immediately... correct communication is understood straight away whereas training must be repeated time and again before it sinks in.
Summer is a time when we all love to be outside and there are so many outdoor activities our dogs can enjoy with us when they know how to behave!
I look forward to hearing from new owners and helping them find harmony with their furry friends!


I recieved this from a new client today, just 48 hours after my first visit 😁 It is testament to the power of communication over training...communication is understood straight away. I am so happy to be able to help people and dogs live a better life!
"Hey Clare hope you are having a great long weekend! Just wanted to say WOW what a difference already. Andrew as come home and have reviewed all of what you taught me. we have been implementing everything and legit a different dog. Even asking him to sit/lay down or shake a paw as the redirected behaviour he's doing it straight away rather than the usual "what's in it for me?" vibe. Thank you so much it's already helped massively and has given us so much hope. Just wanted to say thanks."

Those who have worked with me have probably heard me tell the dogs that I will be their Nanny McPhee - If you've seen th...

Those who have worked with me have probably heard me tell the dogs that I will be their Nanny McPhee - If you've seen the movies you know the line: "When you need me but don't want me I shall stay. When you want me but no longer need me I must go."
But lately, having visited a number of clients after they'd been unable to get help elsewhere I've realised I'm a little bit Goldilocks too! Aside from the brown hairπŸ˜‚ - The first trainer was too harsh, the second trainer was too soft, the third trainer was too vague! But this trainer is juuussst right and helps all the doggies live happily ever after ✌🐾


Canine Communication and behaviour Therapy with K9 Calma is the most effective and cost effective help you can seek if you and your furry friend are not living the harmonious life we all deserve.

I have always tried to keep prices to a minimum to make sure my services are available to those who need me. Alas expenses do nonetheless go up and it has reached a time where I can no longer absorb the difference. Prices must be adjusted.

New prices as of 1st March 2022 are:

Initial consultation (2-4 hours): Β£120

Follow up sessions (usually 1-2 hours): Β£40 per hour

Training/Therapy walks (Just me + dog): Β£30 per hour

*Those out of area are subject to travel expenses. To be agreed on case by case basis.

As always I will not tie you in to a set number of sessions or frequency, each case is individual and I will continue to treat you as such.

Please get in touch if you have any questions! 🐾

This gorgeous young girl's family called me round for some help as she had started showing fear reactivity. She was bark...

This gorgeous young girl's family called me round for some help as she had started showing fear reactivity. She was barking, lunging and snapping which was starting to make those around her fearful, especially the youngest in the family who would avoid Coco at all costs.
Thankfully she's still very young and was simply in need of guidance through the correct communication.
Just a few hours after my first and only visit I got a message from her mum:
"Thank you so much for today πŸ₯° My little one is no longer scared of Coco!! I am amazed by how much progress has happened here in just a few hours! I cannot thank you enough!!### πŸ’—"

Then I got a message the following day saying they'd had a successful and enjoyable walk meeting dogs in the park AND had visitors round the house without chaos setting in... I quote "I am in awe of the difference in her and it's all down to my communication and body language. THANK YOU!"

Kudos as always has to go to the owners for taking it all on board and stepping up!!

I am so blessed!! Love love love my job!!

I took this photo at the end of a 30 min "walk" with this guy....we'd only managed to get over the road from his house b...

I took this photo at the end of a 30 min "walk" with this guy....we'd only managed to get over the road from his house before he shut down and refused to go anywhere except home. I hasten to add there are no triggers required, it is an unnecessary mindset and a classic example of a dog thinking they know what they want/need...alas like children they are often mistaken in this.
1 week later and Steve and I went out on an actual 30 minute walk..spent mostly walking. Helped along by my little Neo to help give him confidence he is now edging his way towards full hour walks and is actually going out with his mum for (almost) proper walks again!
I love helping my dog pals enjoy life! ✌🐾


I met this beautiful girl 1 week prior to this walk and I couldn't get within 6 feet of her. Just being in her eyeline was enough to send her in to a reactive frenzy. So fearful was she that she genuinely meant to do damage if the opportunity arose.
I asked the owners to do a week's muzzle training with her so I could at least get close enough to help. (Anyone who knows or has worked with me knows that for me to request a muzzle it must have been bad) I also left them with advice on communication and tips of a few changes to put in place.
They stepped up and 1 week on were already seeing a positive difference in her and the muzzle was on without stress πŸ‘Œ
She came out of the house to me without a sound, I took the lead and we all went for an unheard of midday walk. Of course the scary things don't stop being scary straight away but with the correct communication and guidance you can see how well she is coping even on the high street.
This week (2 weeks after first meeting) I was able to go into the house without any upset or barking and we embarked on a full hour of almost completely quiet and mostly calm midday walking!
I am so proud to be able to help dogs and their owners live happy and harmonious lives and dogs like Luna remind me just how much they're capable of ❀

Things I hear at almost every Initial consultation: "I feel a lot more positive!", "That was really interesting!", "You ...

Things I hear at almost every Initial consultation: "I feel a lot more positive!", "That was really interesting!", "You make it all very easy to understand", "I feel so much calmer", "It's actually a lot more simple than I realised!", "I'm shocked how well he/she (dog) is responding already", "I feel much more confident already!".

This is why I do it! To help equip owners with the tools they need to feel confident and happy with their dogs regardless of issues along the way.
Never resign yourself to a stressful life with your dog. There are always improvements that can be made!
Get in touch if you're struggling. I am able and keen to help!


Just received this text from one of my lovely clients:
"Amazing achievement. Just managed to allow Nutmeg (scaredy cat) to come in through the window, for the first time since getting Clover, in a relatively calm manner! I Got Clover away from the window whilst I called Nutmeg and then got her to go into the kitchen so Nutmeg could come in the window. Clover was desperate to react and shaking afterwards, but apart from a little whimpering there was no major outburst. I can't believe it happened, maybe it's a one off? But thought you'd like to know. Thank you for giving me the confidence to keep trying with Clover."

It makes me so proud when I get messages like this!
I went to see her on Monday to set the guidelines and here we are 4 days later with a wonderful result. There will likely be hiccups along the way but it certainly is not a one off. This dog mom is well on her way to the peace she has been desperate to achieve 😁✌

Nb- for anyone concerned or wondering, Clover's whimpering and shaking is a result of all the energy, adrenaline and other bio and neuro chemicals that are habitually released because they were needed in her previous responses. They will lessen quickly the more she practices calm.


Thought i'd share this old video i just rewatched for inspiration and motivation. My dear Sasha doing what she did best, helping loopy K9s. What a team we were!

Moods can change so quickly, especially with animals because they live in the present moment.
From fun and happy, to insecure reactive and aggressive, and back down to calm and controlled.
How did they all end up at calm and controlled? Because that's where I remained as I disagreed with them!
Having been set guidelines and boundaries by me in her own rehabilitation, Sasha knew only to go far enough to keep herself safe and listened to voice commands which is why I knew that I could keep everyone safe with her off lead even if this happened.
Woody on the other hand was a very erratic boy. Under socialised and misunderstood from a very young age. When I met him he was terrified to go anywhere than the field and river behind his home and massively reactive to any and all dogs, often resulting in retaliation....hence the lead.
I worked very hard with Woody and though he wasn't easy he did make good progress with his dog aggression with a confident handler.

Fyi - it's worth having the sound on but be warned...I am loud! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€£βœŒ

This handsome guy is Brownie.When I met Brownie he was having to spend a lot of time in his crate in the lounge in order...

This handsome guy is Brownie.
When I met Brownie he was having to spend a lot of time in his crate in the lounge in order to keep everyone safe. His family were unable to relax and enjoy time together when he was in the room, they couldn't even sit on the sofa without Brownie having a potentially dangerous reaction.
In the initial consultation and assessment I passed on my knowledge and tips to his owners, showed them a few techniques and practiced with Brownie the correct response to some of the situations that triggered him.
A few weeks later to my joy I had a call from Brownie's owners saying that they had had much success with the training in house and asking if we could please move forward and start work on his reactions when out on the walk.
When I arrived at the house I was over the moon to see that the crate had completely gone and everyone's energy was much lighter and more relaxed. In simply changing their communications and fulfilling his needs not his wants they had managed to change the dynamic entirely!
We went out and again Brownie listened wonderfully and was only too happy to learn that there was a much calmer way to be when out and about, passing everyone with little or no response. So often the dogs have no desire to behave erratically or react aggressively they just don't know any other way to cope.
Next session was recall. With which he is making excellent progress (on the long line for now)! I am so proud!
It really is such a pleasure to help families like this find balance and enjoy their canine friends rather than living in fear and stress!
If you or anyone you know live with a dog that brings them stress and worry rather than joy please get in touch. It's not just my business, it's my calling.

2021 was an odd year! In many ways much like 2020, but for some of us profound changes were on the cards. These changes,...

2021 was an odd year! In many ways much like 2020, but for some of us profound changes were on the cards. These changes, both in my personal life and the business caused me to lose confidence, and the new issues I was encountering in my work after lockdown really impacted the zeal I felt for my work.
So I took a backseat for a few months in order to get myself back to a place where I can safely and effectively help any and all problem pooches and their owners.
The truth is, with my mindset as it was, my presence would likely have been detrimental to some and could have been an out and out safety hazard around others.
I am happy to say however that, as clichè as it may be, with the new year has awoken new passion and resolve (or rather old passion rejuvenated)! I am feeling better than ever and so grateful for all my clients whose stories I have looked back over for inspiration.
I will be increasing the number of dogs on my books again and have every confidence as ever that I can improve the lives of anyone who owns a dog with behavioural issues, improving dogs life alongside.
Don't struggle and suffer...get in touch! 😁🐾✌

Alas it was time for my van - Nessa, and I to part ways last week. A number of people have asked if this means I am givi...

Alas it was time for my van - Nessa, and I to part ways last week.
A number of people have asked if this means I am giving up K9 Calma!?!
Rest assured it does not!!!
I have a new estate car which can comfortably fit a big ol' dog in the boot. I simply don't need the van anymore as I stopped doing group walks and now focus on the Communication Therapy and training walks.
Once I get my new signs for my car I'm sure you'll start to spot me out and about around Sussex again! 🐾
Stay safe everyone!


Burgess Hill



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