2022 💫🐶💫
A magical year filled with so much love, support and dogs! Who wants anything more than that?
Have a very Happy New Years folks! 🤍🫶🏽💫
What a lucky bunch our troops are today in a field full of untouched snow. They absolutely love it, and more to the point so do we🫶🏽
How do we help our dogs succeed during this time?! Don’t set your dogs up to “fail for fireworks”💥
A few top tips
💥 Do you watch TV or have an Alexa?Great, well get YouTube on with a firework display sound play on! Start on a low volume, reward non reactive behaviours. This should be done in the run up to bonfire night!
💥Don’t change your routine, or stress yourself on how your dog is going to be, dogs know when you aren’t calm and collect!!
💥When letting them out in the garden, ensure that you keep eyes on all the time to avoid escape, better yet, stick a long line on!
💥We all know fireworks don’t just go off on bonfire night, they are throughout all hours of the day so be on the safe side. Keep your dog on a lead to avoid them being spooked and running off whilst in public.
💥Rabbit ears, trancheas anything that can keep them occupied on and stimulate them to focus on.
💥If your dog presents unusual signs of distress or you feel they need veterinary care please contact your vet. Alternatively your vet may prescribe some calming medication (this should be a last resort if the above aren’t working)!
💥Classical music on for calm environments for everyone. Some radio stations will do a dog specific classical music night!
💥Don’t hide them from fireworks, teach them what they are, show them they have nothing to be scared of, it starts with you, the owner. You as the owner need to be more prepared than your dog for this time of the year💥
It’s a waiting game and our guys smashed the test of time. Duke doesn’t need to of course🐶😎 he’s the oldest and most obedient and joined us part way through their stimulation session!
Deo and Derry smashing it, proud as punch considering they’re just 12 months old🤩🤩🤩🤩
Showing off the whole set of tricks he has to offer for some delicious treatsies! He’s not stupid this lad, knows exactly where his bread is buttered 👅🐶❤️
Boomerang city this week, Jake has captured the best snippets of the pooches! Calian absolutely lapping up the camera space of course🤣
Can’t wait for this gorgeous girl to pose for all the professional pics at her pawrents wedding this weekend. We actually cannot wait to be a part of their big day and get involved Let Luce style 📸🤍
Sprout the foal loving her rub down and scratch scrotch by Jake yesterday evening. This girl absolutely LOVES watching the dogs in the next field… keeping an eye on Jake and the Let Luce team📸📸
@stoneyraikesequestriancentre ❤️
This little beauty came along at the most emotional time after the loss of our Diesel. We didn’t know where to even start, but along came Derry a little farm JRT who was the only girl left. Fate fate fate. She’s absolutely brilliant. It is strange to say, that behaviours I’ve only seen Diesel do, Derry does. A true part of Diesel lives on through her we believe. Our miracle!
1 whole year of Derry, Derald, Dingle, Desmond, Derence and all the other less PG names we have for her. Training from 5 days into you being at home with us and being the cleverest most friendly and sociable JRT we have ever had💛
We went and picked up her birthday presents the other day and safe to say she is now tucking into a pigs throat that she chose 😂🤣
Deo, just 9 months old. Practicing his loose lead walking with us. As he spends most of his time on the farm with us off lead, It’s great to get out and about and practice skills we have taught him from being younger.
Training. Time. Patience. It works wonders on these guys.
Loose lead makes it so much more enjoyable for us, the Walker, and the dog of course💛💛