** Puppy and Dog Vaccination Update **
As you may have heard already, the pharmaceutical company that manufactures the vaccinations for puppies and dogs has decided to no longer supply the two strain leptospirosis vaccination (commonly known as Lepto 2).
We have finished our supply of lepto2, therefore, moving forward any dog or puppy that has received the Lepto2 vaccination previously will need to receive the L4. This will require 2 vaccinations, 4 weeks apart.
The pharmaceutical company are offering the second vaccination free of charge therefore there is no extra cost to you for ensuring your pet is fully vaccinated.
In addition, many insurers these days require your pet to be up to date with vaccinations, therefore you run the risk of voiding your policy if you don’t keep your dog up to date.
There is no need to rush into booking an appointment. The vet will simply use the lepto4 vaccine at your usual booster appointment and request a further appointment in 4 weeks time.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. Equally, however, we will not tolerate any abuse received regarding this matter. It is not a decision the practice has made and there is nothing we can do. Any complaints or comments can be referred to MSD Animal Health.