Osteoarthritis is the most common condition that I treat with acupuncture.
Arthritis means inflammation of the joints, and osteoarthritis is the most common form of this, causing degeneration of the cartilage and formation of new bone around the joints, which causes pain and swelling.
The symptoms of arthritis can include lameness, reluctance to exercise and play, and changes in behaviour. The signs can often start off quite subtly, especially in cats.
This condition affects a large number of our dogs and cats, especially as they get older.
There are many options for control of this condition, and the best results and happiest outcomes come from finding the right combination that suits you and your pet.
Your vet has a number of different groups of anti inflammatory drugs and pain relieving medications to choose from, in various forms (pills, liquids, injections), meaning they can work with you to see what would work in your situation, tailor your pet’s treatment to suit, and adjust it when necessary.
Veterinary physiotherapists can use their incredible talents to support your pet, and work alongside your vet to help control pain, improve movement and help restore muscle control and function with exercise programs, hydrotherapy and laser therapy, amongst other things.
You can help your arthritic pet by controlling their diet - getting your dog or cat to a healthy weight is one of the most significant treatments, and preventative measure you can do!
Keeping exercise routines consistent helps a lot, walking your dog similar distances each day can help reduce sudden flare ups of arthritis.
Acupuncture helps to reduce the pain associated with osteoarthritis, by stimulating the body to produce natural pain relieving substances, targeting the painful muscle points around inflamed joints and reducing the muscle tightness and spasm caused by the altered body position due to painful joints.
Acupuncture is often a useful addition, or sometimes alternative to parts of your pet’s treatment plan.
If you think your pet may be showing signs of osteoarthritis, talk to your veterinary practice about the options available.