Happy Hounds Dog Services

Happy Hounds Dog Services From puppy basics to complex behaviours. From lead work to aggression. Positive methods only used. Qualified staff members. Fully insured. All breeds!!!

Meet the dog trainer! Paula Summers
My most important role is to provide you - the client - with effective, professional & humane training for your dog. Training that makes your life easier, by teaching your dog how to behave and live within the rules and structure of normal family life. Dogs have always been a huge part of my life. I've always been a problem solver - challenging behaviour problem

s keep me on my toes! I look forward to getting to know you and your dog! Knowledge is vitally important as are the practical skills for helping both humans and dogs. We understand contacting a trainer can be a daunting prospect but please don't worry we are here to help however we can!!
07866 270133


Disregard the fork sharing and look at the picture from another point of view.

I see a dog with his owner sharing a moment. I see a very well behaved dog not begging, not trying to steal food, not lunging at passersby or prams. Just waiting on his owner’s knee content in the moment.

How is it that homeless people seem to have such well behaved dogs? You often see them just walking next to owners no leads ( cringe), no need to keep reminding dog to walk on, or keep up. They don’t sn**ch food from other people. They can sit for hours content with their owners, don’t interfere with other people.

IMO it’s literally the amount of time they spend together. Dog and owner are closely bonded in a very balanced way naturally. Fascinates me.

Taking my new mug for a test brew!!! Got to have chocolate with tea for the full experience.😆😆Thank you Misty!!! Good si...

Taking my new mug for a test brew!!! Got to have chocolate with tea for the full experience.😆😆

Thank you Misty!!! Good size! Plenty left after dunking and chomping. Nom nom nom


Don’t give dogs as presents…..I mean really don’t….but in this case DO!!!! I love his reaction. 😭😭🥰🥰🥰

3 of my happy girls. Dee at front, Maeve in the middle. Isla behind Maeve. Dee is 8yrs old and known as the black bomb. ...

3 of my happy girls. Dee at front, Maeve in the middle. Isla behind Maeve. Dee is 8yrs old and known as the black bomb. She just explodes with speed when we need it. Maeve is a sister to Dee from another litter. Isla is Maeve’s daughter. That ear has never come up properly. Explains a lot. Only ever half listens 🙄🤣🤣🥰🥰🥰🥰

This has popped into my feed today and it’s perplexed me. There will always be irresponsible dog owners. We will never b...

This has popped into my feed today and it’s perplexed me.

There will always be irresponsible dog owners. We will never be free of that particular issue. I have my own frustrating moments when I pray I had a cattle prod in my back pocket. When 6weeks of work is undone in 30 seconds. Deep breathing, hard stares and flaring my nostrils is my go to. Because a jail cell seems somewhat restrictive.

However!!! Sweeping, blanket statements like that below infuriate me.

Do the people who come up with these realise that a dog trainer/behaviourist can be seen as a last resort by some people? Do these ‘content makers’ understand some find it embarrassing to approach a trainer? Some people really just do not realise help is available for their situation so don’t try to resolve it.

Shaming owners is NOT going to help anyone. Least of all the dogs. Some dogs really do have underlying problems that the owners cannot resolve. Pain issues, health problems, even problems within the dog’s brain and how it’s made up. Here I would be thinking of several breeds whose brains have well documented problems with certain receptors. This affects behaviour. Slapping the owner will not sort out the dog’s brain.

Can we please not play the ‘Blame game.’?
Can we please work on helping each owner simply ‘Do better’?

How can we be kind to one species yet be cruel to another? What does that really say about our training?

Come ON now people.

We CAN do better!!! We are better together!!

Paula 07866-270133.
For help on moving past the blame game.

https://www.facebook.com/share/p/5SaW6MkuXdfX8y26/Interesting. I believe pain is behind more reactivity issues than we k...


Interesting. I believe pain is behind more reactivity issues than we know. Now it looks as though we might eventually find a genetic link for possible physical issues. Would we then stop breeding from these dogs
? I don’t know if that’s a wise thing. As genetic testing massively gathers pace and tests improve, we will find more and more dogs with markers for lots of things. However if we simply stop breeding from those dogs the genetic pool shrinks enormously. Then we risk inbreeding. Interesting study though.

For all those with yellow Labradors and anyone with friends who have them.
Very interesting new study on the link between colour and predisposition for CCL rupture.

The more we know about our dogs the more power we have to put into place preventative measures! 🥰

Prevention is always better than cure!

All credit to Laurie Edge-Hughes for sharing this information.

It’s based on the following study:

Lee BT, Baker LA, Momen M, Terhaar H, Binversie EE, Sample SJ, Muir P. Identification of genetic variants associated with anterior cruciate ligament rupture and AKC standard coat color in the Labrador Retriever. BMC Genom Data. 2023 Oct 26;24(1):60.

And here’s the short synopsis:

Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) injuries are a common cause of lameness in dogs, particularly in breeds like Labrador Retrievers. Interestingly, recent research has uncovered a potential link between coat color and the risk of CCL rupture. Labrador Retrievers, which come in black, chocolate, and yellow, show different risks for this injury, with yellow Labs being more susceptible.

The study suggests that genetic factors linked to coat color might also influence the likelihood of CCL injuries. Specifically, the MC1R gene, which determines yellow coat color, is involved in inflammatory pathways that could predispose dogs to ligament issues. The researchers used a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify genes associated with both CCL injuries and coat color, focusing on a region of chromosome 5 near the MC1R gene. This region showed significant associations with CCL rupture, suggesting a complex interplay between genetic traits that influence both coat color and joint health.

Interestingly, the study also identified several other genes related to bone and cartilage health, inflammation, and gene regulation that may contribute to CCL rupture. These findings highlight the complex genetic landscape behind this common canine injury and open the door for further research into how coat color and other seemingly unrelated traits might influence health outcomes in dogs.

This groundbreaking study not only advances our understanding of CCL injuries in dogs but also provides valuable insights into the genetic factors that could help predict and prevent these injuries. As research continues, we may find more connections between seemingly unrelated traits and disease risk, ultimately improving the health and well-being of our canine companions.

Photo credit Marie Marketing

Look what Colin found in his locker at work!!!Dear lord!!! I haven’t been Paula Collins in over 19yrs!!!!Feeling old!!!!...

Look what Colin found in his locker at work!!!

Dear lord!!! I haven’t been Paula Collins in over 19yrs!!!!

Feeling old!!!! 😱😱😱

I am always preaching about grass seeds and what a nuisance they are. They get all over. I’ve pulled them out of eyes, e...

I am always preaching about grass seeds and what a nuisance they are. They get all over. I’ve pulled them out of eyes, ears and I’ve found one half buried in poor Dee’s chest.

Tonight I grabbed Maeve around her chops to plant a smacker on her when I aimlessly checked her teeth. Her gums looked inflamed. I checked harder. Saw a spot on her gum. Glasses on checked again. Realized it was soft and flexible. Gripped it and pulled out a grass seed. Most of it was buried in Maeve’s gum. I’m thinking iamd hoping I’ve got it all out. Maeve showed no symptoms or signs of pain at all. Just a simple snog started it.

Check your dogs all over regularly for grass seeds. Even inside their mouths, if you’re safe to do so!!!!

You just never know.

For help with all your training needs Paula 07866-270133.


Going to be warm today…..

So DO NOT walk your dogs in midday heat!! Unlike the numpty I saw yesterday with his heavy coated dog panting like a steam train.

Not going to mention cars. Done to ‘death’

Plenty of cool water, pools if you’re lucky enough but not too deep for the frenchies!!

If your dog is over heating utterly drench it in cold water. Soak it through. None of this cool the paws and stomach. Dunk the dog!!! Then call the vet.

Enjoy yourselves!! It’s just a day!!

Interesting incident today. Took Isla out for her social skills time. As ever her light and breezy, smiley self. Until w...

Interesting incident today. Took Isla out for her social skills time. As ever her light and breezy, smiley self. Until we had an incident, whilst we were minding our own business entirely.

Say on a bench watching life go by. Teaching patience and habituating to life, a man approached with 2 on lead dogs. Not a problem so far. Then he released a dog. Still not an issue. His off lead dog saw Isla and came running over to shout and swear at her. I kept her calm and tried to ignore the dog. Owner was recalling the dog, not that it listened very hard. Dog ran half way then turned to come swear at Isla some more. Isla was not getting beyond answering it back at this point. Dog returned once again to owner but once again not all the way. Came back for a third helping of swearing. This time I fully turned to look at it hard, point and loudly say NO. Didn’t stop it. Finally went back to its owner. Who then put it on lead. Said owner proceeded to walk over to us and suggest all the dogs said hello to each other. The dog who had just come running over off lead to hurl doggy abuse at my on lead dog.

He got a very loud, flat NO!!!!!

That did the job he and the dogs finally left us in peace. So off we wandered back to the car, Isla smiling and cuddling random people who wanted some doggy kisses. She’s such a tart!! We left the incident behind us.

So 2 lessons. Firstly never be afraid to stand up for your dog. If you feel it’s wrong then don’t do it. Because no way was any greeting going to go well after the foul language from his dog. Better to just let it be and walk away. However I was surprised that he’d even thought it was a good idea!! Very odd.

Second lesson. Leave it where it happened if you can. Don’t carry it with you. Not always easy to achieve. I have had a hard time with previous dogs I’ve owned, trying to learn that lesson. It’s a hard one. Isla does make it easy. She’s a very happy go lucky dog. I’ve had much harder dogs to own and live with. My teaching dogs. Holding the anger solves nothing though. Worrying about the man’s feelings to my blunt reply won’t help either. It stopped things escalating. Because if his dog is reactive off lead, I’ve no doubt the lead on won’t help at all.

I don’t blame the dog, I don’t really know why it reacted. I suspect it’s usually like that. Or maybe Isla surprised it. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. Either way, tomorrow is another day.

For help with reactive dogs call Paula 07866-270133

Here is the solid proof. Waiting for the right age is so much better for your dogs. Rushing it can cause problems later ...

Here is the solid proof. Waiting for the right age is so much better for your dogs. Rushing it can cause problems later down the line.

Dogs do not become pregnant unless the human allows it. Usually. Keep an in season bitch on lead. Walk early morning late evening. ON lead. Should your dog be mated you have the ‘morning after’ injection to use. Speak to your vet about the timing of this and it is amazingly effective. A mating does not have to result in puppies. You can use this very safely up to 22 days post a mating. Even further but then it affects the efficiency rate.

Correct timing of a spay. Morning after jab if you have an accident. Simples!!!!

New RVC research reveals later-age spaying of bi***es reduces risk of urinary incontinence  Published: 03 Jul 2024 | Last Updated: 03 Jul 2024 19:00:00 A new study from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) has revealed that delaying spaying of bi***es until between seven and 18 months causes a 20 per...


Still want a border collie? Tough, hard working amazing dogs. Even when faced with a two big rams who could easily hurt that dog. Not an ounce of fear. Those are texel rams. BIG sheep. Probably weigh best part of 90kgs each. Against a 20kg collie. Powerful dog.

Still think you can handle a working dog in your living room???

Yup I know that feeling this morning. Oh look more rain!! Super excited for it!! Super excited to be wearing the same cl...

Yup I know that feeling this morning.

Oh look more rain!! Super excited for it!! Super excited to be wearing the same clothes I was wearing in December…..again!!!!🙄🙄🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


Can see this coming from a mile away.

Both dogs are ‘locked and loaded’ on each other. The chow definitely has a hard eyed stare. Good things don’t follow that hard eye.

Both dogs have ear positions up and forward facing. Not good. But not always bad either.

Both dogs have a stiff legged gait. Definitely not good. Unless they have medical issues. Odds of both dogs having medical issues….tiny.

Both dogs have tails up, curled over backs and virtually vibrating with indignation at each other. That is most definitely NOT good.

So ears forward, hard eyes forward, tails facing forward. Dogs virtually on top toes.

Surprise they went for each other. Or not to me. Can see it coming a mile away when you know, you know. Oh and the collie is not trying to play nice as the title says.

I hate doing this. No one should need telling to NOT leave a dog in a hot car. No one should need telling to NOT exercis...

I hate doing this. No one should need telling to NOT leave a dog in a hot car. No one should need telling to NOT exercise dogs during the hottest part of the day.

No one should need telling if your dog IS overheating to IMMEDIATELY immerse or soak your dog is cold water. Colder the better. If shock occurs it was too late already. Get them wet, then get to a vet.


There has been some sad news this weekend in the extended family. A young, fit, healthy staffy cross has lost her life at 3yrs old to blue-green algae.

This was around running water, in a place frequently visited. No obvious evidence and no warning signs around. It did not take 24hrs for this young dog to lose her life. They are all blaming themselves BUT it is just a tragic incident.

Please take care with your dogs around water. Although this was running water not stagnant or slow moving. If in doubt, keep them out. Look out for any warning signs. None present with this sad incident. If your dog has been in water recently, literally within hours and you see ANY signs of illness call your vet. Obviously in this case this was immediately done and even with an induced coma it wasn’t enough to save her short life. Heart breaking. Poor dog, poor family.

I think most would agree!!

I think most would agree!!

Falling behind on social media bots and bobs as usual. Naughty me!!Saturday was puppy group and they are doing brilliant...

Falling behind on social media bots and bobs as usual. Naughty me!!

Saturday was puppy group and they are doing brilliantly. Layla the little scaredy fluff ball is now utterly bouncing into group!! Blood as brass. Such a sweetheart.

Maia the sweetest golden retriever just adorable. Butter wouldn’t melt. Her stay is coming along nicely. Recall is fab, can hardly get her away from mum!!

Freddy the rebel without a cause of the group. A worried little boy who shouts when he’s scared. He’s coming along very nicely. Less shouty and mum and dad are handling him much better. They are all starting to relax and it shows.

Must get photos next week.

Have to share because I’m very proud. One of my home bred pups is all over Pets@Home social media page!!! He kinda model...

Have to share because I’m very proud. One of my home bred pups is all over Pets@Home social media page!!! He kinda models for them. For as long as he’ll keep still!! Meet Charlie. Very handsome boy!! 😘🥰


This is how I train. Not big sessions, I can struggle to find the time. So decided to use morning walk to grab our bin, save myself joining up the trailer. Walk the dogs, train and do a job. No food used here, didn’t think that far ahead. However freedom and praise are reward enough.


I offer a tailored service for those pet carers who are about to go through a pet bereavement or have experienced the death of a pet. Either in person, via the phone or FaceTime, I am here to help. In a safe space with complete confidentiality, a pet carer of any age, can talk to me for help to live through the loss of their beloved companion.

You can contact me via phone or email, and I ask for £35 per session. A session is one hour and it can be just the one session or however many you need. Please remember it is a confidential space for you to talk freely and safely.

Email on [email protected] or call me on 07854 085 663. Georgia Cambridge.

Find me on Calendly where you can book direct, link in my bio

Often I get asked about when to get a new dog/puppy before or after the death of a previous pet. In short I cannot say. ...

Often I get asked about when to get a new dog/puppy before or after the death of a previous pet.

In short I cannot say. Because every family is different. Some need time to heal. Others heal by moving on faster. Neither is right. Neither is wrong. Do our pets grieve? Yes I believe they do, but not to the extent that we do. That’s another question I get asked, should we let our pets see their dead companion? Again no right or wrong answer. Every situation is different. Quite often we find ourselves in the vet’s room in this last moment. Nothing wrong with that. Done it plenty of times myself. Accidents happen, emergency situations. Or I was lucky enough last time for my ga g to say goodbye at home and then we made that final trip.

What I do hate to think though, is being stuck or feeling guilty or betrayal. I don’t for a second think my lovely Ruby would want me lonely and without her wonderful little ones. Ruby has a story behind how I got her. I lost my Marvellous Molly that day. I had an appointment to view a litter of puppies. I had made that appointment a week prior. I kept the viewing even after losing Molly. I walked away. I viewed again, I walked away. I thought hard, told myself I was grieving. Too soon. Too much. Then I thought I think Molly made that choice on that day for me. She was giving me a push. I let myself be pushed. Thanks Moll Doll.

There is a lovely lady I know who does bereavement counselling for owners if you ever feel the need to talk. She’s lovely.

So remember your previous best friend does not want to see you lonely. Or sad. Take the push.

Get up mum. It’s time for walkies!!!! The sun is shining too!!! Get up offfffff the sofa!!!

Get up mum. It’s time for walkies!!!! The sun is shining too!!! Get up offfffff the sofa!!!

I still have a couple of spaces for puppy group starting this Saturday. 10.30am at Davyhulme First scout hall. Call Paul...

I still have a couple of spaces for puppy group starting this Saturday. 10.30am at Davyhulme First scout hall.

Call Paula on 07866-270133 or DM for a booking form.


Boarsgrove Farm





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