Happy girl Kara belongs to Freya, one of our vets (you’ll also see her over at Snowdonia Eye Referrals as she is one of our Ophthalmologists).
Freya had noticed that the build up of tartar on Kara’s teeth were starting to cause inflammation in her gums and to prevent any further issues, she was booked in for a Scale and Polish.
Join Kara on her journey at Cibyn 🥰
p.s. you see that blue light torch- this nifty device uses blue light to highlight tartar stuck to teeth.
Do you know what vaccines your cat gets when they visit the vets??
Is your pets flea prevention up to date??
Here are 7 tips on how to introduce teeth brushing to your feline friends!
This absolute sweetheart is Ruby!
Ruby was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease earlier this year. CKD is slow progressive disease that can develop over months before any symptoms may present themselves. Unfortunately it is incurable but we can slow its progression with medical management and reduce the symptoms.
Blood Pressure is affected by CKD, therefore it is vital to regularly check our CKD patient’s BP. Ruby was in with us a few weeks ago to have her BP checked. It’s important that she is as relaxed as possible and is kept in a calm environment to ensure we do not get a false reading. Some patients need calming medication given beforehand to help get an accurate reading.
Ruby will be checked regularly to keep track of her CKD and Blood Pressure.
Some Halloween Dangers to look out for!
#halloween #halloweendangers #vetwaitingroomboard
This very photogenic girly is Awen! She came in this evening for her 1st vaccinations and microchip and she was a complete sweetheart and very good for her checks!
Check out the video to see how we oftentimes distract our patient when we give a microchip! The microchip needle is bigger than the needle we use for injections and therefore our patients will feel it more. To help prevent any pain we will put a numbing cream on the skin and use food to distract. And it worked very well for Awen 🥰
Check out the NEW PHC PLUS!!!
If your already a PHC member then you know how beneficial this plan is for you and your pet! But theres a new kid in town which gives you more benefits and more savings!
Check out the website for more details and the all important T&Cs and find out if you will benefit from the PLUS plan!
#thephc #phc #pethealthclub #thepethealthclub #phcplus #pethealthcare #myfamilyvets #cibynvets
Pet Dental Health Month! Our waiting room board is ready for Pet Dental Health Month next month 🙌