A little pup-date on our little lopsided Lacey 🥰
She is the most resilient, brave doggo, once again beating the odds and pulling through!!
We honestly thought the worst, after a lot of love, being spoon fed, carried about and so much worry she’s almost back to herself.
Lacey is still a little lopsided, the vet isn’t sure if it’ll be corrected, or even what caused it, but she is back to eating, playing, tripping us up, and barking even though she’s deaf and has no clue what she’s barking at. She’s our little cockroach (Isabelle’s words). She’s not so drunk anymore, a little wobbly still, but you would be if your head was tilted! 🥴
It’s been such an emotional week, and I really do have the most loving, understanding, beautiful clientele in the whole world who I can’t thank enough for bearing with me and also checking in, asking about Lacey. It really warms my heart 💕
Let’s get back to some normality now January is FINALLY over 🦮🐕🦺🐾