This heifer had a tough afternoon earlier this week. She was ready to calve but had a twisted uterus. Vet Emma had to step in to help untwist and deliver a healthy heifer calf soon after! All in a days work!🐄
#calving #uterinetorsion #calwetonfarmvets #farmvetlife #freshlycalved
VP Summer Farm Vet Academy🐑☀️
The future was here!
Last week Calweton Farm Vets were honoured to host a Summer Farm Vet Academy for 15 final year vet students hoping for a career in farm vetting.
With the invaluable support from our colleagues within the South West VP team we delivered a unique and hands on 3 day residential course from our Merrymeet training facility.
It was an intensive few days with multiple, experienced local vets investing their time in this new initiative and our future colleagues to cover practical skills such as calving, caesareans, clinical exams, fertility decisions, surgical anaesthetics, sheep and alpaca medicines.
The end point was 15, future vets, full of enthusiasm and a step further on with their practical skillsets.
We hope the real benefit will be to our livestock farms, wherever our students choose to work.
#farmvetacademy #farmvetlife #futurefarmvet #vetpartners #calwetonfarmvets #southwest #finalyearstudents #futureveterinarian
Cornwall Dairy Vets Penbode Farm Vets VetPartners UK Little Acorn Farm Cornish Valley Farming
The Clues in the Poo!
A faecal egg count is one of the best monitoring tools for parasite infection in livestock and it’s really simple to do.
We recommend doing this every three weeks through the grazing season with your livestock groups (youngstock, sucklers, flock) to identify any parasite burden.
If they come back with a low count, then your stock are holding up well and we can help you decide if there is any need to treat.
#assessyourrisk #fec #cattle #teambeef #teamdairy #flockhealth #teamsheep #vetpartners #parasitecontrol #cluesinthepoo
Happy girls out on fresh grass! 🐄😍
We love to receive videos from our clients like this, keep them coming! #februdairy