Reggie's Adventures!
Reggie has continued his training and is now practicing his off lead skills. It is so important that you still have control of your dog when they are off lead. It takes a lot of work and practice, but will make walks so much more enjoyable knowing that your dog will listen to you when needed.
Reggie's Adventures!
Training puppies is a great way to build a bond, get your puppy using your braind and allows your dog to know how they need to act. A well trained adult dog makes life so much easier. We are firm believers that all training should be positive and fun with lots of praise and rewards. Is this video you can see Reggie at training class practicing skills that can be used when out and aboit. Reggie loves mental stimulation and is always wants to do well. A lot of hours have been put into Reggie's training and it is really paying off. Did you do much training with your pets? Did they enjoy it?
Reggie's Adventures!
In this video we have introduced Reggie to the toothbrush to continue building up his confidence and getting him used to getting his teeth brushed. Reggie is a superstar with this and really enjoys the process. If you would like a nurse to go through tooth brushing with you and help with process then please call us to book in for a free nurse consultation where we would be happy to help.
Reggie's Adventures!
Reggie's Adventures!
We have ourselves a swimmer!!! Does your dog like water or to swim? it's a great way to provide fun exercise and keep dogs cool, but as always, please make sure the water is safe before your dog goes in.
Reggie's Adventures!
Reggie's Adventures!!
Dental Disease is one of the most common issues we see with our patients, it can cause discomfort for your pets and if left untreated can cause more severe issues. The best way to prevent dental disease is to brush your pet's teeth with a suitable pet toothpaste (do not use a human toothpaste) Here are some videos to show you how to introduce tooth brushing to your pet, this is something that needs to be built up slowly so that is becomes a fun positive experience. Here is a video guide of Reggie's first introduction to teeth brushing.
Reggie's Adventures!
Reggie's Adventures!
Reggie has been working hard to learn some basic commands. He has been practicing in different environments which helps him get used to different sounds and distractions. It is very important to make training fun for your puppy and to keep sessions short so they are not overwhelmed, as you can see he is a very clever boy and enjoying his training, we think his favourite command to perform is lie down! π₯°
Here is a video from one of our amazing nurses showing you how to check paws for grass seeds. Grass seeds often get stuck in paws and ears of pets and can result in sedation for the grass seed to be found and removed. Regular checking can help prevent the problem occuring.
Peanut is a lovely boy who at only 10 months old came to us as a emergency after his owner found some blood round the house and then found peanut hiding and he seemed very painful. When peanut was examined by one of our vets it was noticed that his left hind leg seemed especially painful and he had some brusing and swelling present around the leg. After Peanuts exam it seemed likley that he had unfortunately been involved in a road traffic accident. Peanut was admitted to the hospital for some further investigations to find out what was wrong with his leg X-rays were taken and we discovered that Peanut had fractured the top of his thigh bone and he needed a specialist operation to fix it. Luckily we had an orthopedic surgeon visiting us that day and peanut was stable enough to be operated on. He was kept with us overnight to keep him comfortable and pain free and then was able to go home. Peanut will continue to have checks with his normal vets until he has fully recovered.