New year… new logo!
It was time! Kept enough to nod to the OG logo, but it was time for something a little sleeker!
What do you think?
#twotailsweddings #weddingchaperone #dogseyeview #doggyography #doggyographer #dogsatweddings #dogfriendly #dogfriendlywedding #dogsintuxes #dogsindresses
See Gileston Manor as you’ve never seen it before! Please enjoy this beautiful venue through the eyes of Poppy the Shorkie! (And watch out for a brief cameo by Sparky!).
A dog friendly venue, just imagine seeing your ceremony through the eyes of your wedding woofer!
(And there are alpacas too!)
#gilestonmanor #twotailsweddings #dogseyeview #dogsatweddings #dogfriendlywedding #dogfriendlyweddingvenue #welshwedding #dogsfilmingweddings #behindthescenes
What a night!! I was absolutely thrilled to be named the winner of The Wedding Industry Awards Wales category for Special Touch!
It was an incredible evening, and one of the best experiences was seeing a room full of outstanding suppliers all genuinely rooting for each other!
Anyone that knows me, either personally or professionally will know just how much my little business means to me, and how much I put into making sure I always do the absolute best I can, and give incredble couples and their four legged friends the best support and experiences I can, so to be recognised for that hard work feels amazing!
Without going full Oscar mode, I do want to thank my amazing family for all the support, particularly with caring for Lucy whilst I work. I want to thank my wonderful husband for being an endless source of support and for being my number one cheerleader! I would also like to thank Saph and Jess for being the best doggy wingwomen a gal could ask for!
And last but certainly not least I want to thank each and every one of you who took the time to nominate and vote for me. Without your incredible feedback and your amazing support, I wouldn’t have even come close to winning last night. You are all just wonderful! Thank you!!
#twia_official #twia25 #twiawales #twiawinner #theweddingindustryawards #twotailsweddings #dogseyeview #weddingchaperone #dogsatweddings
Lola & Pixie’s Big Day | Featuring Mr & Mrs Lloyd-Davies
June 8th 2024 | Cefn Tilla Court
Venue: @cefntillacourt
Catering: @freshfoodevents
Band: @coverlandweddingpartyband
Silent Disco: @silent_disco_party
Flowers: @heartsnflowers21
Wedding Rings: @smooch_wedding_rings
Suits: @slatermenswear
Mini Golf: @letsparty_wsm
Cake: @butter_and_sugar_cakes
Dog Collars: @thewillowsflorist_south_wales
Photographer/Videographer: @klasweddings
Make Up: @kirstyrowlandsmakeup
Harpist: @hannahwilliamsharpist
String Quartet: @aderynstringquartet
Magician: @lordharrimagic
Ice Cream: Stacey’s Ices
Light up Letters: @written_in_lights
Chocolate Fountain: @fruitybouquetsuk
Photobooth: @cirquedeselfie
Dress: @gardeniabridal
Wedding Chaperone: @twotailsweddings
#twotailsweddings #dogseyeview #dogsatweddings #weddingchaperone #dogsfilmingweddings #dogfriendly #dogfriendlywedding #dogfriendlyweddingvenue #welshwedding #dogsinflowers #doggyography #doggyographer
Lola & Pixie’s Big Day | Featuring Mr & Mrs Lloyd-Davies June 8th 2024 | Cefn Tilla Court
Venue: @cefntillacourt
Catering: @freshfoodevents
Band: @coverlandweddingpartyband
Silent Disco: @silent_disco_party
Flowers: @heartsnflowers21
Wedding Rings: @smooch_wedding_rings
Suits: @slatermenswear
Mini Golf: @letsparty_wsm
Cake: @butter_and_sugar_cakes
Dog Collars: @thewillowsflorist_south_wales
Photographer/Videographer: @klasweddings
Make Up: @kirstyrowlandsmakeup
Harpist: @hannahwilliamsharpist
String Quartet: @aderynstringquartet
Magician: @lordharrimagic
Ice Cream: Stacey’s Ices
Light up Letters: @written_in_lights
Chocolate Fountain: @fruitybouquetsuk
Photobooth: @cirquedeselfie
Dress: @gardeniabridal
Wedding Chaperone: @twotailsweddings
📷Two Tails Weddings
#twotailsweddings #dogseyeview #dogsatweddings #weddingchaperone #dogsfilmingweddings #dogfriendly #dogfriendlywedding #dogfriendlyweddingvenue #welshwedding #dogsinflowers #doggyography #doggyographer
Not the newlywed groom showing his best boy the ring 😭😭 😭
How utterly stunning is this. I managed to grab this shot whilst taking care of Ollie, Ruby and Harper for the day yesterday.
Keep your eyes peeled for more of this gorgeous little pack over the coming days!
#dogchaperone #dogsatweddings #dogfriendlywedding #confetti ##goldenretrievers
Mr & Mr Saunders | featuring Odin & Marley
Sant Ffraed House | 8th July 2024
Behind The Scenes
Hair: @hairbybcrickhowell
Make up: @kirstendeakinmua
Flowers: @ruth.miltonjones
Photographer: @Kerilovellphotography
Videographer: @benholbrookweddings
Decor: @candm_event
Venue: @Santffraedhouse
Mrs & Mrs Grant | featuring Chase & Lotti
24th August 2024 | Peterstone Court
Mr & Mrs Moon | Featuring Jaxon
Sant Ffraed House | 15th August 2024
Behind The Scenes
Mr & Mrs Moon | Featuring Jaxon
Sant Ffraed House | 15th August 2024
Behind The Scenes