Valleys Dog Behaviour And Training

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Valleys Dog Behaviour And Training Dog Sports - Behaviour Modification - Obedience
Teaching you how to get the best out of your dog!

What’s better than one golden retriever? Two golden retrievers of course!

What’s better than one golden retriever?

Two golden retrievers of course!

✨ Wisdom Wednesdays ✨ Today is one for the adopters of ex street dogs amongst us. Let’s have a chat about these often co...

✨ Wisdom Wednesdays ✨

Today is one for the adopters of ex street dogs amongst us. Let’s have a chat about these often complex dogs and why they aren’t as straightforward as they may seem.

I’m gonna get a bit nerdy to start off with and talk about epigenetics. Put VERY simply, epigenetics can be behavioural traits passed down family lines. There was a study done on rats that showed that fear can be passed down as many as five generations and the same likely goes for dogs. So if your dogs great grandfather was beaten by a man wearing orange with a stick, your dog COULD carry this fear too, despite never having encountered a man with a stick wearing orange before. Epigenetics are POWERFUL. This is of course a gross simplification of the process but it holds true. Epigenetics exist to aid the survival of the animal, and if ancestors can ‘warn’ you about danger, you’re more likely to survive.

So what does this have to do with street dogs?

Street dogs are vastly different to pet bred dogs in many ways, but the main thing is that even if your street dog was born in captivity or ‘rescued’ early on, their parents, grandparents and great grandparents and so on will likely have lived a semi feral life where survival was a much higher priority than your pet bred golden retriever.

These genetics DO pass down. I see many street dogs adopted from Romania, Cyprus, Turkey, Portugal and many more places. I recently worked with a dog from the meat trade. All of these dogs have two things in common:

- A strong dislike of being on a short lead.
- A hypersensitivity to change in environment.

This is epigenetics at play. You cannot escape threat when you are trapped and you must be aware of your environment in order to survive.

Training CANNOT and WILL NEVER change genetics. It’s a bitter pill to swallow. Your dog ‘saved from the streets’ will likely NEVER be the same level of social, relaxed and easygoing as a Golden Retriever purposely bred and raised for generations to be those things.

If you’ve got an ex street dog. You are possibly experiencing;

- Lack of lead skills
- Sound sensitivity
- Fear of people or other dogs
- Resource guarding
- Generalised anxiety

These things, for a dog living on the streets, are NORMAL. If your dog lived on the streets for a while, these ‘behaviour problems’ kept your dog alive. They were repeatedly reinforced by the very act of surviving another day and all of their grandparents genetics are laid out to aid that survival. They aren’t ’bad dogs’ or ‘problem dogs’. They are exactly what they are meant to be and when they were shipped to a two bed town house in a different country, the comfy sofa did not immediately erase everything the dog is.

A few years ago I received a call at 9pm with an older lady desperate for help immediately. Her family had adopted a street dog for her to ‘guard her house’. Yes, some questionable ethics on all counts there especially the rescue organisation! The dog had been driven in a van over days, and deposited in her house in the middle of a town. She had never met the dog, the dog had never met her. She had read that a stuffed Kong can help dogs relax and suddenly the dog was ferociously guarding the Kong and she couldn’t get into her own sitting room. She was distraught. The dog was explosively stressed. None of what played out was surprising. I did that emergency visit that night and took the dog out of her home and took him to a kennels where the rescue then re placed him. I don’t know what happened to him after that and I wonder often.

So what can we do? This isn’t about whether I think rescuing from abroad is appropriate or not and I want to keep that out of this discussion. What do we do if we find ourselves living with such a dog?

We honour them. For who and what they are and what their generations before created. Honouring them means seeing exactly who and what they are and not trying to force them to be what they aren’t. It’s a humbling process.

The first thing is that they need a lot of time. Space to just be. They often don’t want a person up in their grill trying to drag them down the street on a lead on day one. They need often weeks or months just to acclimate to the home environment.

Typically ex street dogs do not do well with the family trip to the park on a busy Sunday. Everywhere there is threat. This stacks up. Even if they don’t react to everything on the walk, they get home and guard their food bowl with incredible intensity because it’s all they CAN control now. Or they bark at anything that looks suspicious because that’s what kept them alive (or their parents alive) for years.

My favourite, really simple thing to do with street dogs, is a harness on, long line walk and explore of grotty back alleys, industrial estates, wasteland and environments like that. Mimicking that environment they came from and survived in is a real key to their hearts. When you explore those environments together and delight in the discovery of gutter snacks or an interesting p*e smell with them, that’s where they come alive.

Street dogs were not born in the UK. They were not born to run around the park playing with everyone. They were born to survive. Of course there are exceptions and I’m fully waiting for the comments of ‘my street dog isn’t like that’. Many are though.

The single biggest thing we can do is to honour everything that they are and stop trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. Meet them where they are at, and accept that they may not be what you expected. They are still very much trainable, but the process is likely to look very different to a ‘normal’ dogs progress.

Do you have an ex street dog? How has your experience with them been?

- Kahla


Whilst we're all about excellent nutrition for our dogs, and it's one of the things I harp on about probably the most 😅

But, we also love it when our dogs get a yummy treat once in a while!

Kiara's favourite is a bit of squirty cream, and we follow a strict method of 'one for me, one for you!'


‘But my dog isn’t food motivated so positive reinforcement won’t work for my dog’ I’m gonna be blunt here. That is a sen...

‘But my dog isn’t food motivated so positive reinforcement won’t work for my dog’

I’m gonna be blunt here. That is a sentence I hear from people who have either spent too long on the internet or who have been shown poor positive reinforcement training.

Let’s break it down.

Your dog is food motivated. If he wasn’t. He would be dead. Every dog on the planet is motivated by food. Food is necessary for survival.

Even if your dog isn’t food motivated, he has motivations in the environment that can be used. If he isn’t motivated by anything, then yes, he is probably dead.

‘Oh but that’s what all you fluffy dog trainers say! You throw hotdogs at dogs!’

‘But I can wave a whole roast chicken under his nose but it doesn’t stop him reacting!’

Again, that is likely because you have either misunderstood how positive reinforcement works, or your experience of it has been poor.

Our job as modern, positive trainers, is to do two things. Namely solve the underlying reason leading to your dogs behaviour issues, then retrain in new skills.

If you take Dave the Dog to the park where he routinely screams at other dogs and wave sausages at him, it’s gonna do precisely nothing. It won’t help. Then you’ll go on facebook and say ‘positive reinforcement doesn’t work for every dog and sometimes you have to be the alpha while collectively the planet rolls their eyes at you.

What will help is;

- Good, species appropriate diet.
- Good, breed appropriate exercise
- Good, dog appropriate training
- Good veterinary care
- Good environmental management

A good trainer will look at your dog as a whole, and your lifestyle as a whole. We will do gait analysis, veterinary referrals, ask questions about the consistency of your dogs turds (yes really!), talk about your exercise routine, talk about breed specific outlets. I am yet to meet a dog owner in my decade of training dogs that I haven’t given homework of significant changes in the above before we even get to the training.

The reason your dog won’t take the food while screaming at Deirdre’s cockapoo down the road is more often than not because he is freaked the hell out and food is the last thing on his mind. Your job (and by extension our job!) is to figure out WHY he is freaking out and address THAT.

You know what happens when you have a dog on a good diet, feeding regime, exercise plan and training plan?

Food motivation skyrockets. Engagement skyrockets. Confidence skyrockets.

I have five dogs of my own. All of them would do backflips for a bit of pocket dust or a musty old toy I found in my cesspit of a van.

It never was about whether cheese is better than chicken. It was about the dogs overall physical and mental wellbeing.

So that’s my rant for the day. Next time you think ‘well positive training won’t work on my dog’, I encourage you to think again. Consider whether it’s actually that no one has shown you HOW to use positive reinforcement based methods.

- Kahla

📸 Rebecca Reed Photography


Wisdom Wednesdays! - with Valleys Dog Behaviour and Training

Welcome to our weekly series where we dive into a new dog-related topic every Wednesday! We’d love for you to join the conversation—share your thoughts in the comments and let us know what topics you'd like us to cover in the future.

To start off the year, I've gone for something that's fundamental, but I think is vastly overlooked and misinterpreted by many - communication and body language.

Dogs are masters of body language, they will have conversations with each other with just minute changes in body language; how they hold their tail, the way they position their ears and more. They're constantly communicating to each other, and to us. But how much do we really understand and pick up from them?

We've worked with so many clients who come to us with dogs with reactivity towards people, yet at their behavioural consultations they're so surprised that the dogs are fine with us, as we've read their body language and what they're trying to communicate with us and given them the space they need and are asking for.

One of my recent favourite interactions was when working with a collie on a home visit who had struggled with interactions with people, including baring teeth and snapping (we had previously met at an initial appointment at our outdoor venue). What I found was that this dog was an excellent communicator, she wanted affection from people but not so full on an intense. She was quite clear to me in communicating this, moving her ears back if things were getting too much, showing some subtle signs of stress such as lip licking, tail wags slowing down so just the very tip of her tail was all that was moving. Being able to read this and adjust my body language, what I was doing, how I responded back to her, meant that this dog very quickly felt listened and understood, and within about 15 minutes of me being there, she was relaxed enough that she was fast asleep on the floor at our feet whilst we discussed her!

I'm sure most of us have heard of the Ladder of Aggression, or the Wheel of Communication, where we see different body languages and how they may escalate up the ladder, or into the centre of the wheel. (For those who haven't, see the info in the further reading info at the bottom of the post). Every single one of these body language communicators are so important. The more that these low level signs are missed by us, such as lip licking, whale eye, tense mouth, ears pinned back etc, the more likely the dog is going to think 'I wasn't listened to when I showed that, so next time I'm going to have to show the next step to be listened to'.

Imagine a scenario:
You're walking down the street, and someone stops you and says 'would you like a hug?'. You take a step back from them, put your hands up in front of you, say 'no thanks'. But they don't listen. They keep coming towards you, arms outstretched going 'oh go on, give us a hug!'. You become more insistent, your body may start to release adrenaline, you try and move away from them quicker, looking around you to see if there's anyone that could help you as you tell them to stop. You may even skip that and go straight to telling them Eff off!

Sounds weird, right?! I can bet almost none of us are going to be comfortable in that situation, and even more so after that first attempt at us telling them no thanks. Why didn't they listen? Why are they still coming towards me?

Now imagine that scenario again, but this time as your dog.
You're walking down the street, checking your p*email, and someone stops in front of you and goes 'oh, you're handsome' and reaches out to touch you. You move back out of the way, you lick your lips, your tail starts to drop down. This is quite uncomfortable. You're trying to tell them no, but they're just not listening. Their hand keeps moving closer to your face. What do you do? You keep still, but move your eyes to look away from the approaching hand. You lift your lip, and maybe even let out a little warning growl. Why aren't they understanding? You're clearly telling them no thank you! They still keep approaching, what are you supposed to do now? Do you just have to put up with someone invading your personal space even though you've told them no? Are you supposed to just growl at anyone that approaches now, as you've learnt there's no point in asking them nicely first?

The conversation in these two scenarios is the same. Both you and your dog in your own scenarios are saying the same thing, but which do we think gets listened to more by others?

I want you all to have a look at the video attached to this post, and let me know what you think the dog in the video is feeling. What are they communicating, and what body language signals are they giving out to say this? What would you do in response to the communication shown by the dog in the video?

(A quick note, as with all videos and photos, they are a snapshot in time of what is happening in that exact moment with a dog. There is often no context, we don't have full medical and behavioural backgrounds on dogs, and so we use body language as part of our assessment toolbox, taking in everything else as well).

Feel free in the comments to post some of your own videos or photos of dog body language and communication for others to interpret, and let us know what topics you'd like us to cover in the future!


Further reading
-Doggie Language book by Lili Chin

-Canine Communication course by Canine Principles

-Dogs in Translation book, by Krauss + Maue

-Canine Ladder of Aggression by Kendal Sheppard

-Wheel of Communication by Dogs Trust

-Observations of your own dogs, or other dogs when you're out and about

📣 🐾 REACTIVITY MASTERCLASS 🐾 📣 It’s time for New Year’s resolutions! One New Year’s resolution we want to help you with ...


It’s time for New Year’s resolutions!

One New Year’s resolution we want to help you with is to be able to go for summer walks with your dog with less stress and more freedom. It is possible!! It takes hard work and a commitment, but those hazy dreams of a relaxed walk aren’t as far away as you think.

We specialise in reactivity and aggression, especially that directed at other dogs. Does your dog bark at other dogs? Lunge at them? Do you find yourself hiding behind cars and avoiding walks because of your dogs behaviour?

Then this is THE masterclass for you.

Held in Pentyrch, Cardiff in an outdoor, real world environment. No school halls or indoor sand schools for us! £175 for all three sessions plus in depth support online for the duration of the masterclass.

This masterclass is different to many others. Our aim isn’t to just teach you how to avoid the problem, our aim is to teach you how to be your dogs trainer, advocate and guardian and teach you the science behind reactivity followed by two in person sessions with in depth support between each session too. We want to help you understand your dog, understand their motivations and genetics and improve their behaviour in effective, gentle and lasting ways.

ZOOM THEORY 6th February @ 6pm (1.5hrs)
Join us with a glass of wine or a cup of tea to discuss what reactivity is, what the science behind it is, and to start on your journey to easy walks. We will be discussing breed specific genetics, diet, handling techniques and the foundational training you can start right now plus much more. The bonus is that you won’t have to worry about your dog and can focus on the learning without stress!

SESSION ONE Sunday February 16th @ 12pm (1.5hrs)
We will welcome you to our training venue in Pentyrch, Cardiff to start working against other dogs. The environment will be set up to set you and your dog up for success and start translating skills onto the ground and will be done at a level that your dog (and you the stressed owner!) can cope with. You will be provided with individual feedback and homework to go home with and work on in your environment.

SESSION TWO Saturday 1st March (1.5hrs)
We will welcome you back to our training venue and start to up the ante of the skills you and your dog now have. Every group is different and has different needs so we will be setting up what you need to work on and improve upon with expert trainer guidance.

There will also be a dedicated, private Facebook group with support and videos given during the masterclass then lifetime access to our client only group for LIFE!

Phew! It’s pretty comprehensive! We run about two of these a year so don’t miss out on your chance to attend. The booking link is below ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

Please note full payment confirms your booking. There are only four spaces available to maximise time with your trainer. Full details will be sent approximately a week before classes commence. If you’re not sure if your dog is suitable, pop us an email on [email protected]

Can’t wait to meet you!

Exciting news! Tame that Sports Dog is becoming a CLUB! Every last Sunday of the month I will be inviting you to my trai...

Exciting news!

Tame that Sports Dog is becoming a CLUB! Every last Sunday of the month I will be inviting you to my training field in Pentyrch, Cardiff as part of a group to work on all things ‘crazy distractable agility dog’. This is perfect for;

- Dogs who struggle with startline waits
- Dogs who struggle to queue
- Dogs who go nose down ears off
- Dogs who go wild and knock poles or struggle with criteria maintenance
- Handlers who get anxiety under pressure
- Handlers whose dogs ‘can do it at home I promise!!’
- Dogs who have never competed
- Dogs who have competed for years but need a little help.
- Anyone who wants to work on improving all the other skills our dogs need to be good agility dogs!

Each session I will have at least one piece of contact kit out, weaves that can be 2x2, channels or closed, along with a G1 level sequence and we will be running with running orders and queueing system to simulate a show environment. You can reward with food or toys and I’ll be there to coach you through whatever you need. Whether you want to work on waits for the whole time, tunnel discrimination, ring entrances, queueing, focus, or anything else, I will be on hand to help.

This will be a pay as you go club so you don’t have to sign up for weeks of training. Just attend when you can!

If you want to join, pop me an email on [email protected] and I’ll add you to the group! Preliminary start date is February 2nd 2025


Meet the absolutely GORGEOUS Toxic!

Toxic is a Welsh Sheepdog and he started on the Tame That Sports Dog package today. Toxic’s issues are;

- Pole knocking
- Inconsistent contact equipment criteria
- Tunnel MONSTER! (Even in training if he isn’t controlled he will race around ALL the tunnels with glee!)
- Overly gregarious toy play and toy zoomies leading to it being hard to reward him
- No control with the toy (namely a conflict free release)
- General overarousal on the course, ringside and on approach to anything that might be agility equipment.

Now his handler is a talented agility handler! She has had multiple dogs in top grades but Toxic is proving to be much harder work. His handler has defaulted to trying to ‘obedience’ the crazy out of him and it’s got her to a point, and his obedience in day to day life is outstanding, but it hasn’t resolved the emotional overflow that leads to errors on course and in training.

Imagine you have a can of coke and you shook it repeatedly, then set it down on the side. If you open that can of coke, it’s gonna explode! The same goes for dogs like Toxic. We can ask him to sit and stay, but the fizz is still there just waiting to blow! Then we say ‘go’ on the startline and seven poles come down and your dog launches off the dog walk into space.

I’ve left the sound on rather than putting music over so you can hear what we are working on.

The first clips we are working on what might seem like a very simple behaviour but it’s one that is critical for all dogs and especially sports dogs. The ability to swap between food and toy. Generally speaking for dogs like Toxic;

Toy = sp*ed and drive
Food = thinking and calmness

We picked some food that’s very salient and used big chunks that are super chewable to initially get him thinking about food. This is a dog that typically won’t take food in an agility context. We then started using this to eliminate the racing off and shaking the toy relentlessly which usually devolves into his handler having to shout to get him back.

Previously we had:
- Dog completes sequence
- Dog gets toy
- Dog races around shaking the toy as hard as he can
- Handler calls him
- Dog ignores and runs off
- Handler shouts
- Dog eventually returns and has to be collar held to release the toy
- Dog is then so over aroused he takes poles or can’t listen on his next sequence.

Now we have;
- Dog completes sequence
- Dog gets toy
- Dog shakes the toy and runs but maintains proximity to handler
- Dog drops toy willingly (and the time it takes him to drop it is decreasing)
- We can then restart the sequence.

By taking the conflict away and reinforcing with food, we have a dog who is more inclined to stay closer and he can still play but the intensity is a little less, meaning he is more able to think. It’s worth noting that we let Toxic ‘win’ the toy every time and this is for good reason! We can wave a whole roast chicken under his nose if his mouth is around the toy currently and the toy is more important. The goal here is to LOWER CONFLICT. Namely you can win the toy, AND get food AND get to play your favourite game again!

With time and training we will eventually have the drop itself on cue without food which is the goal. Watch how with each clip he gets more and more understanding and more calm without actually diminishing any of the fun he is having.

We finished up with another fun game that gets a really rapid ‘drop’ and that’s a simple toy swap exercise. This teaches the dog that the MOST fun is the toy play WITH you rather than around you.

I’m so excited to be working with these two. What a fab partnership they are! Truly a lesson in ‘you cannot obedience the fizz out of a dog!’

Well done to Gabby who is now a Canine Trauma & Rescue expert! Completing 50 hours of CPD for this course (not to mentio...

Well done to Gabby who is now a Canine Trauma & Rescue expert!

Completing 50 hours of CPD for this course (not to mention countless hours working in rescue too!)

We're always pushing ourselves to do more courses and gain more info so that we can help as many dogs as possible ❤️

Winter sucks I don’t know about you guys but I am longing for longer days. Warm sun on my skin. Dry ground. Long walks w...

Winter sucks

I don’t know about you guys but I am longing for longer days. Warm sun on my skin. Dry ground. Long walks with no mud. Sitting in a field in the shade. I’m longing for spring already.

It can be so hard to motivate yourself to train in this gloomy weather. South Wales today has just been wet, cold and windy. Not exactly inspiring.

I’d like to set you a winter challenge though.

The thing is, our dogs don’t actually care about a beautiful scenic view or the path being nice and even or any of that. They just want to be doing stuff, sniffing stuff, exploring stuff and generally be out and about.

My challenge for you over winter is to find the joy in the ‘ugly walks’. Carparks. Alleys. Industrial estates. That manky patch of grass down the road. It doesn’t matter.

The great thing about these spaces is they rarely have off lead dogs and are usually quiet and make BRILLIANT training spaces!

I need to work on my sit stays with my Labrador for our agility startline routine. It’s boring. I honestly can’t be bothered. But we need to do it. So today when I popped to Asda on my way home from work we trained in the carpark. We sniffed some gutter snacks (well she did not me!), we did a wee in a bush (again her not me!), we did some heelwork, some motivation stuff and then our stays. We got home and no one is muddy and she is tired and happy.

Winter is here. We can’t escape that. Spring is waiting. But for now, you can use these ugly spaces to work on everything you need to work on in preparation for spring being that much better.

Go and find the ugly spaces. Make use of winter. Your dog will thank you for it and in spring you’ll have a more reliable dog to enjoy those warmer days with!

- Kahla

There’s always one that manages to take Christmas jumpers too far 😂😂😂

There’s always one that manages to take Christmas jumpers too far 😂😂😂

There’s no money in exercise and exploration. Every day as dog owners we are besieged by advertisements for the brand ne...

There’s no money in exercise and exploration.

Every day as dog owners we are besieged by advertisements for the brand new piece of equipment that will change your dogs life, the guaranteed to tire your dog out enrichment toy, the next amazing deal on an activity to do with your dog.

We live in a world that is increasingly designed to extract as much as it can from your pocket. Even as I write this I’m aware I’m posting it on my business page!

The thing is though that you don’t need any of the fancy stuff to give your dog a good life. You don’t need to spend money to give your dog what it needs. Regular, quality exercise is the best enrichment your dog can get. Sniffing, exploring, chewing, running, rolling, playing. All of it. The best thing about it is that the only equipment you need is a collar and a lead (and even those don’t need to be anything special!)

There is absolutely a place for enrichment. I also absolutely believe in giving your working dog a job too. But it’s no substitute for exploring together and it never will be.

Enrichment, training and sports should be in addition to being a dog, not instead of being a dog.

If there’s one thing your dog wants for Christmas, it’s not the next fancy and colourful enrichment toy, it’s regular, good walks and adventures with you. A chance to be a dog and do dog stuff in the real world. The truth is, that isn’t very marketable but it will improve your dogs behaviour tenfold and improve both of your lives. There’s no money to be made from this. It’s totally free and the absolute best thing you can do for your dog.

- Kahla


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Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 15:00




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