Great post from Vince the vet 🤩✨
Read online here >>> https://www.vincethevet.co.uk/blog/5-reasons-why-iimunosuppressive-drugs-are-often-prescribed-unnecessariy-for-an-itchy-skin
1. A correct diagnosis hasn't been confirmed by the appropriate tests first.
This is essential if the treatment provided is to successfully address the underlying cause(s) of itching.
Steroids, Apoquel, Atopica and Cytopoint for example, are frequently prescribed long-term to dogs for atopy (reactivity to substances in the environment) without parasites, microbial infections, hormonal disturbances, food sensitivities and other possibilities being ruled out first.
A basic set of skin investigations, which helps rule out many of the common causes for a persistently itchy skin, includes:
(a) A close visual inspection of the entire body surface (ideally this should be repeated for all pets in the house).
(b) Examination of:
• coat brushings
• acetate (Sellotape) impressions
• skin debris collected on a wet paper towel
• stained smears of skin swabs and discharges under a microscope
• skin scrapings
• plucked fur
• stools
• culture and sensitivity testing (if indicated)
These investigations help to identify the presence of:
- fleas
- ticks
- lice
- mites (including demodex, Sarcoptes, Cheyletiella and Trombicula)
- bacteria
- fungi (including ringworm),
- yeasts
- internal parasites (such as hookworm)
which may be causing or aggravating skin irritation and / or inflammation.
More information on this, plus a full checklist of conditions causing itching can be found here >>> https://www.vincethevetacademy.co.uk/course/ultimate-itchy-dog-relief
2. Flea bite hypersensitivity isn't being tackled effectively.
Flea allergic dermatitis (FAD) is the commonest allergy in dogs, and is estimated to be either the cause or an aggravating factor in a high percentage of skin problems.
This is often dismissed as a possible cause of persistent itching if fleas aren't easily found. It's important to be aware however, that a single bite on a sensitive pet can trigger itching for 2 - 3 weeks - even if a flea jumps on, sucks blood, and quickly leaps off again (either back into the environment or onto another pet).
The result?
Constant licking, biting and scratching without any fleas being seen. And the only way to rule this out, is by examining the entire coat and brushings collected using damp kitchen paper (to detect droppings containing blood) twice weekly for at least 6 months.
More information on ruling this out as a cause, how to completely eradicate fleas, eggs and larvae form the home, plus alternatives to drugs if FAD is confirmed, can be found here >>> https://www.vincethevetacademy.co.uk/course/ultimate-itchy-dog-relief
3. Food trials haven't been conducted.
Once parasites and primary infections by various bacteria, yeasts and fungi have been ruled out by the appropriate investigations (along with internal disorders, which are generally considered only if there are signs affecting other parts of the body / areas of health as well as the skin), itching caused by reactions to food and / or environmental substances is left.
The only way to confirm if an itchy skin is caused or made worse by food allergens is by means of an elimination diet.
To do this this effectively, a single meat protein needs to be fed to the exclusion of all else for 3 weeks. And this needs to be repeated until either a meat is found which results in a marked reduction in skin signs or it becomes clear that changes of diet is having little effect. The Nutriscan test can help narrow down which meats are best to trial first.
Mote information on how to successfully run food trials, while avoiding common pitfalls, can be found here >>> https://www.vincethevetacademy.co.uk/course/ultimate-itchy-dog-relief
4. Continuing to feed carbohydrate and sugar rich foods.
These include sweet and starchy vegetables, fruits, grains (including wheat, oats, corn, barley, rice etc), carbohydrate additives added to most commercial pet foods, and similar ingredients - all of which fuel yeast overgrowths in the gut, on the skin and elsewhere. As long as these continue to be fed, the more likely it is that the diet is part of the problem and not part of the solution.
5. Effective natural support hasn't been provided.
The right supplements, remedies and botanical preparation can provide significant relief to irritated skin and also support the development of more balanced, less reactive immune system over time, which results in an increased tolerance to substances that previously triggered itching and inflammation. And when this is the case, drugs can be reserved until they are really needed.
Ensure your vet has ruled out all parasites, microbial infections, hormonal issues and flea bite hypersensitivity as the cause(s) of itching by means of the tests outlined above. (More details and a checklist can be be found here.)
(a) Self-directed investigation into the cause of itching by following the guidelines in this Helping My Itchy Dog course - https://www.vincethevetacademy.co.uk/course/ultimate-itchy-dog-relief
(b) Begin conducting food trials to eliminate dietary sensitivities (guidance on how to do this correctly can be found here)
(b) Supplement as follows to support the development of more balanced, less reactive immune system over time (typically 3 - 6 months or more), which is better able to tolerate allergens:
Stage 1:
We will shortly be launching a new supplement which in clinical trials has been shown to significantly reduce itching in 60% of dogs over 8 weeks (comparable to Apoquel, but without the side-effects). It is worth trying this first before moving on to the rest of the regime
Also, eliminate as many sources of carbohydrate and sugar from the diet as possible.
Stage 2:
If itching is still present after 8 weeks, continue with the new supplement as before.
Give half a teaspoon of Immunity per 10kg bodyweight daily, divided between meals.
Also give 2 - 3 drops of Insect plus Itch Relief 3 times daily on a teaspoon of fresh food (not kibble).
Immunity helps to balance an overreactive immune system.
The botanical extracts in the the Itch Relief remedy soothes and calms skin irritation and agitation.
Stage 3:
After 10 days, if itching is no worse or less than before, continue with the new supplement and Insect plus Itch Relief as before.
Increase Immunity to 1 teaspoon daily, divided between meals.
Stage 4:
After 10 days, if itching is no worse or less than before, continue with the new supplement, Insect plus Itch Relief and Immunity as before.
Give half a teaspoon of Vitality per 10kg bodyweight daily, divided between meals.
Vitality provides a rich supply of antioxidants which help to reduce inflammation.
Stage 5:
After 10 days, if itching is no worse or less than before, continue with the new supplement, Insect plus Itch Relief and Immunity as before.
Increase Vitality to 1 teaspoon daily, divided between meals.
Stage 6:
After 10 days, if itching is no worse or less than before, continue with the new supplement, Insect plus Itch Relief, Immunity and Vitality as before.
Give the contents of one capsule of algal oil per 20 kg bodyweight daily, squeezed onto food. (Enter vincethevet15 at checkout on Time Health's website to receive 15% discount.)
Omega 3 fatty acids support the immune system and the body's natural anti-inflammatory pathways.
Stage 7:
After 10 days, if itching is no worse or less than before, continue with the new supplement, Insect plus Itch Relief, Immunity, Vitality and algal oil as before.
Give half a teaspoon of Digestion per 10kg bodyweight daily, divided between meals.
Also give one capsule of these Bio-cultures per 20kg bodyweight daily. (Enter vincethevet15 at checkout on Time Health's website to receive 15% discount.)
The bio-cultures boost the gut microbiome population and Digestion supplies the fuel they need to thrive and populate the bowels. This supports the gut immune system which can have a positive effect on skin health.
Stage 8:
After 10 days, if itching is no worse or less than before, continue with the new supplement, Insect plus Itch Relief, Immunity, Vitality, algal oil and bio-cultures as before.
Increase Digestion to 1 teaspoon daily, divided between meals.
Continue this regime for 3 months for maximum immune system effects.
If there is no improvement over this time, it is advisable to run food trials if this has not already been done, and also have the Nutriscan carried out, before going any further.
If supplementation and food trials do not result in a much calmer, healthier skin, atopy is likely to be the main reason for itching. And when this is the case lifelong management is usually required which involves taking measures to reduce exposure to the irritants / allergens responsible in and around the home.
At this stage medication may be necessary to provide relief. The side-effects of this can be minimised by using the safest drugs first, in low doses, and for short periods to begin with, while giving natural remedies to help the body cope with their use.
More information on these steps can be be found here >>> https://www.vincethevetacademy.co.uk/course/ultimate-itchy-dog-relief
If you need any help after implementing the measures outlined above, do get in