DIARY DATE - Indoor Unaffiliated Show Jumping continues this weekend, Sunday, March 17th, including Winter Combined Training Leagues and AW Jenkinson Winter Eventing Leagues.
Sec A - Horses ridden by riders aged 13 or over on the day of the show.
Sec B - Ponies entered in the Winter Combined Training Leagues and AW Jenkinson Winter Eventing Leagues only. Pony combinations will accrue scores for the Leagues only, will not feature in the show jumping placings and must have been entered in the League Dressage sections on January 14th to be eligible for entry at this fixture.
10am - 60cm Clear Round. Entry Fee £5, £4 for members of BFCC
11am - 70cm, 80cm, 90cm and 1.00m classes.
Entry Fee £10, £8 for members of BFCC
All entries on the day only.