He’s home! I’m so happy for everyone involved that Paddy finally made his way back to owners. 🥰
HUUUUUGEEEE THANKS to everyone for their support, help and offers to search for him. Thanks also to Ian who runs Riverside caravan park for checking all CCTV and allowing the scopers in to search :) After what seems like an eternity, Paddy recognised his dads car and told him he had had enough and was wanting in, standing at the drivers door, tail wagging, Fraser not sure whether to open and risk spooking or wait til he jumped in Ciarans van as he had done for a split second the night before .... A risk was taken and paddy was IN Woohoo 🥰🥰 ....
Dedicated vols and helpers scoped and searched in the first few nights, then after Raven the stunning sniffer dog was out, she quickly established Paddy was not in the area we had first thought, but in fact the other side, and potentially using the sand (clever move) to get about, which is much harder to track. On Thursday night the team was in place, all areas scoped and he was seen a couple of times. At 05.30 on Friday morning, Paddy jumped right in the dog walkers van but only for a split second and food chomp and out again, so no pressure was put on Paddy, but it could be seen he was ok, confirmed not snagged etc. Plan was put in place to repeat last night again which is why we begged folk to stay away 🥰 most listened. We hoped the "busy encounter" wouldn't chase him out of his safe place, which we now knew was within the range and very close to the rail line 🫣 ... BBQ was repeated, gravy trails were repeated and even urine trail was on the agenda (collected previously 🤣 ) Thankfully it didn't and at the back of 3 this morning Paddy appeared, once again approaching ciarans van but then saw his dads car and recognised, about taking off with his waggy happy relieved tail 🥰🥰🥰 MASSIVE thanks to Ciaran for his dedication to Paddy, spending every free minute/hour searching for him. MASSIVE thanks also to the girls from Missing Pets, Perth and Kinross Scotland who, after doing all their own missing dog searches, offered to assist and come through both nights and were there to witness it all 💕 Their help and expertise is invaluable to us and we are very grateful to them once again, as Dundee and Angus don't have their own search/trap team. These girls work tirelessly and travel miles to help us out and we are always truly grateful and relieved when they say they can help ❣️ They know how to work as a team, how to communicate, mapping etc, all of which is needed way before the trapping stage if needed. ❣️
So .... Wee recap, paddy stayed around the run off point, paddy returned to run off point and also the carpark he had arrived at, always looking for his humans as that's the last place he saw them. This is pretty textbook for a lot of missing dogs, so always remember, if your dog is lost in a place away from home, get unwashed scented items there asap, and wait..... Patience is a must, let your dog relax and return 🥰 chasing only flushes them out and risks them running off from the safe area they have found. This was a concern for Paddy as there was a very busy train track running parallel to his area and so many end up being hit :( Thankfully paddy has a happy ending and we know his owners are extremely grateful to each and every person who helped, which included staying away when requested. Everything done contributed to the right ending 🥰 fundraising link below to get a higher spec thermal, and as you know by now, we also use this for our escapees so please donate what you can, if you can 🙏🙏