Positive Dog Power

Positive Dog Power Positive Dog Power offers positive reinforcement training & behaviour, Cheltenham & Gloucestershire.


What an achievement!!
Leo and his people have been working on his fear around dogs and other animals. He will usually bark and lunge when he sees animals on a walk, telling them to go away and give space
He's been having sessions with Positive Dog Power to work on building his confidence.
He's doing so well with this, it's easily rubbing off onto other animals! Check out how calm he is in the video below! A month ago, he was barking at cows and sheep, and now he's looking with curiosity!
This type of method isn't distracting the dog, it's teaching a dog they don't need to feel scared, and it works so well!
Find out more about the methods we use below:


Does your dog struggle when you go to the vets? Does it fill you with dread when the biannual check comes along?Well, we...

Does your dog struggle when you go to the vets?
Does it fill you with dread when the biannual check comes along?
Well, we know how difficult and stressful it can be for some dogs and their owners. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to help the situation run a lot smoother!
The blog below goes over some tips to help the vet (and even grooming) visit go as smoothly as possible!

Taking your dog to the vet can be a very stressful experience for both them and you! Not only is it full of strangers in human and animal form, but it will also smell and look very unusual to them. They will often form an association of these surroundings with being touched, prodded, injected and mo...


George and his people have been absolutely smashing their training sessions!
We've been working on fear around dogs, pulling on lead, and some bonus recall! You can see from this video that George is in a park around other dogs, super chilled and happy, AND he's responding to recall whilst walking beautifully!
Well done all!!
If you would like to know more about tackling loose lead walking, find out more here:

We've had an amazing day at Crufts, NEC  this year!My personal favourite was seeing all the interesting and wonderful pe...

We've had an amazing day at Crufts, NEC this year!
My personal favourite was seeing all the interesting and wonderful pet vendors and the brilliant freestyle heelwork to music - incredible! It was so lovely to speak to everyone and share the love of dogs and dog training!

We've come back with quite the haul!
As brand ambassadors, we couldn't resist getting our paws on some more Tug-E-Nuff toys! We LOVE using these to improve recall and boost confidence with reactive and fearful dogs!

Guess what!Positive Dog Power - Dog Behaviour and Training are at Crufts today!If you see us, come and say hello!

Guess what!
Positive Dog Power - Dog Behaviour and Training are at Crufts today!
If you see us, come and say hello!

An excellent, and very important post from  Trailie Paws For ThoughtPain IS important when assessing behaviour issues!

An excellent, and very important post from Trailie Paws For Thought
Pain IS important when assessing behaviour issues!


Before attempting to tackle any behaviour challenges or the appearance of new behaviours, our first port of call should always be a thorough veterinary examination in order to rule out any underlying pain, discomfort, or previously undetected health conditions. The importance of this is highlighted in the recent study carried out, entitled “Pain and Problem Behaviour in Cats and Dogs.” Doctor Daniel Mills et al. found that, of 100 recent referral cases of several authors, around a third of those involved some form of painful condition, although this figure is a rather conservative estimate; the actual figure is thought to be as much as eighty per cent, which is a whopping great number!

Pain can be difficult to detect, for several reasons:

*Sensitive dogs might be too stressed to be examined by the vet.

*Dogs are often very stoic, and may be in pain without showing any visible signs.

*Adrenaline can mask pain.

*Some conditions may not be picked up in a physical examination.

In view of this, a medication trial can be really beneficial in determining if there is pain present. My dog Jack has immune-mediated Polyarthritis, and I recently began to suspect that he was experiencing a flare up, after noticing a few small behavioural changes. He had been symptom-free and medication-free for almost a year, but some increased environmental and sound sensitivity, along with becoming worried on some slippery flooring and some unexplained avoidance during training sessions, rang alarm bells. A physical veterinary exam was inconclusive, but following a course of pain relief, there was a distinct difference in Jack, which confirmed to the vet and I that he was, in fact, in pain.

The moral of the tale is that if you are in any doubt, always get them checked out!

Have a look at my blog to read more on how you can ensure that your dog receives the best help possible when their behaviour deteriorates and you need reliable information on the course of action you should take:


© Trailie Paws For Thought

I'm very happy for all of my content to be shared, but please do not copy and paste (to avoid sharing from source), screenshot, or download any part of it. THANK YOU! 🐾 🐾

Happy Valentines Day from us at Positive Dog Power!There's nothing quite like the loving wagging tail of a happy dog to ...

Happy Valentines Day from us at Positive Dog Power!

There's nothing quite like the loving wagging tail of a happy dog to brighten your day!
Besides plenty of woofs and licks, what did your dog get you to show you how much they love you? Pictures of cards, gifts, and happy dogs are welcome!


Charlie and co absolutely smashed todays resource guarding/leadwork/distraction training session!
He's a clever boy and tackled every challenge with ease, all with the help, care and patience from his people!
If you would like some help with your dog, get in contact today! 😁

This is a must read for anyone who is a fan of/follows/watches or supports Grahame Hall and his methods.Thank you Traili...

This is a must read for anyone who is a fan of/follows/watches or supports Grahame Hall and his methods.
Thank you Trailie Paws For Thought for this well written and evidenced piece!

Here we go again 😔

A new series of the dreaded tv show featuring Graeme Hall has just started, so it's time to update my Iist of articles which explain exactly what is so wrong with the methods used (I can't bring myself to call it training) and why they are so harmful.

Canine professionals are appalled that this man receives endorsements and that dog guardians are led to believe that, just because he's on the telly, he is bona fide and qualified (he is not!).

Not only does he appear on the telly, he also takes his "show" into theatres, including my local theatre. On his recent tour, many venues cancelled (at last count it was 24) due to pressure from canine professionals and dog guardians who are absolutely mortified that someone, in this day and age, is allowed to promote outdated, physically and psychologically damaging handling and training methods on tv and in theatres in this way.

Yet, he is still out there, causing harm to dogs.This is a classic example of why we so desperately need regulation in the industry. Anyone can label themselves a trainer or behaviourist, with no fear of legal repercussions, (until someone gets badly hurt), and it stinks.

If anyone is considering buying a ticket to see his “show”, maybe thinking about buying his book, or you perhaps watch him on tv, please read the post below. Be warned, the short video clip is upsetting.


Link to a longer clip, if you can stomach it:

If you aren’t yet convinced that this man is a menace to dogs everywhere, please also read the following:














I will continue to update my list of articles - there is no doubt that there will be more as a result of the new series.

Link to one of several ongoing petitions: https://www.change.org/p/channel-5-get-dogs-behaving-very-badly-taken-off-air?fbclid=IwAR2M5JT0M3K2gmPgt1YCPieBn8AoS_iZjHDq0bq-1kQE0GgKB5vvHkNA_OM_aem_AYj5pYXAGcnGSqi9PR4_hVi2gndBDvrRBG_RXCPLCXvG0Yzru44wg5PyWe3CxOs6ywk


Trailie Paws For Thought

EDIT: Sadly, I have had to remove the images because of possible copyright infringement issues, but there is evidence in abundance if you take a look at the links provided. Instead, here is a rather apt typo for your amusement, from one of very many show cancellations. What a shame. I do hope it was deliberate.


Enrichment isn't just beneficial to dogs! It can bring a little something extra to any animals life!
This snuffle mat not only helps Mochi to work her brain, it allows her to "hunt" for her food and provide some natural explorative behaviours.
Find out more about enrichment here:


Wait or stay isn't just a handy way of getting your do to stop or stay still when you ask, it can be a literal life save...

Wait or stay isn't just a handy way of getting your do to stop or stay still when you ask, it can be a literal life saver. Crossing the road, offlead fun and even spending time near wildlife/livestock can all be made safer with a solid wait/stay.
Getting your dog to stop, stay put and engage with you should be a crucial life skill we teach all of our dogs.
Check out our latest free training video to learn how to twach your dog a wait/stay.


Wait or stay isn't just a handy way of getting your do to stop or stay still when you ask, it can be a literal life saver. Crossing the road, offlead fun and...

Recall with your dog is as much as about getting your dog to STOP what they are doing, as it is about getting them to co...

Recall with your dog is as much as about getting your dog to STOP what they are doing, as it is about getting them to come back.
Why do they run to that dog, bird, or squirrel to begin with? Well, because they are FUN! So, we need to tap into our dogs "fun drive" to get them to see that coming back to us is just as, if not MORE, fun and entertaining as those distractions are.

Shuffle n' Treat taps into your dogs natural chase drive, showing them that the fun happens here!

Get more free training tips on our website:


Recall with your dog is as much as about getting your dog to STOP what they are doing, as it is about getting them to come back. Why do they run to that dog,...

Temptation alley is part of our rapid, reliable dog recall series. It puts your recall practice to the test, but our han...

Temptation alley is part of our rapid, reliable dog recall series. It puts your recall practice to the test, but our handy video shows you how to do Temptation Alley with maximum success!


Positive Dog Power is a Dog, Puppy and Rescue Dog Training and Behaviour business based in Cheltenham, UK.

Temptation alley is part of our rapid, reliable dog recall series. It puts your recall practice to the test, but our handy video shows you how to do Temptati...

6 Quick Tips to Leadwork/leashwork Success!Become a lead work pro by following these quick tips!                        ...

6 Quick Tips to Leadwork/leashwork Success!
Become a lead work pro by following these quick tips!

Positive Dog Power is a Dog, Puppy and Rescue Dog Training and Behaviour business based in Cheltenham, UK.

Check out Positive Dog Power's video.

RECALL!It's the word that makes some smile happily, and some hide behind their hands! Reliable, rapid recall can be a tr...

It's the word that makes some smile happily, and some hide behind their hands! Reliable, rapid recall can be a tricky thing to help your dog learn, but not impossible.
This video and blog (linked in video) will give you all the tips to recall success!

Positive Dog Power is a Dog, Puppy and Rescue Dog Training and Behaviour business based in Cheltenham, UK.

Treat Dash is a perfect way to get your dog recalling to you flawlessly!Get reliable, rapid recall in just a few short steps.Check out our recall blog for ev...


When you hire a dog trainer it is MUCH more than an hour of their time...

This is so they can give you and your dog the very best ongoing support, with effective long term results.

So please take a moment to consider the following if you are looking to hire a professional.

And always do check their experience, their accreditations/courses they've completed, testimonials and ensure that the training they do puts the needs of the dog first, with no harsh or outdated methods.

Here at PPN we are committed to supporting kind and ethical pet professionals and offer a range of CPD to ensure ongoing learning and support.

This helps not only improve the industry and business standards but also offer a safe place for pet professionals to connect and support each other.

Pet Professional Network

'Together we are stronger'

Positive Dog Power will only ever use science based, force free and ethical methods only.

Positive Dog Power will only ever use science based, force free and ethical methods only.

Here at Dog Nerd Training we know it is important to train our dogs force-free, but why? ❓

Imagine you have been pulled aside by a security guard at a foreign airport, they are yelling angrily at you in a language you don't understand to do something. You think they may want your papers so you hurry to get them out, but they only gets more and more irate and aggressive. You try something else and it just gets worse, you are worried about what might happen if you don't figure out what they want, will you miss your flight? Or worse will you be arrested for some reason you don't know? 😰

Now obviously if you knew what to do you would just do it, it isn't your fault you don't understand, and yelling at you isn't going to make you figure it out any quicker, nor will scary consequences hanging over your head, particularly with a language barrier there.

This is what it is like for our dogs, they aren't being disobedient they just don't understand what we want. It is fundamentally unfair to punish them for things they had no clue about in the first place.

But this isn't the only reason punishment should be avoided and force-free training should be encouraged...

🐶 You can damage your training relationship with your dog (and their attachment), and make them more wary of people in general through using punishment.

🐶 Your dog will be more hesitant in training to try new behaviours, as they will worry the consequence of getting it wrong, rather than being excited to figure out what you want.

🐶 You can inadvertently make a negative association with something outside what you are training, such as a child passes when the dog pulls, and the dog receives a 'correction' the dog may associate this with the presence of the child rather than the behaviour.

🐶 Punishment can also change the dog's temperament, so they become more withdrawn and less playful.

There are also many more reasons on top of the ones mentioned above, and in the quoted study, that show training force-free is the better, and more ethical, option for us and our dogs.

You can find out more about the study mentioned in the graphic here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168159111000876?via%3Dihub&fbclid=IwAR3SHRlkFHEhN6etg3H52xuz26XTUcSrSa_IT2wxsh3g1rzN1hLtd87JKJs

I love this infographic from Canine Principles A lot of the time, pain doesn't present itself with yelping and squealing...

I love this infographic from Canine Principles
A lot of the time, pain doesn't present itself with yelping and squealing, not even limping! Pain will often show itself in behavioural changes that can be sudden or more gradual. If you notice any changes in your pet's behaviour, especially ones on this list, a vet check is a must!


In light of todays news, the facebook group Save Our Seized Dogs-Putting BSL to Sleep UK has recommended to start muzzle training your XL Bully dogs asap - they believe this will, hopefully, help your case when/if the new law comes into place.

I wanted to share my free muzzle training video to help you and your dog do this in a force free and positive way. I am also happy to answer any questions about this subject if you need further help.

In addition to this, I have a lot of free resources on my website to help your dog if they currently show any behaviour issues - hopefully this will help people to feel more prepared for what may come. Please feel free to share this with anyone you think may benefit from it.
It is through care, ethical, and humane approaches to training/behaviour that we can help our dogs (of any breed) feel safer and secure. A blanket ban will not stop bites from dogs, but more understanding will.


💥💥I’ve got a VERY special OFFER for you all today!💥💥This special offer is invite only, and I’m inviting you!>>> Get 15% ...

💥💥I’ve got a VERY special OFFER for you all today!💥💥

This special offer is invite only, and I’m inviting you!

>>> Get 15% off any 2 Tug-E-Nuff toys🐕🐶

SUPERFAN BONUS - Spend £50+ and bag a free PowerBall with your order


These toys are really something special. I use them in so many ways to help with training. From recall to building trust and teaching new skills - they truly are the ultimate reward.

To get your secret discount code, just head to the link below and you’ll get your exclusive access to this fab deal.

And if you need help with what toys to choose for your dog, just drop a comment below and I’ll be more than happy to help.


Invitation only access to a very special offer on the world’s #1 tug toys. Power up your play and grab an exclusive discount you won’t find anywhere else.

Nanci's video brilliantly breaks down the issues with "balanced training" and using aversive methods. She uses a video b...

Nanci's video brilliantly breaks down the issues with "balanced training" and using aversive methods. She uses a video by a popular force and aversive "trainer" to demonstrate why these methods can be problematic and down right dangerous.
Positive Reinforcement and force free works, it's kinder and humane. Dog's need our understanding, not our "dominance" or force.

Dog behaviourist reviews and provides feedback on dog training advice given by Southend Dog Training

Are you trying to muzzle train your dog but struggling to know where to start?This video will show you how to train your...

Are you trying to muzzle train your dog but struggling to know where to start?
This video will show you how to train your dog to wear a muzzle, the force free, and positive reinforcement way!

Muzzles are effective and can be used to:

- Stop your dog eating things on walks (e.g. animal poo or discarded food)
- Great way of creating distance between your dog and people.
- Reduce the chances of a bite when your dog is scared.
- Keeping a vet visit as stress free as possible (for everyone!)
- A new brain game to keep your dog working when you've exhausted all the tricks!

A muzzle does not equal a dangerous or "aggressive" dog.

This video will show you how to train your dog to wear a muzzle, the force free, and positive reinforcement way!Muzzles are effective and can be used to:- St...

Let's see your funniest, happiest, or goofiest photos of your pooches for

Let's see your funniest, happiest, or goofiest photos of your pooches for

Excellent post by The Mutty Professor!Positive Dog Power are strictly force free - we look at the whole picture, from he...

Excellent post by The Mutty Professor!
Positive Dog Power are strictly force free - we look at the whole picture, from health to environment, focusing on empathy and kindness to help our dog's feel safer and more comfortable.

🗣️ “When used correctly........"

This phrase comes up time and time again when those who advocate for the use of aversive dog training methods and tools try and come across as ethical.

"When used correctly" are empty words.

It's a non-descriptive phrase. It gives the reader/viewer NOTHING to measure- other than the trainer's own opinion of their skill.

This is highly problematic. An absence of adequate regulation of training and behaviour professionals parallel to the frequent display of self-appointed expertise is a BIG welfare problem for dogs in this industry.

⚡️The trainer I watched in a popular instagram video 'stimming' a dog with an e-collar everytime the dog went to sniff things in a pet store probably thought they were using it correctly.

🖐️ Ceser Milan probably thought he was applying 'calm and assertive' body language correctly on Holly the Labrador as a way of ‘working’ with her food aggression, even though she bit him multiple times for doing it. He required hospital treatment.

🐕‍🦺 The prong collar trainers whose dogs make an awful choking sound when corrected, probably think they are doing it correctly. Despite the prong seemingly being placed ‘correctly’ high on the neck!

💥 The well known UK balanced trainer who posted a video a good while back of them 'stimming' a french bulldog for exhibiting abnormal repetitive behaviours probably thought he was using it correctly. (The dog's owner later posted their own video explaining how this made the dog worse, and a more welfare focused approach has now started to help the dog).
🤷‍♀️ What does 'correctly' even look like?
Good timing and equipment placement?
Is that REALLY all that’s needed to make sure the dog is protected from poor professional conduct and fall-out?

🤔 How can we help the viewer know what to look for?
It's very hard for me to imagine what the correct use of aversives looks like, but a start would be:

✔️ Getting a vet referral, reviewing the full medical history of the dog.
✔️ Reviewing the stressors in that dog's life and addressing them.
✔️ Applying positive reinforcement focused methods first and foremost. This applies to all dogs. No excuses!
Enough of us are doing this daily with the same demographic of clients (let’s not flatter ourselves with ‘I get the red zone dogs’ comments, please!).

I have subjected myself to watching plenty of balanced training videos to make sure I am educating others based on what I SEE and not just what I think or read in research.
I am not seeing ANY evidence of the above in the videos, posts or comments I have seen.

I can catagorically say I have NEVER seen added text or information to the many videos I have watched that even acknowledges stress or pain in dogs.

Balanced training method videos appear (to me) to continuously represent dogs simply "a good dog" or "a bad dog". There’s not enough mention of a “stressed dog”, a “hurting dog” or a dog who has yet to be taught different (kindly).

I don’t see explanations as to WHY the dog may be behaving that way and what is being done to help the dog- beyond applying aversive methods to punish or supress the bad behaviour.

Whilst I would NEVER endorse the use of aversive tools and aversive methods that intentionally startle or cause discomfort- I would have a little more respect for balanced trainers if they actually OWNED their methods publicly.

Be transparent.
Be clear about HOW these methods work.
So, let's help owners make a genuinely informed decision rather than leading viewers to believe there is no risk to the dog's physical and emotional health, and only benefits to be gained.

Some even think that these tools are enjoyable for dogs! This gross misunderstanding is the soul responsibility of those who showcase using these tools to the general public without being transparent.

Here are few examples of what transparency from balanced dog trainers would look like when discussing aversive tools in ALL contexts;

🗣️ “Because the e collar may startle the dog or cause an unpleasant sensation, we tried to remove as many stressors as possible in the dog's life before applying the training".
🗣️ “We considered using a slip lead on this dog to apply leash corrections, but the dog was found to have hip dysplasia in their pre-session vet check. It wouldn't be fair to correct a dog, which is unpleasant for them, if they are already in pain- so we need to address that first".
🗣️ “E collar aversion training may be able to stop your dog chasing sheep, but it won't stop them killing your next door neighbours cat or causing a road traffic accident. So, you really need to up your management and make sure your dog doesn't escape".
🗣️ “As a correction on a prong collar causes momentary compression to the neck - this can cause stress by temporarily reducing oxygen intake and also causing discomfort from all the metal pins briefly digging in. For that reason, the dog had a vet check to make sure the're not experiencing any pain in their neck, or elsewhere".
🗣️ “Because a prong collar correction has the potential to be deeply unpleasant for the dog, we have to be so careful about when we apply it. If you're not careful, the dog may associate the discomfort with what they are looking at when the correction is delivered and start to fear it. This could be a child, or it could be the rose bush they have to walk past on your driveway. Your correction has to be timed perfectly to the mili-second and that is really not easy!".
🗣️ “Because the slip lead tightens when a corrrection is applied or when the dog pulls- this is uncomfortable and stressful for the dog and the dog adjusts their behaviour to avoid that discomfort. We want to avoid causing our dogs stress as much as possible, so we are starting our training in a super easy environment so the dog can get maximum reinforcement for the desired behaviour. Ideally, we just don't want to correct the dog at all".
🗣️ “Here I am scaring the dog with my body language. I am being intentionally threatening and confrontational. The dog will change their behaviour to appease me, as they can’t escape. The risk here is they could bite you in defense, so you do have to be really careful”.

Doesn’t quite sell the method so well to potential clientele and followers, does it?

Using ambiguous language like 'pressure' is just not thorough enough. Interpretation of what pressure is relies on one's own experience.

Some people may have felt extreme pressure in their lives and view it as highly aversive. Others may have only experienced mild pressure and thus view it as a minor inconvenience that is easily overcome.

A living being's emotional and physical resources will influence how they cope with pressure (stress!). It's not black and white as each individual is different, and their individual coping ability can vary day to day.

Talking about 'pressure' and 'using it correctly' gives zero indication that a risk assessment should be done daily on our learners, regardless of the methods we use on them.

I have yet to see sufficient evidence of balanced trainers showing that they are looking at all of these nuances or helping viewers learn about them.

The many videos I see make it look very much like the aversive tool is stage 1 in the process. If it's not, then why aren't they saying so?

This does dogs a HUGE disservice. If you want to get remotely close to using aversive tools correctly (if there is such a thing!) then let's see balanced trainers be more transparent as to the risk of using these tools. Correct use is increasing awareness of what can go wrong.

If you want positive reinforcement trainers to do the same, sure! I’ve not been shy about discussing fall out across my work and I work very hard to prevent it.

Positive reinforcement users could go into detail about how to reduce fall-out, such as frustration and redirection, from negative punishment, extinction or clumsy mechanics.
Let’s help viewers recognise how withholding or withdrawing reinforcement, ignoring a behaviour without providing an alternative, or poor application of reinforcement can cause problem behaviour.

BUT, if you're a balanced dog trainer who ALSO uses reinforcement based methods too......then I fear your list of disclaimers will start to get a little long. All of those risks using reinforcement are piling up and onto the risks of using aversion based methods.
If this is truly about dog welfare, let's see ALL the details on every.single.post so you can be sure that every person you are potentially influencing is as informed as they can be.

Why does this matter more with aversion based training methods? Because they are designed to operate on avoidance of fear, anxiety (stress / pressure), discomfort and pain. End of.

NOTE: I have not looked at every bit of content from every balanced trainer in the world. I know there are some who are very knowledgable and who do take stress and pain into consideration. Some are also less quick to use aversive tools or methods.

My predominant direct experience is that this is less common OR they are just not talking about it openly! I have a problem with both!

When ever a trainer posts about using an aversive tool they should still be completely transparent.

People who don’t know better are watching.
Final Note: If you think the ever increasing popularity of balanced methods online is because they are better than gentle methods, I would encourage you to look into (online) how social media platforms prioritise VIOLENT content. This is quite well established information now.
It has nothing to do with effectiveness, and everything to do with what unfortuantly now seems to make humans tick. It's pretty gross, if you ask me.


Coleford Road

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm




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