Take a look at what our livery has to offer. Assisted Livery - we call Flexi, Full Livery and Part Livery. Prices are on the website www.reinandshine.co.uk.
Excellent security, high standards of care and operation, with qualified staff and owners. Year round turnout, incredible levels of support and care for each person and their horse.
#liveryyard #fulllivery
It's chilly out there....
Spot of evening Livery Dressage last night! Well done all looked great fun!
Beautiful frozen mornings....
Did you know we turn out and fetch in our horses herd by herd. Why? It reduces anxiety in horses and keeps them feeling secure
Developing our team to hold British Horse Society Ride Leader qualification. Well done guys! #horseriding #LearnToRideSafely ##britishhorsesociety
Some of our liveries took part in a fun morning yesterday - a great session to coach!
What did they do?
*free jump - for the benefit of horse confidence
*Simulator crosscountry jumping - for the benefit of rider confidence
*"pick your own logs" cross country session at the pace of each partnership.
Followed by fruit puch on the viewing gallery
A successful morning - great to have this opportunity to take part in such clinics, with access to high level coaching and horse development support - by being a livery at the centre!
How sweet are our liveries!!! For a prey animal, separation from the herd feels like a death sentence. Horses only live in a herd setting, never solitary, because they are reliant on the herd for detecting and fending off predators. You cannot eliminate this instinct which is why in Switzerland it is illegal to keep a horse alone.
In France it is illegal to keep a horse in an unnatural state which includes not having a companion of his species.
We keep horses in small same sex groups here - with new horses integrated slowly
Rein and Shine is a British Horse Society Highly commended livery yard. Livery to a measured standard is what many people seek in order to find a yard which is well run, and fair.
How is the yard coping with all the flooding?..... this is today's example....
Thank you to some of our fab liveries for giving up their time to take part in sessions where we develop our own coaches. Xx