2024- A Year of Change
As of Feb 17th I will no longer be in the Equine world full time. Before Christmas I applied for a job which I wasn't expecting to be offered but to my surprise I was successful.
As I have now spoken to all my clients directly, I can now inform you all of this change.
I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for your support the last few years and I can't thank you all enough.
I'd like to thank all my clients for being amazing and being so understanding and supportive of my decision.
It was a tough decision and I will miss all you fab people lot! I hope to stay in touch with you all and will still be 'around' or covering the odd weekend day once in a while, once I'm settled.
I wish you all the best and luck with your horsey and non horsey ventures. To be a part of your journeys has been an absolute privilege and I am grateful for all memories and opportunities.
I will not be taking on any new clients but happy to redirect to highly recommended professionals, should you need assistance.
If anyone has any questions or worries please feel free to message!
Biggest thank you goes to goes to my amazing partner Will for putting up with me and being so supportive.
Thank you again everyone! Much love to you all! ❤️🐴🐴
Kali X