If you’d like a summer option there are some great choices of lighter weight slings to try.
I must warn you, solarweave Integras fly out fast so these need to be reserved to avoid disappointment.
#borne #borneconsultancy #library #congletonsmallbusiness #congletonbusiness #babywearinglibrary #slinglibraryservice #brilliantbabywearingbusiness #babywearingservice #summersling #babywearinginthesummer #cheshiresummer #summerinstaffordshire #slinglibrary #babywearingconsultation #slingandcarrierservice #staffordshire #stokeontrent #stokebabies #congleton #cheshire #cheshirebabies #crewe #leek #nantwich #biddulph #cheshirebabies #congletoncheshire #northwich #knutsford
All the slings are washed with an Ecoegg or sometimes Soapnuts so there are no chemicals on them and therefore won’t cause any allergies.
Please DO NOT wash the library slings unless advised to do so by myself. It takes a while to get detergent out and it’s not just babies who are allergic to fabric conditioner, I am also!
In fact as a sideline, if you or anyone in your household suffers with a skin allergy I urge you to check for any isothiazoinones in your products. Trust me when I say that this is usually a common cause.
Happy laundry day everyone!
#borne #borneconsultancy #library #congletonsmallbusiness #congletonbusiness #babywearinglibrary #slinglibraryservice #brilliantbabywearingbusiness #babywearingservice #ecoegg #laundryday #bobaslings #mamaruga #slinglibrary #babywearingconsultation #slingandcarrierservice #staffordshire #stokeontrent #stokebabies #congleton #cheshire #cheshirebabies #crewe #leek #nantwich #biddulph #cheshirebabies #congletoncheshire #northwich #knutsford
Well done Amy Ingram! Months free hire!
W H A T ‘ S N E W ?
Ok so here are the new slings that were delivered the other day.
I’ve been to the dentist this morning which is why I can’t smile or make any facial moments with my mouth lol!!!! Just incase anyone was wondering.
Also we should probably acknowledge the fact my hair needs dying. I think it went 7 shades greyer trying to edit this video!
Anyway these are available to hire from NOW!
#congletonslinglibrary #congletonbabywearers #library #congletonsmallbusiness #congletonbusiness #babywearinglibrary #slinglibraryservice #brilliantbabywearingbusiness #babywearingconsultant #worstvideoeditorever #babywearingservice #instareel #ineedtodyemyhair #slinglibrary #slingandcarrier #slingandcarrierservice #getasling #beartownbabies #congleton #cheshire #cheshireeast #crewe #leek #staffordshiremoorlands #biddulph #cheshirebabies #congletoncheshire #northwich #alsager #knutsford
H I R E T H I S ⠀
I don’t get it! Why does no one hire these? They’re the perfect hot weather sling & probably one of the simplest to use! I absolutely adore them! ⠀
Hire one today for the warm weather!!!! ⠀
#congletonslinglibrary #congletonbabywearers #library #congletonsmallbusiness #congletonbusiness #babywearinglibrary #slinglibraryservice #brilliantbabywearingbusiness #babywearingconsultant #carryingisnormal #babywearingservice #minimonkey #minimonkeyminisling #slinglibrary #summersling #summerbabywearing #alsager #beartownbabies #congleton #cheshire #cheshireeast #crewe #leek #staffordshiremoorlands #biddulph #cheshirebabies #congletoncheshire #northwich #alsager #knutsford
S T O P ! W A I T A M I N U T E !⠀
That sling your friend has told you to buy might not be the one for you! It may be a one size fits all but it’s not a one size suits all! ⠀
This happens a lot! “I’ve bought this because my friend has one but it just doesn’t feel comfy.”⠀
Luckily you can try before you buy! So pop along to Cuddly Cubs Parenting Hub this Friday, have a brew & a chat & try before you buy! ⠀
#congletonslinglibrary #congletonbabywearers #library #congletonsmallbusiness #congletonbusiness #babywearinglibrary #slinglibraryservice #brilliantbabywearingbusiness #babywearingconsultant #onetoone #babywearingservice #trybeforeyoubuy #cuddlycubsparentinghub #slinglibrary #booknow #slingvideo #alsager #beartownbabies #congleton #cheshire #cheshireeast #crewe #leek #staffordshiremoorlands #biddulph #cheshirebabies #congletoncheshire #northwich #alsager #knutsford
G O B B L E D Y G O O K ⠀
When you first step into the world of slings and carriers it can seem like a bit of a minefield. Where to start?!⠀
Luckily your local babywearing consultant can help you figure out what you need and answer any questions you may have. ⠀
Book a 1:1 consultation with me today!⠀
Alternatively pop along to Cuddly Cubs Parenting Hub on the 6th May where you’ll be able to get expert advice and try on. ⠀
#congletonslinglibrary #congletonbabywearers #library #congletonsmallbusiness #congletonbusiness #babywearinglibrary #slinglibraryservice #brilliantbabywearingbusiness #gobbledygook #babywearingminefield #onetoone #babywearingconsultant #babywearinguk #slinglibrary #babywearinghelp #babywearingreels #northwich #beartownbabies #congleton #cheshire #cheshireeast #crewe #leek #staffordshiremoorlands #biddulph #cheshirebabies #congletoncheshire #northwich #alsager #knutsford
M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S ⠀
and a Happy New Year!⠀⠀
#congleton #congletonslinglibrary #congletonbabywearers #merychristmas #beartownbabies #Cheshirebabies #alsager #holmeschapel #babywearing #congletoncollective #congletonbusiness #christmas21 #christmasincongleton #haveagoodone #merrychristmaseveryone #christmasincheshire #attachmentparenting #parenting #newparents #freeworkshop #babycarrier #ohheymamas #cheshiremums #Crewe #Leek #biddulph #christmastime
Apologies this wasn’t drawn on Monday as promised.
Claire Poole, Sally McNicholas & Amanda Eliz Watson, can you please get in touch to arrange collection of your book 💜
D E C E M B E R ⠀
This week is your last chance to get in person help before Christmas. There are also only a couple of slots remaining for 1:1 consultations. ⠀
Hope to see you today at the Congleton session. Congleton Cricket Club 10.30-12.30. No need to book for this one, just drop in!⠀
#decemberslinglibrary #smallbusinesslove #congletonbusiness #thisslingissogood #librarydates #cheshiremums #datesforyourdiary #winterincheshire #cheshirewinter #congletoncheshire #slinglibrary #ukmum #nantwich #yourlocalslinglibrary #beartownbabies #congleton #cheshire #cheshireeast #crewe #leek #staffordshiremoorlands #biddulph #cheshirebabies #cheshiremums #smallbusinesscheshire #northwich #alsager #knutsford
H O W M A N Y ? !⠀
It’s been known for people to buy several slings when they were pregnant or just had a baby, for none of them to end up fitting or suiting! ⠀
I know this because I did it too! ⠀
Parents can potentially spend hundreds of pounds buying slings that they can’t use & then thinking babywearing isn’t for them or that their baby doesn’t like it!⠀
Come along to a library session or invest in a consultation before committing to one you might not be able to use. And if you really want to try loads there’s no limit to how many slings you can hire either in one go or over time.⠀
#congleton #congletonslinglibrary #congletonbabywearers #itook9 #beartownbabies #cheshirebabies #alsager #holmeschapel #babywearing #congletoncollective #congletonbusiness #brilliantbabywearingbusiness #congletoncheshire #congletonmums #oxytocin #babywearingconsultant #attachmentparenting #parenting #carryingconsultation #consultations #babycarrier #ohheymamas #cheshiremums #Crewe #Leek #biddulph #middlewich
F I N D Y O U R L O C A L S L I N G CO N S U L T A N T ⠀
Don’t spend £££ on a sling or several slings until you know what you’ll like. What suits your friend may not suit you. ⠀
Do you know the difference between a one way and a two way stretchy? ⠀
Are you confident in safety? ⠀
Do you know how to spot fake carriers or the risks of buying cheaper ones? ⠀
Have you had a sling passed down to you but unsure of what age it can be fitted to? ⠀
Get in touch with your local sling consultant for advice, troubleshooting and to hire one before forking out on something you may not like.⠀
#baby #smallbusinesslove #congletonbusiness #thisslingissogood #findyourlocalslingconsultant #cheshiremums #tiktokvid #babywearingexpert #babywearingtoday #sunsunsun #slinglibrary #ukmum #nantwich #yourlocalslinglibrary #beartownbabies #congleton #cheshire #cheshireeast #crewe #leek #staffordshiremoorlands #biddulph #cheshirebabies #cheshiremums #smallbusinesscheshire #northwich #alsager #knutsford