Elevate Holistic Therapies

Elevate Holistic Therapies Hi, I am passionate about helping horses to relax and feel pain free to help them enjoy their respective journeys.

One of the ways I do this is through massage- helping your horse feel the best they can through fully certified Equine Sports Massage.

Great article from my friend Faith explaining Equine Proprioception šŸ„°

Great article from my friend Faith explaining Equine Proprioception šŸ„°

What is Equine Proprioception and Why Does It Matter?

Equine proprioception is your horseā€™s "sense of self." Itā€™s the ability to perceive its bodyā€™s position in space, which helps them maintain balance, coordination, and smooth movement. Think of it as your horseā€™s internal GPS system. Proprioception allows your horse to adapt quickly to changes in terrain, make adjustments in posture, and perform complex movementsā€”whether itā€™s jumping, turning, or navigating uneven ground.

This sense is vital for every horse, from the trail horse to the competitive athlete. Without proper proprioception, horses may struggle with balance, tripping, or performing certain movements, making it essential to monitor and enhance it, especially during training and rehabilitation.

Stay tuned for more on how to improve your horseā€™s proprioception and enhance its overall health and performance!

An overcast and freezing horseless Sundayā€¦what better time to complete a CPD module in Equine Myofascial Release to enha...

An overcast and freezing horseless Sundayā€¦what better time to complete a CPD module in Equine Myofascial Release to enhance my skill set and offer even more ways to relax and release those tense horsey muscles!
Contact me via WhatsApp or Messenger for an initial chat or to book. A few appointments available in Feb and March diary just opened.

My website is live!!! www.elevateholistictherapies.com So exciting! I will be gradually building and adding case studies...

My website is live!!! www.elevateholistictherapies.com
So exciting!
I will be gradually building and adding case studies, information, anecdotes and a blog as time goes on. I love that I have a place to share all my knowledge and stories šŸ„°

A few appointments still available for February- get in touch for more info using the WhatsApp button or messengerā€¦ or via my website!!

Canā€™t wait to see you all in 2025! ###

Canā€™t wait to see you all in 2025! ###

Been busily building my new website todayā€¦a way to go, but Iā€™m hoping itā€™s going to be a valuable source of information ...

Been busily building my new website todayā€¦a way to go, but Iā€™m hoping itā€™s going to be a valuable source of information as well as an easy way to book your horsey friends in for a lovely massage.
Youā€™ll even be able to choose to pay in instalments if it suits you better!

No riding for me at the moment as Iā€™m currently horseless (šŸ˜¢) but off to give a little love to the Horse Sense Wirral residents shortly ā¤ļø

This was one of my favourite early mornings last yearā€¦frost and a quiet yard and a view from between the ears šŸ„°šŸ¦„ā¤ļø

Covering Wirral, Chester and surrounding areas and North Wales. Limited availability but message or call for more info ā¤...

Covering Wirral, Chester and surrounding areas and North Wales. Limited availability but message or call for more info ā¤ļøšŸ¦„šŸ„°

Been a busy few weeks with my other hat on as a mortgage broker so Iā€™ve been quiet on here!Butā€¦ Iā€™ve just completed my N...

Been a busy few weeks with my other hat on as a mortgage broker so Iā€™ve been quiet on here!
Butā€¦ Iā€™ve just completed my November CPD in Effective Observation and Palpation in time to go and visit the residents of Parkgate Pony Sanctuary to give them a bit of extra TLC.
Really looking forward to spending some time with the lovely equines and amazing volunteers there šŸ„° šŸ¦„ā¤ļø

Getting organised and giving the Equigate App for animal therapists and practitioners a trial. Iā€™ve heard great things a...

Getting organised and giving the Equigate App for animal therapists and practitioners a trial.

Iā€™ve heard great things about this app and how much easier it makes booking appointments, getting reports and feedback to my lovely clients and keeping everything lovely and orderly!

Fully qualified and certified Equine Sports Massage Therapist. Insured and a member of the International Association of Animal Therapists.

Message me via FB or WhatsApp for an appointment for lovely equine massage therapy.

I have a few slots still available in October on the Wirral, Cheshire and North Wales and my diary is now open for November.

I canā€™t wait to meet all your lovely equines ā¤ļø


Emotional Horsemanship by Lockie Phillips you have nailed exactly what so many are thinking. Every day is a learning day...

Emotional Horsemanship by Lockie Phillips you have nailed exactly what so many are thinking.
Every day is a learning day- itā€™s so important to open our minds and listen, research and think about new ideas and knowledge, and realise that often, there is more than one way to achieve something.

By constantly learning and thinking about the effect our actions may have on others, we can make our own minds up on how we are going to act, based on what we have learned and always keeping open minded and respectful, even if we donā€™t agree with anotherā€™s opinion.
Above all, be kind to one another x

Imagine that you care about a topic. You learn the topic, you practice the craft. You make mistakes and learn from them. You are hired to perform this craft, you go out in the world to deliver services in the craft. You become professional. You become good at what you do.

Then, one day, you see or meet another professional, or another non-professional, who does things differently to you. Not only are they doing things differently to you, but they are successful in their field. They have studied, understood, practiced. They get results, they help people. They can explain what they do in detail and transfer that knowing to other people.

Imagine that you see this person and instead of thinking and feeling:
"Wow. That's so cool! Someone else doing it differently, and thats great for them."
But instead thinking and feeling- anger.

In that anger, your brain changes. The sensory data your brain receives from the body is altered before it reaches the brain. It is altered and morphed and mutated into something it is not. This is not my opinion, this is how anger works. Anger- like all emotions- changes the brains perception of objective world happenstances. Your anger towards someone different from you will change what you see them doing.

What they might be doing is: helping people and doing good work.
But what you anger does: is morph what you see until you see destruction, damage and incorrectness.

The next thing your anger does, now I want you to just IMAGINE yourself doing this, is that it goes outside your body. The anger leaves your body as a motivated, unsolicited action. And begins to harm others. With words, behaviours and intentions that are brazen, brash and brutal.

Now I want you to imagine the other, in this scenario, at the receiving end. They are waking up every day, and doing their best and helping people. They are now at the receiving end of vitriol which is usually a mutated, inaccurate, subjective summary of who they are. This other now has to continue moving forwards, as if nothing happened. Continue putting themselves out there to help.

I have a very simple relationship to anger: it takes a lot to make me angry. I am not quick to anger. My anger is usually de-centred off myself, and centred around the protection of those I care about.

Having said all this, I know colleagues whom have closed businesses, stopped working publicly, moved cities, states and countries, and had nervous breakdowns due to what I write above.

Because some grown ass adults behave like absolute children, with zero anger impulse control and zero decorum.

It is enough.

After receiving death threats last year due to opinions I hold and my manner of expressing them, I now have to take identity information for every single person attending a clinic, particularly in countries where fi****ms are prevalent. It is scary. It is expensive. It is annoying to administrate.

After comments from people who cannot control their anger, I have had to shut down comments, for everyone.

Nobody deserves to be at the receiving end of anger over their opinions.

Stop it. Just fu***ng stop it. It helps nobody. Least of all the horses. Get in control of yourself. You're an adult. Mind your own business. Leave people alone. See or read something that confuses, irritates, or is jarring to you? You actually have a choice. Know the difference between right and wrong, and do right. For goodness sake. The most boring thing one can be in this world is a troll, an angry horse person. Another angry horse person. Go get therapy and log-off. Or write your own angry content on your own page for your own angry community. Leave others in peace, especially if you disagree with them.

Is it time that we all grew up a bit? Refocused? Refined what this is all here to do for us?

The whole world is now in the same room at the same time and we are proving ourselves ill-equipped for it.

So, just letting you know, I will go to the mat for my horses, my team, my clients and my community. This small platform I have built is a safe place because I have made it an UNSAFE place for a brute, a biggot or a batterer to be. On that point I am very clear.

Thank you for these words. This is something I have personally experienced both with horses and dogs. They need time and...

Thank you for these words. This is something I have personally experienced both with horses and dogs.
They need time and routine to find their spots in our lives and know that can relax and settle in knowing that (hopefully) they wonā€™t have their roots ripped up again.

"New Home Syndrome"šŸ¤“

I am coining this term to bring recognition, respect, and understanding to what happens to horses when they move homes. This situation involves removing them from an environment and set of routines they have become familiar with, and placing them somewhere completely different with new people and different ways of doing things.

Why call it a syndrome?

Well, really it is! A syndrome is a term used to describe a set of symptoms that consistently occur together and can be tied to certain factors such as infections, genetic predispositions, conditions, or environmental influences. It is also used when the exact cause of the symptoms is not fully understood or when it is not connected with a well-defined disease. In this case, "New Home Syndrome" is connected to a horse being placed in a new home where its entire world changes, leading to psychological and physiological impacts. While it might be transient, the ramifications can be significant for both the horse and anyone handling or riding it.

Let me explain...

Think about how good it feels to get home after a busy day. How comfortable your favourite clothes are, how well you sleep in your own bed compared to a strange bed, and how you can really relax at home. This is because home is safe and familiar. At home, the part of you that keeps an eye out for potential danger turns down to a low setting. It does this because home is your safe place (and if it is not, this blog will also explain why a lack of a safe place is detrimental).

Therefore, the first symptom of horses experiencing "New Home Syndrome" is being unsettled, prone to anxiety, or difficult behaviour. If you have owned them before you moved them, you struggle to recognise your horse, feeling as if your horse has been replaced by a frustrating version. If the horse is new to you, you might wonder if you were conned, if the horse was drugged when you rode it, or if you were lied to about the horse's true nature.

A horse with "New Home Syndrome" will be a stressed version of itself, on high alert, with a drastically reduced ability to cope. Horses don't handle change like humans do. If you appreciate the comfort of your own home and how you can relax there, you should be able to understand what the horse is experiencing.

Respecting that horses interpret and process their environments differently from us helps in understanding why your horse is being frustrating and recognising that there is a good chance you were not lied to or that the horse was not drugged.

Horses have survived through evolution by being highly aware of their environments. Change is a significant challenge for them because they notice the slightest differences, not just visually but also through sound, smell, feel, and other senses. Humans generalise and categorise, making it easy for us to navigate familiar environments like shopping centres. Horses do not generalise in the same way; everything new is different to them, and they need proof of safety before they can habituate and feel secure. When their entire world changes, it is deeply stressful.

They struggle to sleep until they feel safe, leading to sleep deprivation and increased difficulty.

But there is more...

Not only do you find comfort in your home environment and your nervous system downregulates, but you also find comfort in routines. Routines are habits, and habits are easy. When a routine changes or something has to be navigated differently, things get difficult. For example, my local supermarket is undergoing renovations. After four years of shopping there, it is extremely frustrating to have to work out where everything is now. Every day it gets moved due to the store being refitted section by section. This annoyance is shared by other shoppers and even the staff.

So, consider the horse. Not only are they confronted with the challenge of figuring out whether they are safe in all aspects of their new home while being sleep deprived, but every single routine and encounter is different. Then, their owner or new owner starts getting critical and concerned because the horse suddenly seems untrained or difficult. The horse they thought they owned or bought is not meeting their expectations, leading to conflict, resistance, explosiveness, hypersensitivity, and frustration.

The horse acts as if it knows little because it is stressed and because the routines and habits it has learned have disappeared. If you are a new human for the horse, you feel, move, and communicate differently from what it is used to. The way you hold the reins, your body movements in the saddle, the position of your leg ā€“ every single routine of communication between horse and person is now different. I explain to people that when you get a new horse, you have to imprint yourself and your way of communicating onto the horse. You have to introduce yourself and take the time to spell out your cues so that they get to know you.

Therefore, when you move a horse to a new home or get a new horse, your horse will go through a phase called "New Home Syndrome," and it will be significant for them. Appreciating this helps them get through it because they are incredible and can succeed. The more you understand and help the horse learn it is safe in its new environment and navigate the new routines and habits you introduce, the faster "New Home Syndrome" will pass.
"New Home Syndrome" will be prevalent in a horseā€™s life until they have learned to trust the safety of the environment (and all that entails) and the humans they meet and interact with. With strategic and understanding approaches, this may take weeks, and their nervous systems will start downgrading their high alert status. However, for some horses, it can take a couple of years to fully feel at ease in their new home.

So, next time you move your horse or acquire a new horse and it starts behaving erratically or being difficult, it is not being "stupid", you might not have been lied to or the horse "drugged" - your horse is just experiencing an episode of understandable "New Home Syndrome." And you can help this.ā¤

I would be grateful if you could please share, this reality for horses needs to be better appreciated ā¤
ā€¼ļøWhen I say SHARE that does not mean plagiarise my workā€¦it is seriously not cool to copy and paste these words and make out you have written it yourselfā€¼ļø

Thankyou Olivia Wolds Equine Sports Massage Approved Courses and thank you for all your practical help Lisa Lisa Sharp S...

Thankyou Olivia Wolds Equine Sports Massage Approved Courses and thank you for all your practical help Lisa Lisa Sharp Sports Massage Therapist - Balancing Horse & Rider and to you Vanessa Rimmer for letting me do all my practice on your lovely horses ###

A great post here explaining how a massage therapist fits in alongside your other equine bodywork specialists. šŸ„°

A great post here explaining how a massage therapist fits in alongside your other equine bodywork specialists. šŸ„°

šŸŒŸ More than 'just massage' šŸŒŸ

When someone posts asking for 'a back person' or a specific category of therapist, it is often accompanied with 'not just a massage therapist' šŸ˜³
šŸ¤” I'm sure the person saying this has their own reasons why they feel the need to state that and specify what specific therapist they are looking for... BUT....
Never just dismiss or undervalue a massage therapist! Because....
ā€¢ Massage therapists have to have a certain level of certified qualification gained from hours of study and hands-on practice, case studies, assessments and exams
ā€¢ Massage therapists have professional insurance
ā€¢ Equine massage training providers have to be accredited with UKRS and/or Lantra, and they can register with IAAT, IRVAP, etc
ā€¢ Some massage therapists also have a university degree in equine therapy, equine science, etc!šŸ‘©ā€šŸŽ“
ā€¢ Many massage therapists continue developing their skillset and increasing their knowledge through CPD, further studies and additional qualifications.
ā—ļøDespite undertaking CPD training adding to our skillset and any additional qualifications we may achieve, we cannot change our professional titles or be referred to as a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Osteopath, we must remain in the Massage category and within the remit of our training and qualifications.
Massage is a profession exempt from inclusion on the RAMP register, therefore we often miss out on veterinary referrals. This sadly further undermines our value šŸ˜„
ā€¢ We are welcome to register with IAAT, IRVAP, IEP, ISAP, Equinnect and others which proves our professional status and credibility šŸ˜€

I know many absolutely fantastic massage therapists who are doing exceptional work with horses and achieving amazing results!

This is me ā¬‡ļø šŸ˜Š

Just got the result of my final exam following 2.5 years of study and practical workā€¦finally I am officially a Certified...

Just got the result of my final exam following 2.5 years of study and practical workā€¦finally I am officially a Certified Equine Sports Massage Therapist!

I canā€™t wait to meet all of your lovely horses!

Please message me for availability.

Fully insured, professional member of the IAAT and covering Wirral, North Wales, Cheshire and Lancashire

Please like, follow and share my page ā¤ļø

See you soon!
Rebecca x



Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm


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