It was a busy class for our older pups earlier this week with handlers working on timings between markers and rewards. The training area was used width way, length way and around the perimeter allowing handlers to work on proofing the required behaviour from their dogs regardless of the environment. If you would like to take your training to the next level, get in touch to find out more about our classes - [email protected]. #realdogtraining #puppyclasschester #puppyschoolchester #dogtrainingchester #dogtrainingcheshire #professionaldogtrainer
A fantastic start to the week with Obedience class making the most of blue skies and sunshine. Lovely control and handling on display from dogs and handlers. If you would like to know what a membership at REALDogTraining at Cheshire Canine Services could offer you, get in touch to request our brochure - [email protected]. #realdogtraining #obediencetraining #puppyschoolchester #puppyclass #ProfessionalDogTraining #professionaldogtrainer #dogtrainercheshire
Taking it to the next level! Following the excellent off lead heel work on display at puppy obedience earlier in the week, yesterday’s class handled an off lead dog doing a retrieve whilst they moved around the training area on lead with their handlers. Excellent control on show by all. If you would like to take your training to the next level, get in touch to find out how a REALDogTraining at Cheshire Canine Services membership could help you and your dog - [email protected]. #realdogtraining #dogtrainerchester #puppyschoolchester #puppyclass #obediencetrainingwithresults
A challenging start to puppy class earlier this week with both food and toy distractions for dogs and handlers to contend with. As class progressed they moved on to recalls on long line whilst still ignoring the easily available distractions. Excellent work from all. To find out how what a membership at REALDogTraining at Cheshire Canine Services could offer you and your dog, get in touch - [email protected]. #realdogtraining #puppyschoolchester #puppyclasscheshire #obediencetraining #recalltraining #distractions
A fantastic Adult Engagement class this afternoon, making the most of the sunshine. Engagement means how you and your dog interact together, how you handle the dog and how they respond to you. The exercises help build the engagement through play routines, challenging but rewarding activities that stimulate and inspire a good connection with you. Physical and mental stimulation for your dog helps decrease frustration, explosive behaviours and boredom. Engagement exercises are fun but have direct benefits when trying to improve behaviour. If you would like to find out more about what a REALDogTraining at Cheshire Canine Services membership could offer you and your dog, get in touch - [email protected]. #realdogtraining #puppyschoolchester #puppyclass #dogtrainercheshire #puppytrainingchester #professionaldogtrainer
It was challenging for dogs and handlers alike at obedience class earlier this week. With toys, food and even the cat who was out of shot, heightening the distraction level whilst the dogs were moving around the working area. Excellent work from our members. If you would like to know more about what a membership at REAL Dog Training at Cheshire Canine Services could offer you and your dog, get in touch to find out more - [email protected].
Fantastic first puppy class for this little one today, straight into it with off lead food chases to start the work on his recall. If you are looking for training for your young pup, get in touch to find out more about the 5 puppy specific classes we have each week - email [email protected]. #realdogtraining #puppyschoolchester #puppytrainingchester #professionaldogtraining #obediencetraining #offleadrecall
Yes, it may have been dark and a bit chilly but that doesn’t stop training here @REALDogTraining by Cheshire Canine Services. Drills and Skills is a different take on class training incorporating exercises from obedience, engagement and proprioception training. Set up in a circuit style you move from one station to the next after an allotted time. Stations can cover obedience positions, transitions and control, focus exercises, platforms, stability training and routines such as Rally. This class covers all elements of training and is fun for dog and owner alike! Get in touch if you would like to know more about this and all our classes on offer across the week - [email protected]. #realdogtraining #puppyschoolchester #puppytrainingchester #drillsandskills #focusexercises #dogtraining #professionaldogtrainer
A super start to the week with our obedience class working on transitions, here showing lovely progression in their left heel to right heel transition whilst dog and handler maintain their forward motion. Like to know more about our obedience and activity classes? Drop us an email to request more information - [email protected]. #realdogtraining #puppyschoolchester #puppytrainingchester #dogtrainingcheshire #professionaldogtrainer
ASBO Dog class working on maintaining focus on their handler. This is a tongue-in-cheek name for dogs that have gone through basic training but have some ‘teenage’ type behaviours that require extra work. This class aims to help owners improve their confidence when handling dogs with a bit more attitude. Handling and management is a huge component of good behaviour with dogs and we look to improve these areas as well as obedience and exposure training for the dogs. If we could help you and your dog, get in touch - [email protected]. #realdogtraining #puppyschoolchester #puppytrainingchester #dogtrainingcheshire #professionaldogtrainer
Drills and Skills. A different take on class training incorporating exercises from obedience, engagement and proprioception training. Set up in a circuit style you move from one exercise to the next after an allotted time. This class covers all the elements of training, is fun for dog and owner and hopefully inspires you to challenge yourself to learn some new skills. Get in touch if you would like to know more about this and all our other classes available each week - email us [email protected] to request more information. #realdogtraining #puppytrainingchester #puppyschoolchester #professionaldogtrainer #dogtrainingcheshire #obediencedogtraining
I think it’s fair to say that puppy class on Tuesday worked in some pretty awful weather but these owners all know that training regularly and frequently will give them the best dog they can have. We have loads going on here @REALDogTraining by Cheshire Canine Services with classes in the day, evenings and both days of the weekend. Our members also get access to discounted 1-1’s, can book free practice sessions at our training grounds and let’s not forget our weekly Q&A session online. Like to know more about our membership and how it can help you and your dog? Drop us an email - [email protected] - to request our brochure. #realdogtraining #puppyclasschester #puppytraining #puppyschool #professionaldogtrainers