We have lots of Axolotl’s in stock!
Licence No 21/PS/009
Koi now available!
Our first koi of the season are now out of qt and feeding well. Lots to pick from we also have some lovely hand selected go sanke and shiro utsuri.
Pop in and have a look 😁
This bowl is a 3-4 " mix
⭐️Axolotl’s back in store!⭐️
We'll just leaf this here 🤦♂️👀🌿
Plants to suit any and all aquaria.
Remember the name - MAIDENHEAD CHESTER
🦐 We Built Shrimp City 🎵🎶
A new display tank has popped up in store. We have chosen the BiOrb Life 15 as the latest project.
Perfect for any space, this miniature ecosystem will surely bring peace and harmony to any home or office.
For more information or help on building your own Shrimp habitat pop instore and speak to a member of the team.
AquaCare Tropical Tabs 🦐🐠🐟
'Fish Magnets' 🧲
Suitable for all kinds of fish , shrimp and crabs.
Get yours in store today !
This is what Sundays are all about. Spending time with loved ones and eating yourself into a coma . As you can see our Neon Guppys love this idea too!! They just cant get enough of the AquaCare Tropical Tabs - place a tablet onto the glass and watch even the whimpiest of fish turn into a ferocious piranha.
Pop in today and speak to #TeamChester
As you can see, our Mbuna Cichlids love the Rift Lake Green Cichlid Grazer food by Vitalis.
So why not pop in and treat your fish to some.
(Also available in Tropical Grazer for your Tropical Community Fish)
We have some stunning Filament Barbs (Dawkinsia filamentosa)for sale. So named due to the long filaments that develop on the dorsal fins of mature males. (Their colours will improve with age)
These fish will grow to 7 inches long, so are only suitable for large aquariums(4ft+).
Keep with other large fish, but none with long fins as they may nip.
They do best in soft/medium water with a ph range of 5.5-7.0.
They can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, from 22-29 degrees Celsius, but do require plenty of water movement and high oxygen levels (especially if kept at the higher temperature range)
They like shady planted areas but use only robust plants (e.g Java fern, Anubias) as other plants may get eaten.
A great, active fish for a large community aquarium.
We have some stunning Green Neon Tetras now on sale.
These little fish only grow to 3cm so are great for smaller aquariums. Best kept in groups of 6 or more. Do best in a well planted tank.
Huge thank you to everyone who came in at the weekend to support our efforts.
We will be in touch with our Fluval edge aquarium winner very soon.
Halloween at Chester, some amazing Roma aquarium deals to be had this weekend before the sale ends and prizes to be won with our spooky events.
Come brave our Maidenhead family spook tastic volunteers.