Meet our lovely Bean who is searching for his new home....literally! He is busy searching all over the place and is still yet to find it. Could you be the one to help him find a new loving home? If so, visit our website
Over the weekend our lovely Lola found her forever home. After 4 weeks of her in our care we were delighted to say a wonderful farewell to her.
If you have any happy rehoming stories you would like us to share please get in touch at [email protected]
A Special Appeal For Nessie
Nessie a 2 year old cat has now been in our care for 145 days and whilst she has been with us she has produced beautiful kittens who have since found their forever home but poor Nessie is still waiting. Check out her video and read her appeal and see if you or someone you know can give a home that she truly deserves
She moves smoothly, her body forms a single curve that runs from between her ears, over her shoulders, along her back, up and beyond her raised tail. I can see why she was called Nessie, for there’s a serpentine elegance to her, though her manner is anything but. She is warm and tender, cuddle-able in a way that her namesake is not. She is an overflowing well of sweetness. A sweetness born of her motherliness.
Nessie came into our care pregnant, though you would scarcely have known it; she was long-limbed and lithe, petit too, almost kitten-like in her frame. This was soon to change. As the days passed, Nessie grew – bigger and bigger, ballooning and swelling – until she looked fit to burst. Her skin was pulled taut and you could feel the kneading of tiny paws within her – but still she held on. I imagined entering her pen one morning and finding her bobbing gently against the ceiling like an overinflated balloon. Thankfully it didn’t come to that – even a consummate mother like Nessie had to let go eventually – and, many days later, that’s just what she did.
It was immediately evident that this was not her first attempt, Nessie knew what she was doing. She gave birth in a secure space, warm and away from peering eyes. She knew that whole-hearted, unwavering devotion was necessary and so never left them unattended. All she could do, she did. This was a task that she had, clearly, done before. She raised four kittens and she raised them expertly – with help from her fosterer. Nessie has made a fabulous mother.
With only one kitten remaining now – the others having flown the coop – it seems appropriate to
Dog Show 2024
Just a little over two weeks until we will hold our Fun Dog Show and Family Day at Eastwood Park. We will have a wide variety of stalls, delicious food and drink, games and much more. Of course, not forgetting our Fun Dog Show with up to 13 classes to enter your adorable pooches into. To register early is available and by doing this you will receive a 10% discount off the on the day entry you get to jump the queue! To register now please visit
Sock Thiefs
To celebrate Lost Sock Day, we want to see photos of your sock thief's 🧦
Whether it is your dog, cat or any other fluffy pet, lets name and shame our loveable criminals 😅
Rehoming figures
We are only in April however we have had a fantastic year helping animals who have needed us the most. This year so far we have rehomed just over 100 animals. Thank you to each and everyone of you who have opened your homes and hearts to these animals.
Crowdfunder Appeal
Get Rewarded!
When you donate to our Vet Appeal you can get rewarded for your generosity. From a thank you letter from a VIP behind the scenes tour all the way up to an experience morning with our vet and staff. Depending on what you can afford, you can chose from 5 rewards. Check out what is on offer and donate what you can. Thank you
Stanley Appeal
Stanley is on his 304th day!
Yes you heard us right, this big handsome loveable boy has been in our care for 304 days and here we are still trying to find him a new home. We know the right one is out there for him somewhere but we need your help to share his story with everyone you know. Here is his appeal and a lovely video which we urge you to watch.
First thing in a morning Stanley will always bring you something. A ball. A raggy. A chew. Something, anything. It hangs from his mouth, anointed with his slobber; it’s hard to see it as anything other than a gift – an offering – something which he feels you might like as much as he. He’s generous like that is Stanley.
It’s one of those wonderful miracles that, in this line of work, you come across from time to time, something which exists in firm defiance of what-ought-to-be. The ‘something’ in this instance is Stanley’s good nature, which is only truly explicable if we allow for divine intervention. Every aspect of his life so far should, by all reasonable expectations, have rooted out loveliness, cast off tenderness, and exiled gentleness; yet it hasn’t. Anything but. Stanley is lovably daft, a sweet flower – but one who has had to grow from stony soil. Like a dove’s egg hatched in a snake’s nest.
He lived in some kind of scrapyard, his life bound by barbed wire and bricks and brutality. This was not a place of comfort and kindness – he came into our care with his skin scoured and his ears infected – he just had to do what he could to get by. Whence, then, did his goodness come from? It evidently didn’t come from his environment so, therefore, it must’ve been innate, it must’ve been God-granted. I can’t find any other explanation. When you meet him you’ll understand. On the outside he bears the scars of a life rough-hewn; inside, however, is a sanctuary of goodness. His goodness.
Stanley is personable and friendly, indiscriminately so, and endears himself with an ease that b
RSPCA Crowdfunder
The number of animals who need our help rises every single day and demand on our services is greater than ever 🐾 🐶 🏥 🩺
The aftermath of the pandemic combined with the effects of the cost of living crisis continues to take its toll on our small team, so we need your support to help us continue caring for animals across North Derbyshire.
Please donate today and help us reach our £10,000 Crowdfunder target
Special Appeal for Lola
A Special Appeal for Lola🐶
Lola, a two year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier, has been in our care for an incredible 235 days! She was found by a dog warden after being reported wondering the streets on her own without food or shelter for how long we do not know. Please help us to find Lola a home she really needs by sharing her with everyone you know.
Some dogs find coming into kennels really quite frightening, and understandably so; the sounds, the sights, the smells – particularly when combined – can prove overwhelming to even the hardiest of hounds. Lola is not that. She is delicate, in spite of the self-assuredness that her pictures suggest, and struggled to bear the weight of the change. She cowered and she slunk, she shrunk into the shadows and attempted to vanish. But time is a great healer – as is a cooing voice – and, soon, her fearful countenance flickered and fell away. Like opening a safe and finding gold within.
Watchful eyes softened and their shade shifted from brown to gold, peaked ears folded, a firm mouth loosened and a tongue lolled. Soon she was sprawled across my lap; wherever she might find a point of contact between herself and myself, she bound them together. The world had changed. The frightened pup became the snuggling bear; the delicate flower became the entwining vine. She hasn’t looked back.
Lola’s true colours now shine with a brightness that we couldn’t have foreseen, her true Staffiness is evident in her every sigh and each bounce. She curls on laps and kisses faces, she smiles broadly and she bounds and bounds and bounds. Lola is a wonderful girl, a classic representative of her breed. A sweetheart.
For more information on Lola and how to apply for her please visit
Charlie Happy Ending
Happy Ending for Charlie
In June of last year, Charlie arrived with us after being abandoned. He was in a terrible state, with a heavy flea infestation causing him to have severe skin issues and loss of fur and a breath that would knock even the stongest of stomachs out. We managed to find him a foster home very quickly which allowed him to have special TLC immediately to start his treatment for his infected skin. Weeks turned into months and he showed slow but amazing improvements which is all credit to his foster home. Unsurprisingly they fell in love with him and he with them and they made the very easy decision to adopt him. The transformation of Charlie is incredible as we are sure you will agree.
We could not have given Charlie the treatment he needed without veterinary care, staff and volunteers and your donations help with this. If you would like to donate to help animals like Charlie please visit
Optimism Day
Who could show more optimism for World Optimism Day that our beautiful Evelyn (becoming available soon with her sister). She is having a great day today and not letting it bother her that she is in our care. She has been having some one on one time with one of our volunteers and having a blast. What do your pets do to show you they are happy? #optimism
Stanley - Video Appeal
A Special Appeal for Stanley
As of today Stanley has been with us a staggering 255 days which is 8 months. His story is one to read as his start in life was tough to say the least but this handsome 7 year old, Staffy x Cane Corso does not let it show. As you will see from his video, he is one happy boy who deserves nothing but the best. Please read his appeal below, share him with everyone you know and help us to help him find a perfect home. For more information please visit our website
First thing in a morning Stanley will always bring you something. A ball. A raggy. A chew. Something, anything. It hangs from his mouth, anointed with his slobber; it’s hard to see it as anything other than a gift – an offering – something which he feels you might like as much as he. He’s generous like that is Stanley.
It’s one of those wonderful miracles that, in this line of work, you come across from time to time, something which exists in firm defiance of what-ought-to-be. The ‘something’ in this instance is Stanley’s good nature, which is only truly explicable if we allow for divine intervention. Every aspect of his life so far should, by all reasonable expectations, have rooted out loveliness, cast off tenderness, and exiled gentleness; yet it hasn’t. Anything but. Stanley is lovably daft, a sweet flower – but one who has had to grow from stony soil. Like a dove’s egg hatched in a snake’s nest.
He lived in some kind of scrapyard, his life bound by barbed wire and bricks and brutality. This was not a place of comfort and kindness – he came into our care with his skin scoured and his ears infected – he just had to do what he could to get by. Whence, then, did his goodness come from? It evidently didn’t come from his environment so, therefore, it must’ve been innate, it must’ve been God-granted. I can’t find any other explanation. When you meet him you’ll understand. On the outside he b
Peanut Butter Day!
Happy National Peanut Butter Day!
Check out Robyn and Storm celebrating today with a special treat. We have never seen the both of them so quiet but they look like they loved it!
Please remember that not all peanut butter is for dogs. Please ensure you buy peanut butter especially for dogs and does not contain xylitol.
For information on Robyn or Storm please visit our website
2 year old Storm has been in our care for an incredible 7 months. She is an absolute joy to be around and you find yourself smiling from ear to ear in her presence. This adorable girl really needs a home that can meet all her needs and give her a fabulous life she truly deserves. Please take the time to read on and share Storm with everyone you know and help us to find her that pawfect home. To find out more or to apply for Storm please visit
Her smile is wide and unpretentious, the sort which hides nothing and bears no falsehood. Her happiness, too, is of the simple and unaffected kind, a happiness which isn’t reasoned towards but is, instead, imbibed, felt and savoured. That’s Storm. She is honest and straightforward and could no more deceive or mislead than she could sprout wings and fly. Perhaps now, with the world as it is, these things are more important than ever.
This directness extends to her breed-type too. She could never have been born a Westie or a Collie or a Great Dane – heaven forfend! – she could only ever have been what she is – and she makes no bones about it. She is Bull-breed to her marrow and to her roots. She is daft and bouncy, headstrong and unreserved; she is sociable and bold. She is everybody’s friend. Yes, she’s a Bull-breed alright.
I don’t think Storm has ever thought an action through before committing to it; I don’t reckon she’s ever mulled something over or considered the consequences; she simply does. For better or for worse, but I wouldn’t change her. She’s such a sweetheart. Storm loves everybody without preconception or prior judgement, a friend is a friend is a friend as far as Storm’s concerned, and she makes sure they know it – in that most bull-in-china-shop kind-of way.
Any potential owner will need to be active and able to find an outlet for her energies but, if they can do so, they will be rewarded generously. Storm is a delight and a wond
Tilly's Happy Ending
Happy Ending for Tilly 🐶
Tilly was adopted from us 4 years ago and as you know we love to still get updates on how they are getting on since they were with us. Now at a grand age of 13 years old, we were amazed at how wonderful she is doing and brought a smile to our face. Please find below the lovely email we received this week 🥰
Who can believe its been 4 years since we came to collect her.
She turned 13 at the end of last year and age is starting to catch up with her.
Even so she still loves her adventures and is at her happiest out and about exploring.
You were told she didn't like the car much but that couldn't be more untrue now, she often waits by it in the hope of convincing us we really do want to go for a drive.
As you can see she's a master of falling off her bed and is still battling the cats for space.
She gets compliments everywhere she goes on how calm and gentle she is.
We just love this!!
National Walk Your Dog Month
January is National Walk Your Dog Month and we would love to see your videos or photos of the lovely walks you take your dogs on. With the colder weather we can occasionally think it would be better to stay indoors, snuggled up in front of the tv but getting out with your dog is a great way to get fresh air and exercise and we know our dogs love going for walks. Share your photos and videos with us here.
Looking to upgrade your lead or harness? At our on site Pet Shop you can buy your pooch new accessories. Come and visit us on Spital Lane Tuesday - Sunday from 12pm - 3pm.