Having celebrated 4 years of sharing my life with my beautiful Bella last week, this week brings a complete turnaround of emotions. She had seizures on Wednesday and Thursday and then loss of sensation/power in her back end. Whether it's connected or not is unsure. She is now paralysed in her back end.
Thank you to my wonderful customers who have been flexible for appointments, offered advice, guidance, support and anecdotal evidence of their own pathways through similar experiences. And for a crate, bedding and pen which has allowed me to keep Bella safe and secure during the daytime and overnight. She dragged herself upstairs this morning to be near me while I took a shower before our vet visit, much to my alarm, so a crate is very much needed!
A friend has loaned me a buggy so I can walk my other dog Bailey and not leave Bella behind. If nothing else, she can enjoy her final few days and her trusted human friends can say their goodbyes.
Please can you all keep Bella in your thoughts and send lots of positive vibes and energy to a recovery because I'm not ready to lose her. She is at least 10 years old, coming from a shelter in Serbia.
I have had to cancel, postpone and rearrange grooms and everyone has been so gracious and understanding. Thank you so much. I know you know just how much dogs are family, and I don't have children, so my dogs are very much my family. I am trying to keep everyone updated with scheduling changes but if I have limited time left with my baby girl, then you can appreciate that she comes first.