🩹⛑️FIRST AID ⛑️ 🩹
Back in November both myself and Joanna attended a refresher course for our animal first aid. It was a very informative day and ensuring we keep upto date with industry standards and any new requirements.
It is so important to keep things up to date and ensure we are fully informed and prepared for every eventuality within our clinic.
You never know when you might be needed or when something might happen. Do you think you would know what to do If you were in an emergency?!
If I could tell you anything it would be toalways make sure you have all numbers or a knowledge of which vet practices are open at all times. Stay calm in all situations and have confidence in yourself.
#firstaid #animalcare #animalrehab #keepinstandardshigh #training #familybusiness
💜💚 Just a quick hi 👋 to you all, and an update on availability and any changes💜💚
💜Any questions or if you need an appointment please get in touch 😘💚
#animalrehabilitation #familybusiness #availabilitythisweek #equinetherapy #smallanimaltherapy
We are closed for today and tomorrow and we will be back open on Thursday 2nd January 2025 from 9am.
We hope everyone has been able to enjoy the festive season and make the most with family and friends. We wish all our clients old and new all the best for the New year ahead. We can’t wait to welcome you into clinic and see what 2025 has in store for us 💜💚
Enjoy the celebrations tonight however you might be spending 🥳🥂
#supportsmallbusinessowners #animalrehabilitation #equinerehabilitation #smallbusinessbigdreams #smallbusinessowner #NewYearsEve #newyear2025 #happynewyear
On the 25th of December…….
We just want to say a huge thank you to all our clients for all your support and loyalty this year 💜 thank you for all the lovely gifts, cards and messages we really do appreciate it.
We hope you all have the best Christmas and enjoy some time with your nearest and dearest 💚 we hope Father Christmas has dropped off to all the animals too 🤭🥰💜💚
Merry Christmas from the team at Valley Animal Therapy
Lucy, Joanna & Lucy ###
Christmas Eve has come around for another year ❤️
I find it is a time we all follow our own traditions and the hustle and bustle can be a lot to handle at times. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to make things perfect.
This year I want to take time to remember all those animals that we have loved and lost 💔
Our job is more than just working as a therapist to us, and we find we get very close to our patients and their owners. When we have to say goodbye it hits hard. But we wanted to say they are gone but never forgotten and hold a special place in our hearts.
We hope that those who won’t have those paws & wet nose greet them this Christmas morning take comfort in knowing they are gone but not forgotten 🌈💔🐾
#losingananimal #animalbereavement #animalrehabilitationcentre #christmas2024 #ribblevalley #familybusiness
On the 23rd of December…
Our advent calendar today is the amazing Gyp 🖤🤍
Gyp started coming to us for rehabilitation post cruciate surgery. Gyp ruptured her cruciate whilst out working on the farm.
The surgery was a success but her leg was out of line and she was struggling to place her paw correctly. We put an in depth plan together for her and combined K-Laser therapy with hydrotherapy and a strict home programme. This worked well and we are so pleased with the results as Gyp is now back out working the sheep as she loves her job!
Working dogs have a tough job and it shows that with the extra care and time Gyps owners put in paid off and she is able to do what she loves again. And we are still here to help with any support she may need along the way.
Gyp you are amazing 🤩 what a gorgeous dog she is to work with too 💜💚
#klasertherapy #animalcare #caninehydrotherapy #animalrehabilitationcentre #ribblevalley #christmas2024 #northwest #adventcalendar #familybusiness #animalwellbeing #workingdogs
On the 22nd of December…
Our advent calendar today is the handsome Barney 💛😍 we have been seeing Barney for a while to help him with his hind limbs and keep him mobile. Barney has a combination of K-Laser and hydrotherapy to aid his mobility and joints. We love seeing him isn’t he just the cutest 🥰
#klasertherapy #animalrehabilitation #caninehydrotherapy #ribblevalley #supportsmallbusinessowners #adventcalendar #christmas2024 #familybusiness #animalcare #northwest #animalrehabilitationcentre #getintouch #animalwellbeing
On the 21st December.
Sydney 💙💙
On the advent calendar today we have Sydney. Look at that face 😍! He really is a dream. Sydney suffers with arthritic symptoms including stiffness in his right hind. Due to an old injury in the right hind, Sydney seems to struggle more in the right hind than the left hind. In the water his length of stride has improved along with reduction in stiffness in hind limbs. Sometimes Sydney needs some gentle encouragement during his hydrotherapy session and the lickimat with pate works wonders 🤩.
At the end of the session he relaxes on the mat and has his photizo red light therapy. He is one chilled out boy!!
#photizovetcare #business #smallbusinesssupportingsmallbusiness #animalrehabilitation #caninehydrotherapy
On the 20th of December….
Nugget 🐾💞
On the calendar today we have the gorgeous girl Nugget 🧡🧡. Nugget has a spinal condition and attends treatment at Valley Animal Therapy which includes K-Laser and hydrotherapy. Due to having mobility problems in her hind-limbs the combination of the 2 therapies work well together. In the treadmill Nugget is supported and sometimes foot placement is carried out due to knuckling of the hind-limbs. Since her treatment this has improved and her hind-limbs are stronger. Along with an intensive physiotherapy plan. Anyone who knows French Bull Dogs will know they are full of character 🤩 and a huge amount of affection. The owner has worked exceptionally hard to follow advice and an exercise program.
Nugget is the sweetest girl, she loves a football ⚽️. This has to be limited as she really would play with one all day ☺️.
#animalrehabilitation #familybusiness #caninehydrotherapy #christmas2024 #supportsmallbusinessowners #adventcalendar #klasertherapy #ribblevalley
We made it to the Thursday before Christmas….with a broken mop 🫣
On the 19th of December….
Today we have the beautiful Storm 🖤🤎 Storm started coming to us for rehabilitation post cruciate surgery. She has done incredible building the muscle, improving posture, building core strength, gaining confidence and losing weight. We put a plan together ensure we supported at home between appointments her fabulous owner follows this ensuring fitness is kept constant.
Storm now comes to us for maintenance and fitness.
Storm is such a lovely girl she’s so sweet we love seeing her 🥰
#animalwellbeing #adventcalendar #animalrehabilitationcentre #christmas2024 #ribblevalley #advent #familybusiness #caninehydrotherapy #getintouch #northwest #supportsmallbusinessowners #animalcare