Why walk down a hill when you can roll down it 🤣
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Seoras doing great with his training!
#walkies #walks #groupwalks #solowalks #daunder #daunderdogservices #daunderfamily #dogwalking #dogwalker #lovemyjob
Early morning walk with this wee dude!
Getting more confident everytime! 😊
#weecutie #gainingconfidence #walkies #walks #groupwalks #solowalks #daunder #daunderdogservices #daunderfamily #dogwalking #dogwalker #lovemyjob
Bit of fun at the end of a walk with wee Bonnie! 🎾
#playing #throwingtheball #playtime #walkies #walks #groupwalks #solowalks #daunder #daunderdogservices #daunderfamily #dogwalking #dogwalker #lovemyjob
Love this wee video of Barley! ❤️
When I first started with her she was so nervous and hardly left my side and now she’s a wee playful doggy. So good to see her progress in such a short time!! ☺️
#walkies #walks #groupwalks #solowalks #daunder #daunderdogservices #daunderfamily #dogwalking #dogwalker #lovemyjob