Just some doggos enjoying their walks😃
With Guinness, Moose&Merlin and Luna🐾
Flashback to milder weather though dogs always love their walks! With Luna, Candy&Sweep and Stanley&Bertie😃🐾
1min stay challenge with gorgeous Ruby! Challenge was set by @heart_of_the_pack.fod #dogwalker #petsitter #dogwalk #anniesanimalcare #dogs #dogsofinstagram #dog #labrador
Sit and stay 1min challenge!
Challenge accepted Heart Of The Pack here is Moose and Merlin doing super well! Only one mini distraction but moose recovered well🤣🐾
Collies do love their sticks! When Taz brought me this tiny one he was so proud😍 and being the Harry Potter fan I am, I just had to🤣🐾
#petsitter #anniesanimalcare #dogwalker #dog #dogs #dogwalk #cats
Throw back to getting Ruby to show off how well she’s doing! Her newest trick she is learning with me is “Focus”😊 All this training is to help her with her impulse control when it comes to other dogs and people😃🐾
#petsitter #anniesanimalcare #dogwalker #dog #dogs #dogwalk #cats
Us dog walkers have to be prepared for it all! With thanks to my helpers: Moose&Merlin, Pixie&Freya and Candy&Sweep😃
All doggos got rewarded for their participation🤣🐾
#petsitter #anniesanimalcare #dogwalker #dog #dogs #dogwalk #cats
Throw back to the recent break through moment! 🙌🏼
Bailey coming up and wanting a scratch😃 It’s amazing to see how far he has come!💜🐾
#petsitter #anniesanimalcare #dogwalker #dog #dogs #dogwalk #cats
Come on a walk with Moose and Merlin 😃🐾 #petsitter #anniesanimalcare #dogwalker #dog #dogs #dogwalk #cats
The calm joy as a dogwalker is watching the dogs enjoy being themselves😃 with Bella&Ru, Guinness, Colin&Dennis and Basil🐾 #petsitter #anniesanimalcare #dogwalker #dog #dogs #dogwalk #cats
Ice pops!
Here is a video of my two cats Nyx and Loki having a frozen tuna treat for the first time! Especially with the hot weather last week, I think they enjoyed it!!😃🐾
Here is what my week can look like 😃🐾 #petsitter #anniesanimalcare #dogwalker #dog #dogs #dogwalk #cats