Not far from my home is a field with two horses. At a distance, they look like any other horses. But if you stop and take a closer look, you’ll notice something remarkable. One of the horses is blind, yet his owner didn’t have him put down. Instead, they gave him a good home, which is remarkable in itself.
If you listen closely, you’ll hear a bell. Searching for the source, you’ll see it’s attached to the halter of the smaller horse in the field. This little bell guides her blind friend, helping him know where she is so he can follow her.
Watching these two friends, you’ll notice how the smaller horse checks on her companion, and how he listens for her bell and slowly follows, trusting she’ll lead him safely. Each evening, as she heads back to the barn, she pauses occasionally to look back, ensuring he’s close enough to hear her bell.
At times in life, we are like the blind horse, guided by the gentle bell of someone placed in our lives. Other times, we are like the guide horse, leading others on their path.
Good friends are like this. You may not always see them, but you know they’re there. Please listen for my bell, and I’ll listen for yours.