How do you get rid of a cold fast with honey?
Honey and Cinnamon
Cinnamon is one of the best spices to combine with honey as a cold and flu remedy. Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus "Cinnamomum" and it has been used in cooking and medicinal uses for thousands of years.
It has high anti-inflammatory capabilities that can really help fight off infections. Taken regularly, honey and cinnamon can help fight off cold viruses and treat underlying symptoms.
Serving suggestions:
Simply stir a teaspoon of Tile Hill Bees honey into some hot (not boiling) water and add one quarter of a teaspoon of high quality ground cinnamon.
If you drink this twice a day for a few days you should start to see some improvement. Because of its anti-inflammatory capabilities it can reduce the symptoms of colds and flu quite quickly and provide a lot of genuine relief.
You'll find that the cinnamon doesn't really dissolve in the hot water, so give it a stir before you drink it or you will find all the cinnamon at the bottom of your mug after drinking! If you prefer you don't even have to make it into a drink, you can just mix a little cinnamon into a spoonful of honey and lick it right off the spoon!