Coventry Cat Group

To help as many cats as we can, whatever their age, but only when we can do so and not put our current foster cats at risk. This means that we can rarely provide financial help for cats unless they are in our care. We are restricted on the number of cats we can take in by the number of fosterers we have at a given time.

We cannot Thank you enough,Ginger Cat Crafts and Pips lovely owner Helen for doing such a wonderful thing. In Pips memor...

We cannot Thank you enough,Ginger Cat Crafts and Pips lovely owner Helen for doing such a wonderful thing. In Pips memory ,we will save and transform many lives. 😻

Today we wanted to tell you about Pip. Pip’s story is one you will hear hundreds of times, a street boy that no one loved enough to get neutered, he had to fight for everything and life was a struggle, until one day when he went into a trap to get a meal, the trap closed on him, and he found himself being taken into rescue with Fur and Feathers Animal Sanctuary and this is when his life changed. Pip was FIV positive, but thank goodness this is now no longer a death sentence at most rescues, (although it still is at some) these cats can live long and happy lives and this is just what happened to Pip. Pip was adopted by Helen and arrived at her house with his bed and lots of love to give, and give it he did. He was totally adored for 7 amazing years, he was a huge cuddle monster and adored his mom, he had access to a safe cat proof garden and had furry siblings although was kept separate from them due to the fact he stole all their food and had no off button when it came to eating, not because he was FIV+!. Pip crossed the rainbow bridge last week, and his mom Helen wanted Pip to be remembered with the gift of a trap to one rescue as this was how he got to safety, and a bed to another as he arrived with his bed when she adopted him.

The trap has gone to Coventry Cat Group and a bed has gone to Stourbridge and District RSPCA as that is where his furry brother Burnie was adopted from.

Helen, Pip would be so proud of you for championing boys like him and we have no doubt he is looking down on you smiling at what you have done because you loved him so much

and Remembering Pip 🌈 x

Your local rescue can you give you lots of advice on adopting FIV+ cats so do ask them X

Good Morning from Gorgeous floofster Alium, still shy, but definitely on her journey of trust ♥️

Good Morning from Gorgeous floofster Alium, still shy, but definitely on her journey of trust ♥️

Goodnight from beautiful Lyra, who is quite a character 🧡🖤

Goodnight from beautiful Lyra, who is quite a character 🧡🖤


It's all go at the milk bar ( fisticuffs at dawn), but the little tortie won't take any nonsense from anyone. Tortietude obviously starts at birth. 🧡🖤

The Princess Emily Diaries.Today, I thought I would share a few observations... things the residents here think I don’t ...

The Princess Emily Diaries.

Today, I thought I would share a few observations... things the residents here think I don’t notice, but after a lifetime of reading Agatha Christie novels in my spare time, I see everything !

For example, over in Feral Towers, there is a handsome young man who is very popular with the ladies. Surely there’s no harm in that, I hear you say, but alas, this genteel young man is already spoken for and his slightly more mature ( quite a bit older, actually) lady friend possesses a jealous disposition, a quick temper and a history of latent violence ( as well as a very unsavoury vocabulary), terribly unbecoming for a lady ! On several occasions this voracious Tabby has had to intervene and warn the shameless floozies that parade themselves brazenly past their front door, that their advances are mostly definitely not welcomed( by her anyway) and that there will be serious repercussions if they continue. Sadly they seem unable to contain themselves. This has resulted, on occasion, in the tabby tempest taking drastic measures and trapping our hapless lothario in their pod by positioning her ample frame in the doorway, both blocking his escape and also preventing his paramours from getting even a glimpse of his golden fur, never mind his beautiful soulful green eyes ( I have to confess, he has a certain charm, even to a lady of my age ). Even visits from his sister and mother are frowned upon and actively discouraged and result in language that would make a fishwife blush. Jealousy really is a terrible affliction, though obviously it is not something a lady of my breeding and class has ever suffered from..

Until the next time

Princess Emily xx

Good Morning from beautiful Aster, who is thoroughly smitten with her new cat tree ❤️

Good Morning from beautiful Aster, who is thoroughly smitten with her new cat tree ❤️

Goodnight  from beautiful  Bertha who delivered 5 beautiful  babies into the world earlier today. Originally, Bertha cam...

Goodnight from beautiful Bertha who delivered 5 beautiful babies into the world earlier today.
Originally, Bertha came into care to be neutered and returned to her carers, but the vets discovered she was pregnant. As a non destruct, pro life Charity, she has stayed to have these little beauties, and will be neutered and returned to her carers once they are weaned.
How adorable are they? And she is a doting momma 😻

We've had another lovely update from Angela, who adopted bonded brothers.They have definitely landed on their paws and I...

We've had another lovely update from Angela, who adopted bonded brothers.
They have definitely landed on their paws and I think you'll agree, they're living their best lives 😻

And look at the brilliant catio 😻❤️😻

Hey Sarah. I’d seen your updates and it reminded me I should give an update on Ronnie and Reggie.

Ron Ron is now a complete cuddle monster and won’t leave me alone. After it took 9 months for him to even let me go near him, now he’s constantly grooming me and snuggling up. Reg Head is a complete monkey and constantly jumping out on his brother. He likes to wake me each morning my licking my ear! What a way to wake up!! I’ll have to send you a video of them both.
I also got them a catio made…I’ll send some photos. I’ve spoilt them but they are worth it. They are hilarious: I love them so much.

Good Morning from handsome Panther Flower. Such a sweet boy 🖤

Good Morning from handsome Panther Flower. Such a sweet boy 🖤


Goodnight from super stealthy Flori who was hiding in the cat tree hoping I wouldn't spot her.

Question: Why should you adopt an older shy cat?Answer: Because they are fabulous and bring great reward when you win th...

Question: Why should you adopt an older shy cat?
Answer: Because they are fabulous and bring great reward when you win their trust.

We have several residents who have been with us for a while and are often overlooked when people are considering getting a cat. Why are they overlooked? They are beautiful, in good health and will make wonderful companions given some love and patience. We describe them as ‘shy’ because they have never had the opportunity for a home life or people of their own. It might be difficult to believe but even the most withdrawn cat can come out of its shell and be a lap cat within months. We have many success stories and here is one...

Bertie, Bella and Meggie
In 2022, with a pet safe garden, we decided to adopt older, less confident cats from CCG. As a regular socialiser I knew many of the older cats and had to make the very difficult decision of who to take. Eventually Bertie and Bella (previously Samson and Veronica ) joined us. Within a few months of just letting them get used to us and our home at their own pace they gradually gained their confidence and began to trust us. Bertie is still a shy boy who hides behind Bella, but they are so loving now they are actually lap cats. In 2023 we went back for Meggie who was totally shut down, just stayed in her bed, didn’t want to play, or to eat much. It took us 6 months to touch her, and just left her to gain confidence at her own pace. She now loves to cuddle, play and likes to sleep with us at night. They have all taken time and lots of love, and we have been paid back 10 times over. They are all still improving in confidence. Nothing beats that feeling when they return your trust and love. Vanessa and Tony, owned by Bertie, Bella and Meggie

Right then, it's Simba here. Everyone's been hounding me about my future, so, after much pestering, I've decided to grac...

Right then, it's Simba here. Everyone's been hounding me about my future, so, after much pestering, I've decided to grace you with my thoughts. Let's be honest, my intellect is rather impressive (I've glimpsed 'Princess' Emily's diary – just scribbles!). I'm fairly certain I'm the most brilliant feline around here, far superior to those two treat-thieving delinquents (honestly, the audacity!). Prepare to be charmed – I am rather adorable, after all. Who could resist? And, if I may say so myself, I'm quite the handsome chap. However, like any masterpiece, I believe in the principle of "look, but don't touch" (though I do adore attention). While I appreciate a warm lap and a bit of fuss (on my terms, naturally!), some humans just don't understand the concept of "enough." A word to the wise: bring my feather wand and tunnel. Playtime is pure joy! Well, almost. Catnip? That's pure feline ecstasy! (And I can't be responsible for my actions under its influence.) Birdwatching is another passion of mine. Completely innocent, of course... (that blackbird's lucky he's behind glass!). Ahem. Freeze-dried treats are my weakness, and I'm told I'm utterly irresistible when I'm snuggled under my heat pad (it's a strategic move – keeps the brain warm!). So, I'm looking for a forever home. Crucially, I must be the only cat. Chas's constant door-rubbing is simply tiresome. And my ideal human will understand my boundaries when it comes to cuddles. Pretty please? How can you possibly say no?

You will of course want to enquire about me after reading this so head to
You will be able to see more of our cats for adoption (but will only be interested in me) at

Good Morning from Bunny, Alison, Millie and Lila,  all enjoying a little nose in the corridor.  The new cat tree is prov...

Good Morning from Bunny, Alison, Millie and Lila, all enjoying a little nose in the corridor. The new cat tree is proving very popular .❤️

Goodnight from Clementine and Truffle, happier than they look ❤️

Goodnight from Clementine and Truffle, happier than they look ❤️

The four bonded, beautiful sisters Delilah, Bunny, Millie and Alison are still looking for their special forever home. I...

The four bonded, beautiful sisters Delilah, Bunny, Millie and Alison are still looking for their special forever home. It is not very often that we put a bonded group up for adoption together, but these beautiful, sweet, gentle sisters have come so far on their journey of trust, that we are determined they will continue it together. Someone must have a perfect space in their hearts and home for these lovely girls.

Name: Delilah, Bunny, Millie, Alison
S*x: Female
Age: 3.5 years approx.
Neutered: Yes
Vaccinated: Yes, annual vaccinations at new owner's cost
Microchipped: Yes
Flea’d and wormed: Yes
Children: Older children 12+, cat experienced
Cats: Yes, calm cats after proper introductions
Dogs: No
Outdoor access: Indoor, petsafe garden or catio
Adoption fee: £85 per cat
Pet Insurance: 5 weeks free with Agria Pet Insurance included

The sisters came into care as frightened girls, trapped as part of a mammoth colony. As they have become more settled, it has been wonderful to see their distinct personalities flourish, alongside their love and devotion to each other. Lila is the most confident, demanding fuss and belly rubs once she knows you, Bunny is the foodie, who will almost rub around your legs as you prepare her food, almost... Millie is the Miss Marple of the group, always investigating something, and Alison is the most wary. Although Lila is the only one who actively loves being stroked, we feel in the right home and with Time, Patience and Love, the others would settle and follow suit. They really are delightful girls, and it's a privilege to watch them interact as a truly bonded group. As they are still very shy, they require a calm, quiet, indoor home (or one with a catio), an experienced cat owner who has had previous experience of shy cats and no children. If you are interested in these truly special ladies, you would need to be prepared to visit them several times at the centre, and be willing to give them the time, space and unconditional love they need to flourish.

Please ensure EVERYONE in the household agrees with adopting a cat prior to submitting an application form.
Please ensure you have fully considered the cost of owning a cat/s and the benefit of cat pet insurance.
If you can meet ALL of the requirements above, please read about our adoption process and then submit interest via the link below.

You can see more of our lovely cats for adoption at

Good Morning from Jira,who was not impressed with the weekends weather and is hoping for a better day today. ❤️

Good Morning from Jira,who was not impressed with the weekends weather and is hoping for a better day today. ❤️

Goodnight from cheeky Dillinger,  exhausted from a day of shenanigans ❤️

Goodnight from cheeky Dillinger, exhausted from a day of shenanigans ❤️

The gorgeous, mischievous Kelly and Dillinger are looking for their forever home. These are such fun boys, their antics ...

The gorgeous, mischievous Kelly and Dillinger are looking for their forever home. These are such fun boys, their antics are hilarious, they would enrich the lives of anyone who took them on. In short, they are delightful.

Name: Kelly (white and black) and Dillinger (tabby and white)
S*x: male
Age: 18 months approx.
Neutered: Yes
Vaccinated: Yes, annual vaccinations at new owner's cost
Microchipped: Yes
Flea’d and wormed: Yes
Children: Yes with careful introduction and continued supervision with any younger children
Cats: Yes with friendly cats and careful introduction
Dogs: Not dog tested
Outdoor access: Indoor, petsafe garden or catio
Adoption fee: £85 per cat
Pet Insurance: 5 weeks free with Agria Pet Insurance included

These cheeky boys are bonded brothers. They are always up to mischief and shenanigans. No shelf is too high, no treats too safe, and there is no end to their antics... they love to play. Kelly is the more outgoing boy, and Dillinger is fine when he knows you. Despite their constant zest for life, they are also the most loving of boys (especially at mealtimes). They would be fine with other cats (after proper introductions), as they are such social boys. They would be fine with older, calm children and require an indoor home, or one with a catio or catsafe garden.

Please ensure EVERYONE in the household is in agreement with adopting a cat prior to submitting an application form.
Please ensure you have fully considered the cost of owning a cat/s and the benefit of cat pet insurance.
If you can meet ALL of the requirements above, please read about our adoption process and then submit interest via the link below.

You can see more of our lovely cats for adoption at




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