We cannot Thank you enough,Ginger Cat Crafts and Pips lovely owner Helen for doing such a wonderful thing. In Pips memory ,we will save and transform many lives. 😻
Today we wanted to tell you about Pip. Pip’s story is one you will hear hundreds of times, a street boy that no one loved enough to get neutered, he had to fight for everything and life was a struggle, until one day when he went into a trap to get a meal, the trap closed on him, and he found himself being taken into rescue with Fur and Feathers Animal Sanctuary and this is when his life changed. Pip was FIV positive, but thank goodness this is now no longer a death sentence at most rescues, (although it still is at some) these cats can live long and happy lives and this is just what happened to Pip. Pip was adopted by Helen and arrived at her house with his bed and lots of love to give, and give it he did. He was totally adored for 7 amazing years, he was a huge cuddle monster and adored his mom, he had access to a safe cat proof garden and had furry siblings although was kept separate from them due to the fact he stole all their food and had no off button when it came to eating, not because he was FIV+!. Pip crossed the rainbow bridge last week, and his mom Helen wanted Pip to be remembered with the gift of a trap to one rescue as this was how he got to safety, and a bed to another as he arrived with his bed when she adopted him.
The trap has gone to Coventry Cat Group and a bed has gone to Stourbridge and District RSPCA as that is where his furry brother Burnie was adopted from.
Helen, Pip would be so proud of you for championing boys like him and we have no doubt he is looking down on you smiling at what you have done because you loved him so much
and Remembering Pip 🌈 x
Your local rescue can you give you lots of advice on adopting FIV+ cats so do ask them X