My daughter's 6 month old terrier is learning to stay to heal, and I have dispensed with the long line.Clyde, the keen collie, is not setting the best example...
Dog sitting my daughters' dogs. Thankfully both are sheep proofed, and the young terrier shows potential for helping to move sheep. The spaniel just wants pheasants!
Bella is a young dog, and this morning she messed up badly, so I gave her a chance to redeem herself this afternoon. It is always good to put mistakes in training right as soon as possible after the incident. Either the dog's mistake, or yours!
Last week I had 3 days sheep proofing in the Brecon Beacons with some amazing views (despite the drizzle!), but here in the Weald of Kent we have some amazing views too, with sheep and working collies to set the scene.
Under 2 weeks until I will be sheep proofing in the Brecon Beacons. If your dog has chased sheep, or you can't call it off from chasing wildlife, come and learn how to control your dog in one session. People are always amazed that it takes one session, but with me you can learn the principles, and have peaceful walks. To book:
#PentwynFarm also has a campsite, very close to Pen y Fan.
A chicken proof dog, and one VERY brave chicken!
This poor chicken was just attacked by a dog on the footpath. She ran up to the dog kennels for safety, as she obviously realises that although Clyde will stalk her, he won't try to kill her. So, for all dog walkers who can't get keep your dog under control, please come and see me, or keep it on a lead. You never know what animals you will come across in the countryside.
Clyde with his new friend! Last year when I bought him as an 8 month old dog, he wanted to eat lambs!
So can you stop your dog from chasing sheep and wildlife?
Not long now till I will be sheep proofing dogs in the Ashdown Forest in Sussex on 8th May 2024. The 20 minute sessions cost £37.07, and will be training dogs to not chase livestock and wildlife and also equipping their owners with the skills to control them. For booking see:
I have now been running these sessions for over 10 years, with hundreds of dogs and grateful owners visiting me there, and on my sheep farm in Kent.
Venue: Cat's Protection Centre in Chelwood Gate
#dogtraining #sheepworrying #doglife #countrysidewalks #ashdownforest
Bored collies amusing themselves in the lambing shed at night.
Reluctant Labrador not keen to go near sheep, but happy to put her muddy paws all over her owner!