Eden Vets

Eden Vets Shavington and Sandbach, Cheshire. An empathetic, high quality, family-run, veterinary service.

Feline Vet Laura and RVN Lizzie make regular trips to provide routine and preventative health care to the sandbach cat r...

Feline Vet Laura and RVN Lizzie make regular trips to provide routine and preventative health care to the sandbach cat rescue felines!

Part of our mission to provide zero stress medical care for our feline patients!

Did you know we’re a ISFM Gold standard feline practice?! Click on the link to find out how this benefits your beloved cat 🐈‍⬛


Yesterday was our in-house vet clinic with the amazing team from Eden Vets

We've all been there... your soft purring fluffball turns into an 8 legged sharp clawed octopus as soon as he sees the cat carrier 🐙 Then a drive to the vets with a yowling siren 🚨 then sitting in a waiting room with a yappy 🐶. Stressful for both felines and humans but can you imagine that with 15 cats 🤨

Our in-house vet clinics are a game changer for the felines in our care (and us!). No stress of taking cats to the vets. Instead it comes to us 😻💜😻

Here is Bob calm & relaxed enjoying treats from vet Laura (🤫 don't tell Bob but he also had his first vaccine!)

You can help to support the work that we do rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming cats/kittens, by making a donation via our PayPal link


We are so very grateful for any donations received, as are the cats & kittens of Sandbach Animal Rescue 💜🫶🏼💜

Have you ever seen a cuter sausage… Meet Stanley who came to Sandbach for his 2nd vaccs. Even sitting and giving his paw...

Have you ever seen a cuter sausage… Meet Stanley who came to Sandbach for his 2nd vaccs. Even sitting and giving his paw like the bestest Boy 🐾❤️🥺🌭

Another very successful puppy party last night with RVN Emily. Some very cute and confident puppies 🐕 We hold puppy part...

Another very successful puppy party last night with RVN Emily.

Some very cute and confident puppies 🐕

We hold puppy parties monthly with our next one being 8th May.

🥳CAT NEUTERS AT SANDBACH 🐱We have some very EXCITING NEWS!From Monday 31st March, we will be able to neuter cats at our ...


We have some very EXCITING NEWS!

From Monday 31st March, we will be able to neuter cats at our Sandbach Branch.

If Sandbach is closer to you, then please feel free to book your cat neuter at our Sandbach branch.

We look forward to seeing you all! 🐾

Star Patient – Chunkz 🐾🦴This weeks star patient is Chunkz, a gorgeous 5 month old labrador puppy.Chunkz was seen by vet ...

Star Patient – Chunkz 🐾🦴

This weeks star patient is Chunkz, a gorgeous 5 month old labrador puppy.

Chunkz was seen by vet Lucy P after a few days of vomiting up his food and not being his usual bouncy puppy self. On examination, he was a little sad, mildly dehydrated and his abdomen didn’t feel normal on palpation - when feeling right up under his rib cage, up towards to location of his stomach, Lucy could feel a firm round abnormal structure. Due to his breed and age, we were most concerned about a gastrointestinal obstruction, either due to a foreign body (when an indigestible object has been eaten and become stuck) or an intussusception (when part of the intestine telescopes in to an adjacent part of the intestines).

Shortly after his examination, Chunkz vomited again, but this time it wasn’t just his food – he brought up the leg of a teddy bear! This foreign body must have been in his stomach (known as a gastric foreign body), and be what Lucy was feeling when feeling up behind his rib cage. We were initially relieved, hoping this gastric foreign body was the end of Chunkz’s woes, but Chunkz was still not quite right. It is unusual for a gastric foreign body to make patients feel sad, and with concerns over the location of the rest of the teddy bear, there was concerns more teddy bear parts could be stuck further down his gastrointestinal tract.

We admitted Chunkz for further investigations. We performed an ultrasound scan of his abdomen which showed the classic signs of a small intestinal foreign body – multiple distended loops of small intestine as well as finding the offending foreign body creating a large shadow on ultrasound scan.

To remove the remaining intestinal foreign body, a surgical procedure called an enterotomy was performed. This is where a small incision is made into a the small intestine, to allow the foreign body to be safely removed and the whole gastrointestinal tract to be checked. Thankfully, his general anaesthetic and surgery all went very smoothly. Surgery in to the gastrointestinal tract is not without risks, but thankfully after a short stay with us in the hospital, Chunkz made a full recovery without complications. Here he is enjoying some rest and recouperation with his older brother, Reggie, at home. 🩷🐾

Foreign bodies are not uncommon in are canine and feline patients. Here are some symptoms to look out for:
- Depressed or quieter than normal
- Reduced appetite or no appetite
- Vomiting
- Abdominal pain (groaning, restless, abnormal stretches, vocalizes at touch)
- Diarrhoea
- Reduced or no faecal output

This is Winnie. 🐕She is a 4 year old springer spaniel who has had a bilateral hip replacement surgery. She was then spay...

This is Winnie. 🐕

She is a 4 year old springer spaniel who has had a bilateral hip replacement surgery.

She was then spayed at around 3 years old. We always warn owners of hormone changes after a spay and the fact that they can gain weight more easily. Unfortunately Winnie also had some complications after her spay which meant she was on reduced exercise for a little while after.

In August 2024 she came back in to see Georgina for a Musculoskeletal ultrasound scan (MSK), as she was showing reluctance to jump or get on the sofa, pain after walks and reduced ability to exercise. Georgina did a scan and found some issues in the iliopsoas muscle, common in dogs with hip problems. She preformed some regenerative medicine on both left and right side called plasma rich protein injection. She has then see our practice nurse Steph for a course of laser therapy, before being referred to Pawfit Physio for rehabilitation.

During this process she has also been on a diet plan, worked out by Steph. The owners have done so well at sticking to the plan advised and we are so glad as the results are amazing!

Winnie has lost 3kg in total. Her owners have noticed a huge improvement in her mobility and general demeanour, her "mischievous spaniel" side is returning.

I think you can agree from the pictures she looks much better.
Well done Winnie 🙂🐕

Just a few lovely reviews. Thank you to our clients for going out of there way to leave these for us.

Just a few lovely reviews.

Thank you to our clients for going out of there way to leave these for us.

What is Aspergillosis?Aspergillosis is a fungal infection which most commonly affects the nose or sinuses of dogs. Occas...

What is Aspergillosis?

Aspergillosis is a fungal infection which most commonly affects the nose or sinuses of dogs. Occasionally, it can cause lung infections or spread through the body but this is very rare. Spores are found in the environment, commonly in decaying leaves or compost. Luckily although the spores are common, clinical disease is rare, meaning most of the time it does not cause a problem when inhaled. Long nosed dogs or dogs with a compromised immune system are most at risk of developing clinical disease. When disease does occur it is quite destruction, destroying the intricate bony structure in the nose and often causing pain and nose bleeds. Treatment is usually successful, but recurrence is possible.

PART TWO: Barney's story...We discussed the case with specialist colleagues, and they agreed the CT was suspicious enoug...

PART TWO: Barney's story...

We discussed the case with specialist colleagues, and they agreed the CT was suspicious enough for aspergillosis to warrant a more invasive procedure to investigate the frontal sinus. A hole is made through the skull into the sinus (trephination) and then the small endoscope can be passed inside to visualize the interior.

Biopsies can then be taken and the sinus flushed and debrided before installation of an antifungal solution and then cream if fungal plaques are found.

Barney underwent this procedure last week and fungal plaques were clearly visible (which hadn’t been in the nose). Again, please see the attached images. The plaques were biopsied and then debrided and flushed out of the trephination hole before anti-fungal solution and cream were instilled.

The procedure is quite painful, so we kept Barney in the hospital on some strong pain killers that evening. Barney is a super stoic dog though and was quite bright in the morning, so he went home then.

Barney has improved hugely since his treatment and when he was seen back six days later, he was fully back to his bouncy crazy self, begging for treats and greeting everyone with great enthusiasm.

The condition can recur so Barney may require a second treatment if that is the case, but fingers crossed, we have stopped this nasty disease in its tracks!

🌟🌟PART ONE: This week’s star patient is bouncy boy Barney. 🌟🌟Barney first presented with a snotty nose and sneezing in e...

🌟🌟PART ONE: This week’s star patient is bouncy boy Barney. 🌟🌟

Barney first presented with a snotty nose and sneezing in early January. This only seemed to affect his left nostril. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatories were prescribed but the signs then progressed to nose bleeds from his left nostril by mid-January. Barney remained bright and bouncy otherwise and seemed unbothered by the whole thing.

Nose bleeds are uncommon as a benign occurrence in dogs (unlike humans) and so further investigations were indicated to find the cause of the problem. Barney underwent blood tests to make sure his clotting function was fine and then imaging of his nose and chest (to assess the whole respiratory system) with CT.

The CT showed focal changes with fluid accumulation and destruction of the maze if intricate bones in the nose (known as turbinates) in the left nasal passage (please see attached images). There was also fluid in the left frontal sinus (which connects with the nose). A small camera was used to visualize the inside of Barney’s nose (rhinoscopy) and take biopsies of the affected area.

We cannot get our scope into the sinus so initial investigations were limited to the nose. Please see attached images. The findings were highly suspicious for a fungal infection called Aspergillosis, but biopsy and detection of the fungus is required for confirmation.

Barney was discharged from home pending results on daily anti-inflammatory medication. Unfortunately, the results showed inflammation, but no fungal elements and tissue culture was negative for a bacterial or fungal cause. Biopsies were repeated but findings were similar. During the weeks whilst we were waiting for results Barney lost a lot of his bounce and started to show signs of headaches. He was eating less and was very subdued and quiet at home, despite an increase in his analgesia medications.

Something had to be done… Stay tuned to read part two of Barney' story!

🐾🐱NATIONAL CAT AWARDS- Could your Cat or Cats Vet be an award winner? 👑🩺Family cats. Incredible cats. Senior cats. Conne...

🐾🐱NATIONAL CAT AWARDS- Could your Cat or Cats Vet be an award winner? 👑🩺

Family cats. Incredible cats. Senior cats. Connected cats. Every year Cats Protection celebrate heartwarming tales of cat companionship with the National Cat Awards.

Please follow the link to vote for your cat or cats Vet if you feel they have gone the extra mile. Finalists will be invited to an award ceremony in London!


🤓 CONTINUED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) 🧠Did you know, all Vets have to undertake an extra 35 hours of CPD to remain ...


Did you know, all Vets have to undertake an extra 35 hours of CPD to remain registered with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS).

Our vets have recently had an in-house training practical for use of our scopes which include a gastrocope, a bronchoscope and a rigid scope. At Eden, we have a wide range of scopes available for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. By having regular in house CPD, all of our vets are kept up to date with the gold standard treatment options available.

🥳🐶PUPPY PARTY! Our next Puppy party with availability is 7pm TUESDAY 4TH MARCH. 🥎❤The parties are excellent for your pup...

🥳🐶PUPPY PARTY! Our next Puppy party with availability is 7pm TUESDAY 4TH MARCH. 🥎❤

The parties are excellent for your puppy to meet similar age pups for socialisation. The classes are also run by our dedicated nurse Emily, so if you have any questions about your puppy/training/behaviour then this is your perfect opportunity.

Please call reception on 01270 439289 to book, as spaces are limited. Puppies MUST be less than 6 months of age, fully vaccinated and registered with Eden Vets.

Murphy is an athletic superstar spaniel but also a good friend of one of our vets, Gemma Ford. He runs with his mum and ...

Murphy is an athletic superstar spaniel but also a good friend of one of our vets, Gemma Ford. He runs with his mum and dad up the fells and over the moors despite being 12 years old! Murphy got into misadventure one night by jumping a wall and suddenly becoming very lame on his left hindlimb. It didn't get better after a few days and once he was taken to the vet it was apparent he had ruptured his cruciate ligament. 🐾

The cruciate ligament is a ligament in the knee joint that stops your thigh bone (femur) from moving in front of your shin bone (tibia). It is called a cruciate ligament because there are 2 components that span the knee joint in a cross-like formation.

In dogs it is almost always the cranial cruciate ligament that ruptures. Once a cruciate ligament ruptures it makes the knee joint very unstable. It is painful and tends to cause damage to the padded cushions between your femur and tibia, called menisci.

Murphy was referred to our orthopaedic vet Ed who confirmed the diagnosis and took measurements from x-rays (see 1st image, a circular metal ball is used as a measuring device). After measuring Murphy's bones, Ed could then surgically place the correct metal implants to fix Murphy's leg. There are a few options to fix a cruciate rupture, but the procedure with a high likelihood of a good outcome is a TPLO - a tibial plateau levelling osteotomy. See the image post-fixation for all the metalware now in Murphy's limb. It will stay in Murphy's leg unless a need arises to remove it. 🦾🦿

Cruciate rupture in dogs is most commonly a degenerative process. Over time, the ligament weakens and can suddenly rupture with minimal impact; as in Murphys case.
12 years old is also quite old to be going through radical bone changing surgery. However, due to his lifestyle and his lovely lean, muscly body we felt that this was the best approach to this injury. Had he been overweight and non-athletic, it would have been a much more challenging case to resolve.

Murphy now needs lots of recovery time, physiotherapy and careful rehabilitation to get him back to fell-running! Get back into those hills as soon as you can, BUT no more jumping over walls PLEASE! ❤

This is the beautiful Lexi, she is a 4 month old Border Collie pup, she came in this morning for a flea and worm check w...

This is the beautiful Lexi, she is a 4 month old Border Collie pup, she came in this morning for a flea and worm check with our nurse Steph and had some lovely cuddles. 💙

🦷🐶 FREE DENTAL CHECKS TODAY 🐱 🦷Have you been worrying your pet has a sore mouth?Do you think your pet may need a dental?...


Have you been worrying your pet has a sore mouth?
Do you think your pet may need a dental?
Have you got questions about tooth brushing?

Today is the opportunity to book in for a FREE DENTAL check with our nurse Emily who has a special interest in dentistry.

CALL TODAY ON 01270 439289 🩺

We would like to introduce you to two of our nurses who have a keen interest in feline medicine. Firstly we have Lizzie ...

We would like to introduce you to two of our nurses who have a keen interest in feline medicine.
Firstly we have Lizzie who I'm sure many of you have met before, she currently works along side our Feline vet Laura, assisting with your cats care.
Secondly we have Naomi, she also has a keen interest in Feline medicine and she will be starting some feline only clinics on a Tuesday morning between 10am-11.30am.
So if you feel as though your cat would benefit from one of these appointments, please feel free to get in touch.
These will be starting from 18th February

The absolutely beautiful “Fig” who visited our Sandbach branch today for her vaccinations. Safe to say, we fell in love,...

The absolutely beautiful “Fig” who visited our Sandbach branch today for her vaccinations. Safe to say, we fell in love, she was also so well behaved and very brave for her jabs! 🩷💉🐾


Bloore House, 416 Newcastle Road, Shavington

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Saturday 9am - 12pm




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Welcome to Eden Vets

We are a brand new, state of the art independently owned and operated veterinary practice in Cheshire, providing an outstanding level of care for your pets. Offering first opinion, referral and out of hours services. Whatever your requirement, we can help!

Why choose Eden Vets?

• State of the art, brand new veterinary practice in the heart of Cheshire. Located within the village of Shavington, 5 minutes from J16 of the M6 motorway, just outside Crewe and Nantwich.

• Your local veterinary practice with onsite hospitalization and 24/7 out of hours emergency service, staffed by our own vets and nurses.