We’d like to wish you all a very merry Christmas 🐾🎅🏻
Merry Christmas Everyone 🎄🎄🎄
#dogwalk #christmaswalkies #walkies #dogwalking #merrychristmas #standardwirehaireddachshund #standardwirehaireddachshund #standarddachshund #workingcockerspaniel #workingcockerspanielsofinstagram #workingcockers #christmasvibes #dogsofinstagram #twinsofinstagram #twinsisters #doglover #dogsofinsta #christmastime #christmasday #taylorcanine
RESERVED!!! Last little girl has now found a wonderful home 💗💗💗💗 only 1 little boy available. Guys I will be having another litter early next year 🐾 #standardwirehaireddachshundpuppies #wireysausage #puppiesofinstagram #puppiesforsale #wiredhaireddachshund #kennelclub #wireyteckel #teckeldachshund #taylorcanine
Growing so fast now!! 3 weeks tomorrow! #wireyteckel #standardwirehaireddachshundpuppies #puppiesofinstagram #standardwirehaireddachshund #teckelpuppy #wireysausage #dogsofinstagram #dachshundsofinstagram #dachshundpuppy #dachshundlife #teckelpuppy #puppylove #cutepuppy #taylorcanine
Little squeakers!
Puppies are becoming a lot more mobile! All just thriving!
I’m having lots of enquiries, please note I’ll be doing proper viewings once pups are fully weaned. This saves stressing mum out.
I do offer FaceTime viewings prior this
Please drop me a DM for full details 💌
#wireyteckel #puppiesofinstagram #standardwirehaireddachshund #standardwirehaireddachshundpuppies #wireysausage #puppiesforsale #dogsofinstagram #puppydevelopment #teckelpuppy #taylorcanine
FIRST FEW STEPS!! It’s amazing how quickly they develop! Guys mine are STANDARD dachshunds not miniatures. Puppies currently available 🐾
#dachshund #puppydevelopment #puppyoftheday #firststeps #teckellove #teckelpuppies #standardwirehaireddachshundpuppies #standardwirehaireddachshundpuppies #wireyteckel #teckelhound #wireysausage #dogsofinstagram #pupupdate #puppiesforsale #taylorcanine
How adorable is she?! ☺️ my last available girl 🩷 boys also available. Please PM for full details 💌 #standardwirehaireddachshund #standardwirehaireddachshundpuppies #puppiesofinstagram #wireyteckel #taylorcanine #teckelpuppy #dachshundsofinstagram #puppiesforsale #kennelclub #cutepuppy
Here comes the boys 💙💙💙
Guys I’m having a lot of enquiries for GIRLS… I’ve got these 3 beautiful boys needing homes…
If you’re on the waiting list and want a boy please drop me a message 🐾
#puppiesofinstagram #puppiesofinsta #newbornpuppies #teckelpuppy #teckeldachshund #teckeldog #wiredhaireddachshund #wireyteckel #puppiesforsale #kennelclub #wireysausage
#standardwirehaireddachshundpuppies #standardwirehaireddachshund #taylorcanine
Guys I’ve done a little reel so you can see the different colours.… we’ve definitely got reds, 1 wild boar and chocolate & tans.. 🩷💙 waiting list for the girls is almost full… I’ve got 3 boys & girls currently available 🐾 #standardwirehaireddachshund #puppiesofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #wireyteckel #newbornpuppies #puppyupdate #standardwirehaireddachshundpuppies #dachshundsofinstagram #teckelpuppy #teckelofinstagram #puppygram #puppylife #puppyreel #taylorcanine
Dachshund Pup-update 🐾
It was a long day yesterday! But Tori has safely delivered 5 big strong puppies. We’ve got a mixed litter of boys and girls available.
Sorry for the delay in messaging you guys back (haven’t had much sleep)! Please drop me a message if you’re on the waiting list 💌
#dachshund #standardwirehaireddachshund #wireyteckel #puppiesofinstagram #newbornpuppies #wireysausage #standardwirehaireddachshundpuppies #teckeldachshund #teckelpuppy #teckelofinstagram #wiredhaireddachshund #taylorcanine
THROW BACK 🔙🔙 guys fingers crossed we’ll have some teckels due in 9 weeks time!! Tori & Tilly have come into season!! It’s been 12 months since our last litter of hairy sausages! Fingers crossed!!! #teckellove #teckel #teckelpuppy #teckeldachshund #standardwirehaireddachshundpuppies #standardwirehaireddachshund #wirehairedteckel #wireyteckel #wireysausage #wireydachshund #dachshundsofinstagram #puppiesofinstagram #puppiesofinsta #puppiesforsale #puppiesofig #countrykid #countryliving #countrystyle #twinsisters #twinstagram #doglovers #dogsofinstagram #cutepuppies #cuteanimals #puppiesoftheday #taylorcanine
Peggy your just be the best 🩷 #cheshirelife #cheshire #cheshirecountryside #trendingreels #trendingsongs #weekendoff #dogwalk #dogwalkinglife #dogsofinstagram #doglover #twins #twinsofinstagram #twinssisters #countrykid #countryliving #countryside #workingcockerspaniel #workingcockerspanielsofinstagram #workingcockersofinstagram #workingdog #weekendmood #motherhood #outdoors #kidsanddogs #kidsandnature #kidsandpets #taylorcanine #trotontwins
Half Term puppy fun 🩷🩷 the girls are still here.. guys puppies reduced to 9️⃣5️⃣0️⃣ they really need new postcodes. Fully vaccinated, house trained from health tested stock. Please DM for details 🐾 #beagles #beaglesofinstagram #beaglepuppy #beaglelife #beaglemania #beagledaily #beaglesofig #puppywalk #puppiesofinstagram #puppiesofinsta #puppiesforall #cutepuppies #countrylife #countryliving #twinsofinstagram #taylorcanine