Snow days!
Snow days you love them or you hate them. Personally hate them but the dogs love them!
OUR WINNERS FROM OUR CHRISTMAS PHOTO COMPETITION 🥳 congratulations everyone thank you so much for taking part instead of doing 1x @ 1 hour and 1 x 30 minutes we’re doing 2 x 1 hours. 🎄🥳 MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE
MERRY CHRISTMAS! We understand people will want pictures that’s fine but there is to be NO CLIMBING ON THE DISPLAY.
Another week comes to an end 🥰 thank you all for supporting my small business it means everything to me and my little boy 💙
Just like that another week comes to an end! We can’t wait for all the upgraded equipment finishing touches now and it will all be ready!
Happy-howl-oween Tess and her pumpkin mask. We did cut the back off as we didn’t want her to have to put it on 🎃🎃🎃
This is my all time favourite video taken at the dog park. Go pro footage of twiglet the super sausage! 🌭
He loves dogs just like mummy 💙 those chuckles we got Tess 8 weeks before Archie came along they’re going to be the best of friends 🙌
CONGRATULATIONS 🎉 LIZ NEWTON! Please contact the page on insta, Facebook or text and let us know what bandana size and we will get these to you!
Was Dog walk now catwalk 🤣 even Ava was confused 🤣
New trick Tuesday! Tess has added the part where she fights the 🔫all on her own 🤣 Let’s see your tricks!
New trick Tuesday! Tess has added the part where she fights the 🔫all on her own 🤣Let’s see your tricks!
Tess Jeff and Dave having a great time playing! Thank you for letting Tess have a play she loved it and it shattered now 🥰
Tess Jeff and Dave having a great time playing! Thank you for letting Tess have a play she loved it and it shattered now 🥰