Every time we grow a crop and harvest it, we are taking a little bit of goodness away from that land. Infact so much so that some studies have claimed that due to intensive arable farming practices we could be down to out last 80 harvests around the world. Soil degradation is increasing at an alarming rate and what was once fertile land is now becoming lifeless desert.
I’m proud that UK farmers have mostly recognised this and the importance of sustainable farming practices, and hope that the government stands by our efforts in the upcoming Agriculture Bill to help maintain our efforts and lead the way in the future of sustainable farming and food production.
We are now regularly testing all of our land to not only ensure that we have the nutrients to grow the crops that we plant, but also to preserve and enhance the soil structure and life within it. A spoon full of healthy soil should contain more living organisms than the population of the world!
We aim to ensure that the soil has the correct ph, nutrients, minerals and trace elements, and the correct balance between them all. We want to build on the organic matter within the soil, the building block for regeneration of topsoil, which not only creates the perfect medium for growing crops, but also enhances the potential of the soil as a carbon sink, reducing our atmospheric carbon levels and improving the environment as a whole. Infact, if we were able to increase soil carbon levels by just 2% across the worlds farmland, then we would be able to offset all the carbon emissions going into the atmosphere!
Improving soil organic matter also improves the soils ability to hold water, preventing run off and flooding while reducing g the risk of crop failures or to drought. Just a 0.1% increase in organic matter has the ability to to hold and make available 16800 litres of water per Ha!
There’s no doubt that historically farming has caused many problems for our environment, and in certain areas around the world it continues to do so. When done correctly though, farming has the answer to our sustainable future, for food, for nature and for the environment.