Loose Lead Walking takes time and consistency to master, and my preferred method doesn't use slip leads or prong collars (while Tiki does have a halti on its not even connected).
Instead, we grow 'Upward focus', which takes you from feeling like a passenger on a walk with your dog at full extent of the lead in front, to working together as a team and having lots of lovely 'conversations' where your dog is checking in regularly and walking at YOUR pace.
Get in touch to find out how we can help YOU!
Ronnie the Rottweiler
Ronnie struggles with some dog/dog reactivity and walks were super hard because he'd become 'unresponsive' and pull like a train.
This is after only two sessions!
Look at that engagement!
I can't wait to see his progress.
When a client sends you THIS!
Merlin has been working through some reactivity struggles and has made such progress that he can be walked confidently with a loose lead by a young member of the family. This makes me so unbelievably proud. Well done Merlin, and well done to his owner! ❤
Sometimes dog training is as simple as people watching.
Often as puppies we may over-socialize and inadvertently teach our dogs that it's acceptable to greet any dog/human that we meet which can often cause a frustrated dog that pulls towards other people and dogs.
Just sitting and people watching and rewarding disengagement is a great way to build a dog that is cool, calm and collected.
Week one of puppy power!
These little superstars smashed it!
Something very exciting is coming soon!
Want to know more? Our waiting list will open shortly, so keep your eyes peeled! 👀
Who loves a great game of 'bitey face'?
This pair really do make me laugh. 🤣
Dogs have different play 'styles', but 'bitey face' is one they always come back to!
Loose lead walking can feel like a distant dream, but it doesn't need to be.
It begins with understanding WHY your dog pulls to begin with. What is the emotion behind the behaviour. Is it fear, frustration or excitement?
Tiki is always super excited, so quite often a walk will just be patterned walking out in the street.
This not only helps her practice really great skills, but also teaches her that walks aren't always high energy fun things to get excited about ☺️
Instant DOWN!
Having a great recall and impulse control can save your dog's life. I know that sounds crazy, and a little dramatic, but I've seen it far too many times when a dog sees an open door and bolts before the owner can catch them. Its terrifying!
An instant down is a great way of teaching your dog impulse control, self control and can help if your dog is particularly chasey andlikes to run after moving things.
Group classes to help your rescue dog feel at home!