Neil Short obedience training

Neil Short obedience training Fun, effective dog obedience training courses for dog and owner. Monthly and day courses, one to one tuition, or behavioural work in the UK & abroad.

I train monthly obedience day courses Bristol in the UK and have several courses in Europe
throughout the year. These suit a range of people and breeds from beginners and puppies up to those competing at all levels of competition. However you don't have to compete to come along for a fun day out with your dog. If you or your dog are not suited for a group setting, then I also offer one to one l

essons for individuals or small groups. I am happy to discuss setting up new courses, or one off days and weekends either in the UK or abroad. I also have limited availability for behavioural work however this is typically only within the South Wales area. Please call me on 07826 146080 or email for more information or to arrange a place on a course.

This was a lovely 3 day seminar to run for the lovely Maria Horn in Frankfurt.It is such a friendly place to train.Every...

This was a lovely 3 day seminar to run for the lovely Maria Horn in Frankfurt.It is such a friendly place to train.
Everyone on the course worked so hard, stayed so focused and supported each other beautifully.
We had so many laughs together and you produced some amazing work together with your dogs.Lots of different breeds is always great to see.
We covered mainly dog dance but also some obedience.
The spectators asked great questions and joined in supporting and learning from those who worked.
A BIG thank you to Linda for your translation.You gave it with passion, humour and clarity.It was lovely working with you.
Keep up the good work, believe in yourselves and your furry friends and the sky's the limit πŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§β€οΈ

Thank you to Hilde and Ann-Kathrin for making me feel so relaxed, it was a lovely few days.We had four great days of obe...

Thank you to Hilde and Ann-Kathrin for making me feel so relaxed, it was a lovely few days.
We had four great days of obedience.
You all worked so hard, supported and encouraged each other, it was great to see.
When training our dogs, the most important thing is the way they feel.When I looked at the dogs at the end, they all looked very happy, tired ( like they had just been on the best walk ever) and feeling very proud of themselves. Obviously this is just my interpretation but when I see this it feels like you have got the perfect energy and kind emotion in your training, spot on.
When you create this trust and feeling, the end results you want so much, just seem to happen.Well done πŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§β€οΈ

A beautiful course to run in Cordoba, Spain for "Just Golden"Manuela and Elena are two of the nicest people you could wi...

A beautiful course to run in Cordoba, Spain for "Just Golden"
Manuela and Elena are two of the nicest people you could wish to meet.
Manuela said when introducing me that "when she first met me I had replaced a part of her heart that had been missing for a long time".These words meant so much to me, thank you ❀️
This is a great place to train, full of lovely people who were so passionate about helping and supporting each other.
Elena ,my translator was "Just brilliant" delivering my message with such passion, enthusiasm and clarity.It was so much fun spending time with you.Thank you❀️
We had lots of different breeds with lots of different problems to overcome.You all dealt with these problems with kindness, the right energy and saw them as positive things that if dealt with, with no blame they made the end result look so easy to achieve.
Thank you all, it was a pleasure spending time with you and your lovely dogs πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§β€οΈπŸ•

Wishing everyone a very Happy, healthy and successful New year β€οΈπŸ•

Wishing everyone a very Happy, healthy and successful New year β€οΈπŸ•

A super course to run in Viborg,Denmark.Thank you to everyone who attended and to Miriam for looking after us all.We had...

A super course to run in Viborg,Denmark.
Thank you to everyone who attended and to Miriam for looking after us all.
We had four great days covering Rally and obedience.The people were so friendly and supportive of each other and so much fun.
We had two lovely puppies who were just amazing. The connection they had with their owners was a joy to watch.
We also had some very young dogs who are producing some beautiful work and have a very exciting future.
The other teams also produced some beautiful work together and the change in the confidence you show as a team is great to see.
Believe in yourselves, " you really can do it "
When you find the key to switching your dog in, it all looks so easy and beautiful to watch.
Thank you for focusing and learning from each other.We can learn so much more as a family all striving to help each other πŸ‘
Well done everyone πŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

Another lovely course to run here in Hamar, Norway.Thank you, as always to Hilde and Ann- Kathrin.Always so nice spendin...

Another lovely course to run here in Hamar, Norway.
Thank you, as always to Hilde and Ann- Kathrin.Always so nice spending time and talking together.
Thank you to everyone on the course.
What really impressed me was your focus, to be able to watch, support, cheer on and learn from each other.
When we work as a team, we can achieve so much together and the dogs were amazing.
We saw lots of problems from anxiety, reactivity, overexcitement, too much crazy energy disappear and be replaced by happy, confident , totally focused dogs that then worked with complete freedom.
To do this we have to lose our fear of failure, see it as an opportunity to help our dogs and not criticise, and deal with it with positive energy and no blame.
I was very impressed not just by the results you produced but more importantly in the kindness you showed to your dogs.
We need to be to be " World class" when our dogs don't do what we want them to do as when they do what we want them to do...that's the easy bit.
If we can do this, then we can create that desired end result but with a journey that is great fun, with no pressure and is very healthy for both our dogs and ourselves.
It will release the pressures of life and not add to them πŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ•β€οΈ

Always such a pleasure coming to the beautiful Hamar in Norway to run a seminar.Thank you Hilde and Ann-katrin for makin...

Always such a pleasure coming to the beautiful Hamar in Norway to run a seminar.Thank you Hilde and Ann-katrin for making me feel so welcome and so relaxed πŸ‘
The people and dogs on the course were great.Very supportive of each other, very focused and very kind.
We covered rally, obedience and some behavioural work.Each being just as important as each other.
Whatever the dog sport you choose or problem you have we are all connected in our love and wanting to help and enjoy our dogs.
Watching a dog come in with anxiety and a handler come in very nervous, then start to relax, feel safe and start to gain self esteem, confidence and enjoyment of each other is such a joy to see πŸ‘
We have some beautiful teams here with lots of different breeds with so much potential, it was great to see.
Thank you all for your hard work, focus and kindness πŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

Spending time with two lovely people, in the beautiful Madrid,with beautiful weather, doing a job I love is heaven.The p...

Spending time with two lovely people, in the beautiful Madrid,with beautiful weather, doing a job I love is heaven.The people here are so friendly.
Thank you Carlos and Sonia for just being who you are.
We had 4 dogs, a chihuahua, 2 border collies and a black labrador and 2 handlers ( Carlos and Sonia).
Each dog needed something different because all had different characters but every dog made us feel special, just in different ways.
With Hook, Sonias border collie we had so many....."wow that's amazing" moments.The softness, connection and mental fitness was a joy to watch.This reminded me so much of the feeling I had watching a friend of mine winning the agility at crufts a few years ago.Sergio Sousa from Portugal with his border collie Cat.It was so quick, but so smooth that it looked like slow motion.It was like they had become one.
It was the same feeling of speed, where handler and dog became one and it looked like meditation.A great feeling to watch someone and feel this.Well done Sonia and Hook πŸ‘ (and Sergio and Cat)....I still remember that feeling πŸ‘ )
Carlos and Mica had similar needs as Mica( border collie ) was born for speed but who is also very sensitive, loves to please and needed to learn speed of thought and stillness in movement.By just changing a few small things it made a massive difference and then the lovely feeling of togetherness and end result just happensπŸ‘
With the labrador and Chihuahua it was a different journey and feeling but just as special.Funny moments, laughter, silliness, like one big party.But like with the border collies small changes, made big changes to feelings, connection and end results.It was another exciting, wonderful journey.....just different πŸ‘
Times flies when you live in the moment and listen and learn from our best teachers and our best friends.....our dogs β€οΈπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

What a lovely course to run in De Panne, Belgium for Elke Boxoen.Elke and Rik are like family, so kind, so generous, so ...

What a lovely course to run in De Panne, Belgium for Elke Boxoen.
Elke and Rik are like family, so kind, so generous, so passionate and funny.It really is a pleasure to spend time, talk and laugh with you both.Thank you β€οΈπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§
The location was beautiful.A riding stables with lovely facilities. Danniel who owns the stables was so kind and made everyone feel so welcome even providing hay stacks for a raised seating area πŸ‘
There was 3 days of private lessons and then a seminar on the weekend. covering anxiety, reactivity, Heelwork to music, freestyle, agility and obedience.We can learn so much from each others chosen sport.We just have to open our minds.
All the people on the course were so lovely to work with and get to know.
Solving problems with no blame to our dogs emotionally or physically but with a joy, positively and enlightenment creates a lovely feeling for our dogs and ourselves.Those end results you desire so much then just come to you.
We had so many beautiful moments where people who had a lack of confidence, suddenly found that "they could do it".Moments where dogs by just being themselves can release happy emotions in people who have been through a very tough time and have not felt like smiling for a long time.
"Our dogs really are the best medicine"
Thank you all for your trust in me and more importantly your support to each other. πŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§β€οΈ

A super course to run for Ulrike in Munich.Lots of happy, kind people with super dogs.To watch dogs grow from lacking in...

A super course to run for Ulrike in Munich.Lots of happy, kind people with super dogs.
To watch dogs grow from lacking in confidence to feeling they can fly and achieve anything is a joy to watch.
To watch handlers coming out of their comfort zones, losing their fear of failure and then realising the amazing potential of their dogs is great to see.
There are so many great teams here, which so much potential.Believe in yourselves and your super dogs. See failure as a great thing and just a very important part of the learning process and deal with it with energy, passion and kindness.Then the " power of failure" is amazing and those end results that you want just come to you.
Thank you to Ulrike for creating a lovely atmosphere for us all to enjoy working with our best friends πŸ•β€οΈπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

What an amazing 7 days running a seminar at Canis Familiaris in Alicante, Spain.Lovely people who supported, loved and l...

What an amazing 7 days running a seminar at Canis Familiaris in Alicante, Spain.
Lovely people who supported, loved and laughed together.I saw people grow in confidence as they lost their fear of failure, embraced their mistakes and realised that " they could do it " πŸ‘
Seeing failure as a wonderful thing that can show us the true path we should have taken is very enlightening.
We had dogs from Search and rescue, heelwork to music, dog dance, agility and obedience plus some reactivity.
All our sports and behaviour are connected in different ways so we can learn so much from each other.
To Paula and Troya thank you so much for all your hard work.
Paula your tireless translation was top class.Clear, passionate and funny you were a joy to work with.
And Troya who looked after us all creating a safe, friendly and relaxed atmosphere for you all to shine with your dogs.
As Troya said this way of training is not only great for our dogs but is also a great lesson for life.
This is so true.For me it is like a medicine...a meditation where you get completely lost in the moments with our dogs...our best friends ❀️

Thank you to Miriam and everybody who attended my 4day course at Indoor Elite Dog in Viborg, Denmark.The highlight, for ...

Thank you to Miriam and everybody who attended my 4day course at Indoor Elite Dog in Viborg, Denmark.
The highlight, for me, was seeing Lene Dymer again after everything you have been through in the last few months.To see you back looking so healthy and seeing you smile and laugh while doing what you love so much was a joy.Jason was a little Star ✨️
To everyone on the course, it was a course all about connection.Connection to each other and most importantly connection to our dogs.
When we find the right key for our dogs the results are amazing but more importantly the dogs work with such freedom and joy.
There were some very young dogs who were so good and little puppy pilou who was a superstar ✨️
When you deal with mistakes with kindness, energy and passion and then reward by making the dog feel very special its amazing what you can achieve.
Don't..."Just do it"...."Be in it !" "Love it"....Live it"...and it is the best medicine there is πŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§β€οΈ

Thank you to Hilde and Ann- kathrin for looking after me and for always making me feel so welcome.Hamar in Norway is suc...

Thank you to Hilde and Ann- kathrin for looking after me and for always making me feel so welcome.
Hamar in Norway is such a beautiful place to train. There are beautiful views in every direction where we train the dogs.We are so lucky to do something we love surrounded by breathtaking nature.
Thank you to everyone on the course.A few I've seen for the first time and others I've seen before.
You had some very difficult problems to work on and have done a great job since the last time and more importantly you have done this with patience, kindness and with no blame πŸ‘
For those I saw for the first time you were super and fitted into the group like you had always been there.
I was very impressed πŸ‘
Dealing with mistakes with the right energy, positively, humour and with no blame to the dogs is very important in my philosophy.When you get this balance right and then reward with passion and feeling, the results are amazing to watch πŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§β€οΈ

A lovely course to run in Graz, Austria for Ina Mendlik.Ina is one of the nicest people you could wish to meet.She has a...

A lovely course to run in Graz, Austria for Ina Mendlik.
Ina is one of the nicest people you could wish to meet.She has a heart of gold and looked after everyone on the course allowing everyone to completely relax and have a great time with their dogs.
A big thank you from me for making me feel SO welcome.
The people on the course were so friendly and it was great to really get to know you all at the meal on Saturday evening.It was so much fun listening to your stories and very relaxing spending time with you all.
When you all worked your dogs it was great to see you live in the moment with your dogs, allow them the freedom to make choices and then reward them with passion, energy that came straight from your heart.It was great to watch and be a part of.
Their are some very impressive teams here and I look forward to watching a very exciting future for you all πŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§β€οΈ

Thank you to Ramona for inviting me to Monchengladbach to run an obedience course for you.This is such a friendly place ...

Thank you to Ramona for inviting me to Monchengladbach to run an obedience course for you.
This is such a friendly place to train.We had so much fun together.The way you all came together to help, support and laugh with each other was a joy to be a part of.We had such lovely teamwork where the dogs were allowed to work with freedom and expression of there characters.It is always great to watch this happening.
A big thank you to the ladies in the kitchen who looked after us all with lovely food and cakes.I was made to feel like part of your lovely family you have there.
To Ramona, after all your hard work, you weren't well enough to participate like you would have liked.However, just having you there and being able to do a little with your dogs was lovely for everybody to see.I hope things improve for you very soon.
Thank you all, it was a lovely course to run πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‘β€οΈ

Lots of fun running this 4 day course in Viborg, Denmark.We had lots of different breeds from Cavaliers, to Spitz to Lab...

Lots of fun running this 4 day course in Viborg, Denmark.
We had lots of different breeds from Cavaliers, to Spitz to Labradors to 8 week old border collie puppys.
We covered rally, obedience, agility and more.
You were all very supportive, funny and friendly with each other, it was great to spend time with you all.
Working on getting a reward base that comes right from your heart and makes the dog feel very special can create dramatic changes in your training and especially in how your dogs feel.If our dogs feel happy and safe, it is amazing what you can achieve.
You all let go of the need for perfection, give your dogs the freedom to make choices and the results were great and you then really made them feel very special in your rewards πŸ‘
Thank you for trusting in my philosophy πŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

This was a Super 4 day course to run in Hamar, Norway.Beautiful location, perfect dog training weather and lovely people...

This was a Super 4 day course to run in Hamar, Norway.
Beautiful location, perfect dog training weather and lovely people.
Thank you to Hilde and Ann-Kathrin.It is always a pleasure to spend time with you both.
There was lots of different breeds and the confidence, enjoyment and freedom I saw in the teams was a joy to watch.I could see in your body postures how proud you were of your dogs.
The two puppies, a Golden Retriever and a black Labrador were both amazing and so cute.I see a great, fun and successful future for you both.
Thank you all for your fun and support you gave to each other.It was like one big happy family πŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§β€οΈ

A super obedience course in Munich with such friendly people.A big thank to to Ulrike for looking after me and for being...

A super obedience course in Munich with such friendly people.A big thank to to Ulrike for looking after me and for being so kind.Its so nice to not only talk to you about dogs and training but also about family and life.
To all the people on the course, you all made me feel so welcome and were all so kind to your dogs.You worked very hard, laughed so much together and supported each other.You produced some beautiful work together with your dogs which was a joy to see.
We can safely say that all the dogs went home feeling very tired but that tired was the same tired you feel after a long walk in the forest or the mountains.
" A very happy and healthy tired."πŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§β€οΈ




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