Honiton show 2023. Despite the rain, we all had a great time. Huge congratulations to our clients taking part in the shows, you did yourselves (and us!) very proud! Thank you to all who popped in to see us, we hope you enjoyed the hog roast from @Hilltophogroasts and cakes provided by Nancy Rowe. Over the next few days we will release our competition winners, all the (better quality) pictures taken and all our clients that took part in the show (please continue to send in your pictures - Vet Nikki was busy in the show ring and ran out of time to take photos of everyone this year!). In the meantime, here is a brief overview of Honiton Show 2023 - From the trials of set-up to the relief of take down and all the rain, mud and celebration in between 🐄🐑🐂See you next year! #blackdownfarmvets #Honitonshow2023 #cow #cows #dairy #beef #sheep #sheepfarming #sheep vets #cowvets #bestclients #farm #farming #farm24 #selekt #nimrod #hilltophogroast #vet #vets #vetlife #bartonwoodholsteins #bartonwoodherefords
Calf Scours
Scours is one of the main causes of calf mortality on farm. Severely dehydrated and acidotic calves receiving fluids from an intravenous drip can save their lives when their gut is unable to absorb what is needed from oral fluids.
This heifer calf was almost comatose when placed on a drip 3 weeks ago by one of our vets on farm (See first video). Within the hour, she was trying to stand up (video 2 in comments ) and progressively improved until she was able to go back in with her group and feed for herself - all within 24 hours of first being on the drip (video 5 in comments)! Today, she is completely back to a normal (though growth rate will most likely be affected due to the disease!).
Although it can often feel like there is nothing you can do for a calf at this stage of illness, you may be surprised at how your Vet can help you! Talk to us for more details or if you are having issues with scours in calves on 01404 819150