I was raised to be polite, so I’m pre-apologizing for this rant: seeing this image circulate in my newsfeed is the most irresponsible thing I’ve ever seen. If you believe the words on this graphic I have only one thing to say to you:
you are an idiot.
Fireworks🧨 explode like magnified gunfire in the exquisitely sensitive ears of many of our pets.
Measuring between 150 and 175 decibels, fireworks are louder than gunfire (140 decibels) and even many planes at takeoff (120 decibels). Decibels measures the loudness of a sound while hertz measures the frequency of a sound.
Human ears are damaged at a mere 85 decibels. Yet we can hear to only about 20,000 hertz, while dogs can hear between 45,000 and 65,000 hertz. Just think of the physical and emotional damage that might occur to a dog left outside to face the noise.
“According to statistics, animal control officials across the country see a 30–60% increase in lost pets each year between July fourth and sixth. In fact, July fifth is traditionally one of the busiest days of the year for animal shelters.” - The American Animal Hospital Association
Sadly, only 14% of lost pets are returned to their owners, according to nationwide statistics. And worse, 30-60% of lost pets are euthanized because they cannot be properly identified and returned to their owners.- PetAmberAlert
Don’t get me wrong, we are ALL FOR FREEDOM, but excruciatingly loud sounds that incite PTSD do NOT represent freedom, they represent ignorance and a lack of empathy for all those so profoundly damaged by them.